Fuck China and Commies (No Homo)

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What happens if enough people write someone in

I'm consistently against all forms of pride for your identity, but I understand that straight pride is literally just poking fun at how far gay pride has gone astray from what it used to stand for

It's literally a parody

So it's a problem because Chapelle allegedly did it, but Amy Scumwad did it too

That seems a bit overkill

Hey, I believe in them

If they want to identify as a firetruck and spray giant loads of water all over raging hot fires, I won't stop them


Warning: High levels of cringe

Of shame that you're her bf? Understandable

Taxation is theft

He dumped it into antifa funding and Blacked servers

Maybe that life extending medicine is costlier than expected

Most of it is in property and stocks for sure

They do this to avoid tax increases

It's funny how many people just think that billionaires have Scrooge McDuck style vaults of gold

More people die under communism than under any other system. Therefore, communism is the most anti communist system, and by extension, is the best

Getting killed by a hurricane is gay because you're literally getting blown to death

Florida isn't a plot because that implies there was any thought going into it at all

There will never be a Fallout Australia because the technology to invent gravity harnesses is not present in that universe

As such, nobody ever settled there as they just fell into the sun

Actual pic of me irl laughing at a dumb libtard being gay and dumb


9/11 is 18 years old. Meaning I can legally fuck it

Podiums and camera angles

Trump is actually one of the tallest presidents in history

Lincoln was a big guy

No lol he was just that tall

His top hat made him tower over his political opponents

5ft 4 is the cutoff

So my short 5ft 7 ass can do it

But that being said, I believe the average height of presidents is higher than the average height of males in general

Actually average height

His guards were just big motherfuckers

Anyone who posts here is a fucking britbong lmao

I am ashamed of my nation

That is all

I honestly think I'm going to write in Donald Trump. Trudeau is fucking Trudeau and Scheer is a Bush style boring ass cuckservative who's only upside is that he's "Not the other guy"

I mostly think he's boring

I heard an argument today from a lefty that it's fine when a Canadian does it because we don't have the same blood stained, slavery filled history as the US does.

Not only are they wrong, but aboriginal tribes here practiced slavery before we ever did. We just did it better and eventually got rid of it

After the Americans got rid of it

In fact, look at any unionization/labour relations case in Canada... It was preceded by a different landmark case in the States. And stupid fucking Canadians have the gall to say we're a more "Open and diverse" People who have always been at the forefront of granting freedoms. When in fact we always just COPIED THE FUCKING UNITED STATES AFTER THEY DID ALL THE HARD WORK

And fuck yes! If Scheer did it, he'd be getting crucified right now. But right wingers don't care about this. It never hurt anyone, it isn't illegal.

So it's not even a law then

Exactly the problem. The "People's law" Is foolish. Just ask Socrates

Yes. Wanna know what he really did?

He went around with some of his followers engaging various poets and high society fags in discussions and made fools out of them. Mostly this one poet that really got pissed off that his son was "Indoctrinated by his rhetoric" And made a fool out of him in public

Holy fucking shit

Socrates's chief accuser was the first Jew

Best fucking comment

I mean there is a point to that. It's preachy and faux deep af but it's not wrong

I honestly know that Trudeau isn't racist by the standards most people have. But he is the worst bigot in history by his own standards.

Not toronto not Quebec

Everywhere else is fine

Except for the territories but they barely count as society

I seriously don't give a shit that Trudeau did that. The problem is, Trudeau does. If anyone else but him was caught with this, he would demand they resign. He would call them out as racist, there would be no coming back

Post some good Greta Thunberg memes

She's the Swedish version of David Hogg and that other irrelevant clout chaser

It's honestly a miracle I remembered one of their names. And I only did so because one became a total meme.

Why can't we use the other countless examples of people who skip school and come up with excuses going nowhere in life? She isn't special

Are fists automatic assault weapons? They don't even require ammo in the traditional sense.

You fool, the dick is the CURE for crazy

I already lost it

At the restaurant I work at, whenever I see someone order vegan food, I add an extra piece of bacon to my plate at break time.


Scheer is a fucking buffoon but holy fuck Trudeau is a corrupt, hypocritical prick on a whole other level. Can I just write in Batman and be done with it?

Literally nobody with a brain thinks that Canada would win in any capacity

If Trump just built the wall out of Flex Tape it would be stronger, cheaper, and made with American materials.

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