
Discord ID: 213444732825632768

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2018-03-07 23:36:59 UTC [/leftypol/ International #german]  

warum wรคhlt /leftypol/ die afd

2018-03-07 23:46:25 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

>implying thinking about killing your parents benefits you

2018-03-07 23:48:33 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

at least that has meaningful outcomes that are very relevant, the entire point here is that its not relevant

2018-03-07 23:48:45 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

agnosticism is meme tier though

2018-03-07 23:48:51 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

youre essentially not choosing a side because you dont wanna

2018-03-07 23:49:05 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

if you want

2018-03-07 23:50:31 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

>thinks you should overthink everything even if it doesnt matter
>hates philosophy

2018-03-07 23:53:52 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

does "ego" actually mean anything or is it just a meme mechanic for an argument

because its meme tier fighting where no one dies

theres no dramatic emotional encirclement bombings like syria

dont need the fighting for that

if theres no huge bombings or shit going on most people dont care

it didnt end but its not really going full force either

are you gonna talk about your distant cousin

dude this is the most delusional argument

the donbass war is happening it just doesnt have any big events

honestly cool at that point

no one cares about the donbass war because not many casualties are involved and the frontlines have been virtually static for years

theres just nothing to report

what about civil war to bring the revolution

would living in slavery under capitalism forever be acceptable since changing this would require violence

government exists to protect property rights of the wealthy though

thats the entire basis of the state

inequality is inevitable really

is it fair though if we arent equal?

why should we be treated equally though if we know we arent equal?

so what youre saying is government should be used to create equal opportunity where there is none?

does government have other duties?

the very nature of a military implies loyalty

so your proposed state would still be hierarchical

is this acceptable despite the threat of inequality?

but constitutions have historically more served to guarantee the rights of those in power than the other way around

what would this constitution look like?

so how is the government determined?

how do you stop representatives from becoming a class of their own?

politics as an industry the way we see today?

how does this work then?

direct democracy is the only way

so anarchy but its still called a government?

how does the government exercise power and through what?


so a constitutional republic that doesnt exist

this sounds stupid is what

what the fuck are you trying to say

do we have a government or not

then what is the government

if theres a republic with no representatives


who enforces the law

what public servants if we dont have an active government

what does it mean

so who makes up the government

literally what is the government

people in a box?

where is the box and who are the people?

Mr.E are you authcom

im just asking

im no commie either but i wouldnt call myself centrist

there can be no fruits to corruption because it doesnt work

2018-03-08 00:55:50 UTC [/leftypol/ International #german]  

dann hau ich mal lieber ab

well i mean a second cold war is more peaceful than we usually had

i dont care

kill yourself

i aint no libcuck

i supported trump as well

im a deep cover fascist but dont tell anyone

does this server even have mods

all hail bashar al assad

wtf is that image


yeah fuck me

are we gonna get an @ everyone today

not for normal users but i mean because of what day it is

why didnt i disable everyone pings wtf

habsburger kommunisten ja genau

hรคtte nichts gegen

@eris nazbol gang unite

du bist scheiรŸe


agreed tbh


ich hasse alm*ns

iih bist du schwul oder so

ja das stimmt

kennt man

youre all homosexual

86 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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