
Discord ID: 350150566703398913

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what cases are still pending?

I read on parler that all states need to file a lawsuit **separately** and that is the next course of action.

my county is going to do door to door rona "test", they are calling it a prevention program

the left is mad because they can't control baby blake

He's talking about LegalEagle (LE)


bruh i lost brain cells trying to understand their analogy


damn xD

Oooooh megamind

not bad for a lefty



"have we gone too far?"
**also im scared**

A nice a sensible woman amongst a group of idiots, especially the person twerking; any reasonable person would denounce the rioting and looting. Meanwhile, we got these NPCs chanting blm 🤮

nothing strange here just a female giving birth except she's looks like a dude thanks to all the testosterone injections

gets a little loud towards the end


yeah how is that affectionate?

if i was the kid i would have kneed him in the groin

that baby wants to be everywhere but there

so het is an insult?

i think my most jarring argument with a lib was about soy milk and why men should be wary of their consumtumption. It all started with me saying soy is bad, i know not very a developed claim it was my response towards hearing my lib friend convince someone else to be vegan and eat a shit ton of soy.

I was then compared to an antivaxxer 😂

the circle of life i suppose 🤔

The Lion King did teach me something important uwu

same i love bacon

meat is a regular part of my diet since I'm paleo

now all I need is to work out so I can get fit, but I'm too addicted to videogames

oh crud we should probably take this to <#707691030748594294>

Liberty Hangout, Fog City Midge, Lauren Chen, Slightly Offens*ve

interesting, in some of the protest libs would be barking to drown out conservative voices 🤡

the totem pole of respect is based on skin color 🤦🏻‍♀️

wtf and this is why the death penalty exist

too bad it was repealed for WI in 1853

Unfortunately, it doesn't matter what you like or don't like these are the new rules and we have to abide by them if we want to prevent the server from being banned.

Interesting, do you have examples?

Ohm iGoodnes

aka as Gavin Mcinnes just got nuked by youtube

strange what part of the video violated the TOS?

the title of the video was Cassandra Fairbanks vs Tim Pool

oh he also talk about The Proud Boys burning a BLM banner

yeah the video got nuked midway


all fun and games... "hate America" <:CursedEmoji:763140778770825247>


well if you hate the country you live in we can't expect any valuable contributions from your part especially policy wise

XDDD pls they wouldn't even last a day

This part stood out to me :"The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines were involved in a commonly employed 'confirmatory test' that relies on HEK293, a cell line derived from a human embryonic kidney cell from a fetus that was aborted in the 1970s. "

so was that the only fetus that was aborted and used for the clinical trials and research?

Does that mean that we can expect aborted fetal lines in future vaccines because of efficacy?

what in the world is this real?

what if biden's reason for cosmetic procedures is to get closer to looking asian or ethnically diverse?

I'm probably wrong but the first race that came to mind was Lebanese

Granted Rudy doesn't have the best relationship with his family, but money has never been an issue so to hear him speak so vehemently about the needy made me infruiated. He's no better than a white liberal advocating for BLM. His sympathy is disingenuous.

and here's the counterargument:


this made my day 🤣


God I'm shaking i didn't think Antifa would infiltrate the peaceful protect disgusied as trump supporters...

Why is he announcing his disorders on the internet, doesn't he know that makes him feeble and pathetic? At least the other guy gets it. I'm relieved that Joshua doesn't play into the same victimhood or fixed mindset.

I don't know if this was posted yet but according to my leftie friend this was the post that got Parler banned.


this video is interesting...not saying it is antifa but compared to the people in the back they do stick out like a sore thumb

honestly how much property was destroyed xD

Exactly, the same can't be said for the mom and pops businesses. Who going to pay for the damages? No one.

At this point your friend is selecting the information, whatever matches up to what the msm says. If something where to go against the news then it's either misinformation or conspiracy.

Bruh he's even denying left-leaning sources lol. I think he might have already made up his mind about your argument before you even cited the the sources.

yOU cAn't SaY tHaT's RaCisT

but I'm 7% black :((

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