
Discord ID: 128386593231732736

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totalitarianism isn't inherently a socialist trait, if anyhing, there have been more totalitarian capitalist governments

Capitalism is inherently oppressive. So is the state which reinforces it.

I dont support any state, capitalist or socialist. All hierarchy is oppressive and should be dismantled.

2017-05-28 17:41:45 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

pol pot

2017-05-28 17:41:50 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

/pol/ pot

2017-05-28 17:41:55 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

oh my

read the bread book friendo

if i was donating to Bernie Sanders id let it happen and contemplate how id fallen so far

Fromย each according to hisย ability,ย to each according to his need

Exploitation is stealing the surplus labor of working people. also lol


You are stealing their surplus labor value. That is, the worth of the labor they produce is what you would profit from, yet you require them to create wealth. You steal their labor, and contribute nothing to it

It's not voluntary. They need money to survive


ill take a step back here then, let you guys handle this

Its not about efficiency in communism

It really shouldn't be.


People arent the same, and an equal society wouldn't require that of anyone. Instead, people can equally pursue their skills and passions, limited not by class and income.

says the fascist

people i dont like


he said earlier that he was tho

I understand fascism as an authoritarian method of organizing society where everyone acts as a cog for the machine that is the state, for the good of the state.

Sorry, i know it isnt necessarily authoritarian in theory.

It has historically been, but that doesnt mean it has to be.

@Deleted User You're asking us to do your book report for you.

bruh. read the manifesto

its not even that long

@Deleted User Working class people's labor creates wealth. The bourgeoisie give workers only a portion of what their labor has created, and takes the rest for themselves despite not doing anything but owning the land. Owning a bunch of empty land isnt hurt
ing anyone, but hiring people for 'productive property' does.

Because under capitalism, one requires capital to buy land. Workers have tried to get together and tried to form their own factories, but exploitation is more profitable.

Oh, theres a book on debt I haven't read yet but its on my list: "Debt: The first 300 years". Ive heard good things.


dindins u a post-leftist?


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