Fuck China and Commies (No Homo)

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It's just an unrealistic solution

We exist with deficiencies that others don't have

Bullshit OP spam unit

>The cash me outside girl is president

First female president is a fucking nobody from Dr.Phil

I can live with that

@tereลกko Maybe if they used metric when they built that road they wouldn't be getting sinkholes

I'd fuck the feminist narrative out of all of those comic book characters

I mean he crushed the bourgeoise

Stalin was the thicc one you uneducated libtard

Isnt that the bitch she obliterated in a debate

He should just invade

Lmao if climate change is caused by people, then why is Venus so hot and filled with greenhouse gasses? Aint no people there retard.

How the fuck is that even possible

Like It'd be impressive if it wasn't destructive to your body

I see literally no reason for people with addictions to not just stop being addicted

Only stupid people accrued student loan debt, change my mind

Why do people jump straight into school after HS

Get a job for a year, then do it

It'd help not accrue a massive fucking bill

People don't understand interest and basic economies of scale, but hey, high school no longer teaches it so that might not be the persons fault

All High School teaches is the "Necessity" Of higher learning, while omitting that fact

And then they turn universities into glorified high schools while the fucking boomers who run it ask why this generation won't get out of their NEET lifestyles

Same here, had no problems

Exactly, it's not some herculean task

Exactly, but nobody does that. They jump into school with no scholarships, and no money and expect their english degree to land them a fucking 100k/year job

People are looking for experienced workers, not graduates now

A degree is nice, but 10 years of experience is much better

I got my first term basically free thanks to a scholarship I forgot I even applied for

Service guarantees citizenship

The one I got only covered term 1 courses

Still had to pay for books n shit

But I'm a business student, so I laugh at the idea that someone wants me to pay 200$ for some pieces of paper with words on them that they call "Course required"

I found out which questions out of the 300 pages would be asked on assignments that would be graded, then I took pictures of those questions

No illegal action at all

I simply took a picture of a friends book with their consent

Nobody reads the book dude

All the info for my courses is online

The only shit that isn't is assignment questions, which are worth 20% of the term

Therefore, they want me to pay 200$ per book per course for info they already give me

Just so I can get a higher grade based on questions in the book

"back in my day we didn't have paper, we had to chisel our notes on a stone slab"

The future is now old man

Online learning is more efficient if done properly, don't mistake that for laziness.

And where I live I have to deal with profs brought in from the middle east/asia and quickly taught english plagued with my local accent, the resulting professor cannot be understood

I have online only courses and normal courses with online notes

I've consistently done well with both, but I usually go online during the summer courses

I generally pick up extra shifts during summer and do online courses at my leisure

Jeez, at least my unintelligible profs had good notes

That horse be lookin thicc tho

Fucking video games

Women commit 100% of space crime

What happened to Metokur's channel? Did he get banned?

Am bored, post funny memes

Cruz is becoming less and less retarded by the day

His rhetoric and demeanor has improved

He's less of a pansy. More emboldened

Need an Africa version too

Ban their shit and it probably gets worse

Well yeah, they'd probably fuck actual animals

Or that, more likely

Oh yeah they're fucked in the head

There's a reason prison culture frowns upon sexual criminals

Funny how most criminals hate degenerates

It's funny because these types of people are socially lower than those we deem too dangerous in society

Outcasts of outcasts

Oh I love that commercial

You seek the source of the thumbnail, you should seek out Jesus you heathen

He's 10 eternally

People should write Trump in for 2024 if repubs don't shit out someone decent to supplant him

Lmao, Sanders would flip flop for your vote for sure

No, he still wants those

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