Message from @Human Supremacist
Discord ID: 362964513118748684
@Ḁ̢̧̡̝̭̀̓̇̈̑yeExEye Change the blue background to a navy blue
☝ is that a dating compatibility site?
Did 8 values updates their closest match ideologies there seem to be more of them
Is Ron Perlman legit retarded?
like this doesn't even make sense
I think he is on the spectrum
He's very close to surpassing Amy Schumer as my 2nd least favorite celebrity
nobody will ever knock Lena Dunham out of the #1 spot tho
@Excelsior thanks ive been trying to find that one
Mosley > Hitler btw @Human Supremacist
Of course
George Lincoln Rockwell > Mosley though @LOCKE HOLMES
George Lincoln Rockwell = Mosley > Hitler
Fair enough
Benito is low tier though
Yeah. What a fag. Atleast Hitler killed himself before getting killed by his people. Jesus, how embarrasing.
Plus Benito lacks A E S T H E T I C S
Rockwell was the sexiest man that ever lived
George Washington was British
Also, you seen nothing yet
saw a "Don't tread on Obamacare" bumpersticker today. Like - do you even get the fucking point of that flag?