
Discord ID: 390466010211287042

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I'm gonna say the n-word

Ukraine essentially just wanted to get out from under the boot of Russian influence & intergrate more fully into the global capitalist system, I fully expect them to eventually join NATO within our lifetimes

Christianity is good

Pagans are retarded world-cycle theorists

That is all

No, just sort of in the periphery. Ukraine's gdp is pretty telling

They can dress shit up with swastikas all they want, I fully expect them to get the neoliberal dicking pretty soon, and it's already sort of happening.

Christ transcends the mundane, the abolition of the church isn't the abolition of Christ

The state itself is pretty far right. Fascists here (USA) are anti-state insofar as imperialism is disenfranchising it's native settler population.

Fuck Rome and their German schismatics bretheren

The Eastern church (not Greek or Russian Orthodoxy) suck too

The Assyrians are closest to getting it right

The irony of a dork named Fuentes leading the new brand but really of the alt right is not lost on me

That dude a sperg and so are his fans

How tf u gonna get owned by Charlie fucking Kirk

The cope on Twitter was marvelous to behold

I like to see the retards fight tho

Can't have imperialism and an ethnostate

You have to pick

Lol, it's not the same world anymore

And besides, imperialism inherently displaces people from the periphery to the core

The current American lifestyle, especially among the upper and middle classes and to an extent the working classes is dependent on imperialism

Like, America couldn't even invade Iran using conventional arms now

Idk how people think you can do that kind of settler-colonialism on that scale now

You don't need to invade the US, because of its reliance on foreign materials and finished commodities

That's why stuff like cyberwarfare is becoming more common

It's not savages running around with sticks anymore

Plus, the US military is beholden to the MIC, to it's strategic detriment

@Kyger plus stuff like drones, unguided and semi-guided mass missle attacks ect

SCUDS are fairly cheap, main battle tanks and aircraft carriers are expensive and fairly easy to destroy

And that spec ops stuff can go wrong

See what happened during the Iran Hostage crisis

And it looks bad in the press, especially when it's like blackops shit

People are trying to say Mercs are the future

But look at Yemen

Saudi can't even fight fucking peasant militias

They've got all this hardware but they're fucking retards who can't use it properly

That's not that big a deal when you're not a developed industrialized country

How many bombs got dropped in NV?

There's a big reason why the Byzantines had so much trouble fighting the Arabs and it still kind of applies to modernity

It doesn't help all the mercs Saudi uses are people from the Horn of Africa

Not like Blackwater people

Why do white women fuck dogs tho

White women fuck dogs for free doe

@Prometheus did you have fun on your vacation

Speaking of which

I like how zoomers have all collectively decided the reason they're not fucking is because they're actually devout Catholics

I'm a Nestorian lmao

Cope is cope either way tho

Give an honest incel any day

All these zoomers are just pagans in drag

Their beliefs are more about realizing their political ideals

And not discovering the transcendental mystery of existence and submitting to it

If you have to describe your ideology in three words, you have autism

I'm gonna get fucking domed by Peruvian security forces in the fucking jungle

Needs a Shining Path flag tbh

@Prometheus fascism in America doesn't have to be a lame copy of German fascism

There's no blood and soil basis for the kind of fascism that occured in Germany

Thus the pivot to either 3%er purist settler republicanism

Or the attempt to cobble together a broad coalition of mutually-interested groups

This is dated but broadly true for the time it was written

There's a reason they killed Pasolini

American national socialism is gonna Ugandans being America First trying to keep Ghanaese immigrants out

I can't imagine someone named Fuentes being the face of popular US right populism even 20 years ago

Fascism in it's classical form is more akin to a version of utopian socialism

Like Sorel or something

I'm in the opposing camp but it depends tbh

Fascism in the periphery and in the core take different forms

If you want a different perspective

It's just the weird human way to fetishize something

People did a bunch of weird shit in the Victorian era too

Sexuality has always been very strange and operates on very irrational impulses

I like that zoomers have all decided they're not fucking because actually they're devout Catholics

I bet you don't even hate Israel

It's imperialism

Can't have an ethnostate and imperialism

Not really. Empires are inherently cosmopolitan

Israel has a racial caste system but I wouldn't call them an ethnostate per se

This will eventually be the fate of Israel when America gets tired of funding them

Never mind climate change and the "wisdom" of having your promised Land in the desert

Idk, giving your ministers overlapping responsibilities and making them fight doesn't seem that smart

Japan had this dumb inter-service rivalry too and they actually had people assassinating their opposition in the other service

Basically Navy vs army

The state infrastructure of third Reich was actually fairly decentralized

It's kind of telling when your officers keep trying to assassinate you

But granted, the officer class largely wanted the Kaiser back

Well, it's a different religion

Jesus christ this server

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