
Discord ID: 194641723295662080

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his brain cells are deteriorating as we speak because of the lack of oxygen

hi guys btw

F lol

sorry about your lung man

so we cant even view the pink channels until we get pink?

ah ok. i know we couldnt post in those channels but i figured they might be read only or something lol

well yeah but they could give access to just viewing for those channels. youd still not be able to raid unless you can post

oh jeez

yeah that makes sense i guess

like it just takes a recording of one person breaking the rules before the mods catch it and then it's all over

yeah but i mean usually you dont even have to worry about legal stuff even if you are doing something not strictly legal. it's just that if youre super public and have made some enemies is when you gotta be worried about legal stuff like this

i mean the rules are kinda "no shit" stuff

the only rule thats not just a given is the nsfw ban


are furries allowed here?

you know usually im more of a 'live and let live' kind of guy, but i think the world would be a better place if we just fucking purged all the furries lmao

well everyone thinks that theyre in the right. how they tolerate differing opinions is what's really telling about a person

so are you a connoisseur of furry art @Brokkr?

so you would say youve enjoyed furry art before?

i mean ive jerked off to some anthro shit before, but i feel like the furry community in general is into some pretty degenerate kinks. nothing's really wrong with it, but most furrys come across as pretty strange

who tf is that

sorry i wasnt born in 1960 lmao

i mean does it really count though? hes made a console that no one's ever heard of, and it's not like he invented electronics

i mean if i had to pick a "father of videogames" itd have to be the guys at atari that made pong and the first real big consoles

well the flag's meaning has definitely changed since its first use. it represents something completely different to most people

most of the conflict going on these days is just a misunderstanding. people can take a symbol and change its meaning into something else

i think the n word is great example. used to explicitly mean a derogatory term, but if youre black and use the word, it has a totally different meaning

well yeah one side thinks theyre just protecting their history and heritage, and the other side is just some braindead sjw retards, while the other side sees themselves as crushing the intolerant, racist rightwing assholes and that theyre making the world a better place. it really feels like the two groups are arguing past each other a lot of the time, and theyve both just built giant strawmans of each other

some people think violence is justified though

because they think the people theyre attacking are hurting other people too

also idk can i say the n word here?

i just erred on the side of caution cause i wasnt sure

again, people always think that *they* are in the right. if you think youre doing the right thing, it's awfully easy to convince yourself that the ends justify the means

What year were you born?

Late 90s counts as gen z. The way I look at it, if you grew up with internet access/flash games/youtube and/or donโ€™t remember 9/11 happening, youโ€™re a zoomer

Yea but people didnโ€™t really use the internet for entertainment back then yea?

56k lul

O whatโ€™s that

yeah i see what you mean. when i said 'people with internet access', that was probably not a very good way to describe for who counts as gen z. I think a better way to describe it would be the people who grew up when the "social media era" began. Like people who were in middle school or younger around like 2005-2010ish when big social media sites started popping up

like when the internet started being more mainstream ^. for sure people used it before then, but you had to pretty into computer stuff i think back then to use the internet

2019-09-24 11:49:35 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

So can someone here give me a run down on how likely Brexit is still going to happen since parliament isnโ€™t suspended?

2019-09-24 11:54:12 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Yeah but even though parliament is being proceeded or whatever, itโ€™s not like a dealโ€™s going to be made before a month passes, yeah?

2019-09-24 11:55:43 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I just donโ€™t really see a consensus from what Iโ€™ve been reading in other places on what this actually means in terms of Brexit being cancelled. Iโ€™ve seen remainers celebrating, but itโ€™s not like a cancelled Brexit is assured

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