
Discord ID: 300746825055338496

66 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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2017-09-28 02:26:15 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Lol wtf

2017-09-28 02:29:03 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Are there any backup servers?

2017-09-28 02:56:55 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Nuking a huge meetup spot for the right is retarded

2017-09-28 02:57:03 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Admins are idiots

2017-09-28 03:00:28 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

So stupid

2017-09-28 03:02:04 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Did it get infiltrated?

2017-09-28 03:03:04 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Why would you nuke it

2017-09-28 03:03:20 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Most people that weren't logged in will never find this

2017-09-28 03:03:35 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

We're fucked

2017-09-28 03:04:29 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

There's only like 600 people here

2017-09-28 03:04:38 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

You lost thousands you fucking retards

2017-09-28 03:05:41 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

How is this server more to the right than the other one

2017-09-28 03:05:50 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

It's the same fucking people

2017-09-28 03:06:00 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Just whoever happened to be online

2017-09-28 03:08:42 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

So a mod wanted to be admin

2017-09-28 03:08:47 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Sounds petty

2017-09-28 03:11:56 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

This move is counter productive to building a right wing machine that pushes our message in coordinated efforts online

2017-09-28 03:13:21 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

How are y'all gonna get traffic back in here

2017-09-28 03:13:33 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Messaging needs to hit other platforms

2017-09-28 03:14:31 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Proud boys are fags

2017-09-28 03:15:05 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Is pizza party Ben in here?

2017-09-28 03:15:41 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Hate speech just means white speech

2017-09-28 03:24:07 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

I was bannd

2017-09-28 03:24:51 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

(((Who))) did this

2017-09-28 03:25:51 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Hefner sucked fuck that guy

2017-09-28 03:25:57 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Rot in hell

2017-09-28 03:26:26 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Give me permissions you cucks

2017-09-28 03:28:48 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

Is someone gonna post the new link on the chans?

2017-10-04 20:25:25 UTC [The Right Server #shitpost]  

what happened to the banter channel?

2017-10-04 20:25:34 UTC [The Right Server #shitpost]  

to what

2017-10-04 20:25:40 UTC [The Right Server #shitpost]  

where are the fucking MEMES

2017-10-04 20:25:55 UTC [The Right Server #shitpost]  

this coup has been a fucking disaster

2017-10-04 20:26:03 UTC [The Right Server #shitpost]  

we lost like 20k [people

2017-10-04 20:26:07 UTC [The Right Server #shitpost]  

and now no one posts

2017-11-01 04:26:32 UTC [The Right Server #shitpost]  


2017-11-03 04:35:04 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

This thread will give you aids

2019-11-19 02:28:36 UTC [The Donald #hotties-for-trump]  

go follow her

2020-01-25 22:03:56 UTC [The Donald #memes]

2020-02-11 21:57:28 UTC [The Donald #serious]  

throw this guy a RT, he is very impressive and trying to save the NRA

2020-02-27 17:51:10 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-02-27 17:51:23 UTC [The Donald #general]  

some bitch in texas broke self quarantine

2020-02-27 17:51:28 UTC [The Donald #general]  

pics of her at a country music bar

2020-02-27 17:51:30 UTC [The Donald #general]  

im livid

2020-02-27 17:52:06 UTC [The Donald #general]  

go give lance a RT

2020-02-27 17:52:12 UTC [The Donald #general]  

help push back on this fucking bullshit

66 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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