
Discord ID: 445767604112719913

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hello friends

What are the dialectics for the material conditions from capitalism to fascism

What material conditions lead to the rise of fascist governments, comrades?

Economics the bottom of everything?

Uphold Keynsianism-Baudrillardianism

What if i dont have children

Eh, maybe until we start collectivizing test tube babies

But go on

But then I guess society would have given life


who is they

That's the presumption the Western Liberal media would like us to believe, but okay

I'd say the terrorists were moreso acting out of raw opportunism

I don't see Islam being the primary driving factor

I see it as a smaller one

Hegemonic in regards to what?

Hegemonic globally?

Well, certain Islamic countries do practice Imperialism

Saudi Arabia being a prime example

I'm not sure what you're trying to imply

You stated that if Islam was hegemonic, terrorism would occur against it


Does this not occur on a smaller scale


I need contemporary empirics

If it cannot occur non-globally, I would say that is a serious point to discuss

I am aware of the existence of the petrodollar

Please save me

And answer my question


Isn't all materialist philosophy inherently determisnistic


As a staunch materialist, I would argue that marxist theory provides a more fatalist approach to our world that is supported by history

Considering, this is purely hypothetical


The world is a complex organization of energy interacting through space-time

Nothing else

We don't have a choice regardless #iwanttokillmyself

Sure, we can devalue empirics

However, one must also devalue all the information deducted from empirics

Otherwise, that is hypocrisy and opportunism

Claims without evidence are dismissed without evidence

It wasn't on nothing

There was evidence in his own terms

That would also imply that we "obey"

You are reacting

Let me give you solid proof

Put your hand in icy cold water for an hour

Should be below 20 Deg Celsius Idk what that is for fahrenheit

Just one of millions

Use heroin

Where is your free will now

Drink 7 beers in a row

Oh I guess your chemical state had a direct effect on your consciousness


There is NO

proof to suggest otherwise

The sooner you get over it the better

However, nagarjuna

If you want to seriously argue against anything but strict determinism

You ought to analyze a mentally-handicapped person and observe his "free-will" and consciousness

If you want to suggest or imply that the world around us is not deterministic

The response to that is that the initial start point of energy-matter and spacetime occurs


it's against the laws of physics

But, in general we reach a paradox

A causeless event

Which is a given that is assumed by physics

No I dont think we can ever determine that

It still comes down to a causeless event

Ehh up to them lol

I never stated science could explain everything

I do state that science can explain the material conditions around us

including the human condition that we live in every moment

It can explain everything materialistc

I am almost entirely against idealism

From a scientific standpoint

Ok I will

From basic reduction, we can see that sociology stems from the principles of psychology, psychology from biology, biology from chemistry, etc. Due to this, ideas can be vaguely described as products that arise from complex reactions in the brain

These complex reactions, (mood, feelings, memory, cognition, instict, etc) are only influenced by material s


There has to be some

evidence to suggest otherwise

So, as I understand it

Idealism is a false approach to any solution

Since the underlying problems are materialistic


I would say ideas are products of material conditions

One cannot fix the mental patient by talking him into sanity

We must give him medicine

Similarly, one cannot help the wicked, the poor, the lame, and the abused, by merely talking them into sanity

I argue that placebo effects are misunderstandings in changes in material effects

Hence, why they arent consistent

Ok, well there is no objective "good idea"

There are ideas which society deems as "good" or "bad"

This a topic in sociology

Which is directly shaped by psychology

which is directly shaped by biology

The success of an idea is dependent on the material conditions that the idea arose from.

It is not by chance that countries don't revert back to feudalism intentionally or slavery for that matter

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