Discord ID: 298348755940278273

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2019-01-12 15:39:26 UTC [Nationalist Union #general]  

2019-01-26 14:52:24 UTC [Nationalist Union #general]  

REMOVE PRUSSIAN remove prussian. you are worst German you are the german idiot you are the german smell. return to poland. to our polish cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the ghettos... ahahahah , austria we will never forgeve you. franz II rascal FUck but fuck asshole prussian stink austria scheiรŸe... prussian genocide best day of my life, take a bath of dead prussian... ahahahahah AUSTRIA WE WILL GET YOU do not forget 7 weeks war . denmark we kill the king , denmark return to your precious sweden... hahahahah idiot prussian and austrian smell so bad... wow i can smell it. REMOVE PRUSSIAN FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+france+britain+italian= kill austria.. you will beethoven alive in bavaria, beethoven making symphony of bavaria . fast polka beethoven bavaria. we are rich and have gold hahahahahhahahaha ha because of beethoven... you are ppoor stink prussian... you live in a cottage hahahaha you live in polandbeethoven alive number one #1 in bavaria... fuck the italy.. FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. beethoven alive and real strong wizard kill all the prussian farm aminal with symphony magic we now the bayern rule . ape of the zoo king wilhelm fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and prussia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give back our clay we will crush u lik skull of pig. bavaria greattst countrey.

2019-03-09 02:11:07 UTC [Nationalist Union #general]  


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