EuroAmerican Partisan

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First off it's secede

I mean Florida is the place to send all the crazies in the country

Something with wigs i presume

Oh hey he's still around

Must be that 69D Chess i keep hearing about

The Virgin Empiricist vs The Chad Meta-Physicist

Someone better call the FBI

You mean 4chan /v/ correct?

Figured you'd enjoy

We need to undo the effects of the Industrial Revolution

Hippity Hoppity
No Anime on my Property

I take it you like Fist of the North Star? @PunishedMuskovy

They dilluted themselves with Nuclear Fallout

Eh South Korea will fall before Japan

It's Celto-Germanic
Or Germano-Celtic
Get your grammer right

You own physical copies or online versions?

I think i have a copy of "The West and The Rest" on PDF

Lemme check

Scratch that i don't have it

Thought i did
Oh well

No that'd be Civic Nationalism

There is a difference, even if small
Civic is just bascially "listen to the State/Laws"
At least Culture has a better standing (whether it is still viable is a different discussion entirely)

I'm sure there are others
*it's just they are never on*

I mean if you're looking for an American brand of Fascism i suggest looking at William Dudley Pelley and the Silver Legion of America
Or if you are more of a NatSoc i suggest George Lincoln Rockwell

2019-02-27 01:55:20 UTC [Nationalist Union #art]

Depends really on which Racial theory
Some have only Europeans as Whites
Others have Middle Easterners and Indians as White
Again it depends on the person whom you are talking to, or which theory you're talking about

I'm not claiming whether Middle Easterners or Indians are White
I'm just saying there are people who do believe that and theories that group them with Europeans as Whites


The Right Cafe kids

Yes it was
But we forgive you
For now

Speak of the devil

I mean a few states i heard are already offing Common Core


It got nuked

Probably from furries

They've been going around reporting any server vaugly right wing

They change their names a bit

I think there's a screenshot somewhere

But i dunno

No it's even worse

I think you mean 4chan/the_Donald/

Oh yeah i forgot /polk/ exists
Need to check it out

Is that the same Egoist from TRC or a different one

Chinese Communism?
Oh nevermind

The one I'm thinking of had an Anime profile pic
It was some "woman" that called everything a Spook

Hans Hermann Hoppe is a pretty good Libertarian
But he's Austrian so yeah

No that was the Vikings

Replace Hans with Mongols
Problem solved

Add him to the list of Degenerate Individualists

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Welcome @Commander Moomin , if you want roles you can head on over to <#507040923884978176> and check pinned for a list

Anyways go to <#507040923884978176> for roles, follow the rules and you'll be fine

Pretty sure that's based on a book of the same name. I might be wrong though

Sorry no FBI Informants allowed

I joke

The Virgin PETA vs The Chad WWF

>Left Wing
Economically maybe
Or if you're of the belief of Collectivism being Left and Individualism being Right

It's why it has the common name of being 3rd Positionist, being against both the 1st Position (Liberal Capitalism) and the 2nd Position (Marxist Socialism)

It doesn't
These Anarchist types end up being executed by proper Socialists (or Tankies as their nickname)

But still having the belief of "Left Wing is Collectivist whilst Right Wing is Individualist" is shallow to say the least

Pretty much

I mean i always thought of it like that

Were talking about how stupid the political specturm is

Or rather how stupid the Left-Right Dichotomy

We have a role to opt out of these pings. We use these pings to get new members from other servers. It's the primary source of member growth. If you don't like it, the rules channel tells you how to opt out of them.

Pagan Takes?


*h o n k*

People still care about Jordan Peterson? Huh

Some Asian guy wanting to run for President on the Democrat side
One of his promises is to give each adult in the country a $1000

I think he's trying to be serious but he has been put into meme status thanks to the #YangGang

You know i have no idea what transpired and frankly i have no intention of finding out



I thought that's a myth the Anglos made to confuse the *Glorious Insular Keltic Peoples*

>blaming Wilhelm ll instead of Austria-Hungary or Serbia

Luther is a Norman stooge

>when you thought the Shekel ruled the world when in reality it was the Crumpet

Hello there *fellow Europeans*
Would you be interested in ***Opium?***

Not much of a thrash metal guy
More of a power metal tbh

You can thank Liberalism for that

Hence the Afro-Centrists stealing other peoples histories

If you're going to make the statement that Racial Mixing is bad then perhaps get some evidence for the statement
There probably is some out there
But I'm not going to be the one to do it

Yeah that's where Pan-Africanism and Pan-Europeanism come from
The *~~former colony~~* United States

Not surprised


Got a loiscence for that knife?

I should get around to it
Do have the PDF if you want it
@Toast 24

Have read Machiavelli's *The Prince* though

Interesting read

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