A disgruntled scientist

Discord ID: 225686945701953536

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I own some great tucking books.

Thank God for block

I unblocked him because of pier pressure...

Man I really really enjoy this chat.

Jokes actually don't go over your heads.

>Emotes causes cramp in legs

I see, that's fair.

The fucking current state of affairs, that's who.

Who made you a fool @DiscordantFool ?

That's probably also fair and true.

Education requires some kind of thinking outside of the box.

No, if you're thinking inside the box you do everything they tell you and end up a fool. If you're thinking outside the box you pass everything and learn the real deal on your spare time.

It's not like uni thought me to write code. I did that myself.

Did you major in Economics?

I would probably kill for your stats knowledge atm..

Selective memory is such a good thing these days.

Stole it from the Internet, so blame that person.

Yeah and some cornerstones.

Fucking learn to read

Dude I'll count to potato if you don't stap

I'm white, I'm just grey here for the moment @galesteppes

nigga < nigger

English please fuckface

Jag la mig rรถst pรฅ AFS (lรคs kastade den i รฅn) och vid omval fรฅr SD den. Hur fan รคr jag neger?

I guess that's fair

Serious tho, why so many swedes in here?

>kompis med rumรคner

I have seen some German here and there.

Mostly just catch phrases tbh


Not the real ones



>a with two dots over is banned

*looks at @Den Rรถda Smurfen s username*

!ban รค

Only Mussolini

He was an ok Mr.

Has some highscores to this day

Who the fuck eats pizza

I'll let that one slide since Christians are ok in my book.

Home made is never pizza, it's Godtier sandwich.

@Den Rรถda Smurfen Thanks for grammar nazing me.

Don't call me that.

Dindu nuffin

ooga booga Sverige

How are you guys with (((them)))?

You like?


Fuck man, I have been here for less than an hour but I love you more than I love my toothbrush.

I change once a month tho. So don't get any ideas.


_looks right into the camera_

Or am I? <:think_hitlerdidnothingwrong:378717099952177162>

There are some good cops.

Like there are some good nigg...Who am I trying to kid.

I would vote for to let the shoot on sight if I could.

Fucking tasers are not gonna fix our problems.

Just ban Islam. Done.

Then remove (((them))) from the sheckels making machine.

We would have peace tomorrow.


I thought we were just trolling/talking tbh

I can tone it down if you want me to?

I'm genuine. I can do date stamped pic that shows it too.

Going for a PhD in AI

I know many many syntaxes and have written 2 papers in the CS field.

Not doxxing myself tho

I mostly do Logic, that's like the only branch of math I know good.

Stuff like the Cookโ€“Levin theorem and shit

Currently writing about the P versus NP problem. Shit sucks horsedick. It's so hard.

Hardest stuff I have ever tried to get around to

I'll stop with the dick references. <:zucc:433402362447527936>

I'm currently living it, so yeah. You might have flashbacks and I'm in nam atm.

Ofc I will

That's why I didn't post there haha, I know jack shit about electronics.

I have mostly done Arduino and stuff like that. I can build a PC from scratch too. But actually calculating current and stuff, nah..

Tentamen is waaay worse

Oral tentamens are the absolute worst. We had to do that in Discrete math. Almost cried when I was asked to define infinity.

My definition: It's so big that you can take the entire infinity and put two of the in it.

He passed me.

Really makes you think tho.

That's big.

Infinity is actually existing between 0 and 1.

And between those number is another one.

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