Athena Marie
Discord ID: 293223124185382922
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I would NEVER speak without permission!!!
the only one raping me is Lord Sacco
You can't rape if you are married
pick one
We need a new toy @MsNatSocialist
he was run off by two incredibly submissive women
I only harrass others at the pleasure of my husband though
@MsNatSocialist needs an official title
@Brad Small Name your woman!!!
Then it's settled
I'm just so honored to take down beta cucks with you fellow ladies
best wifie
I'm very proud of Lady of Brad
That is beautiful!!!!!
It's so lovely to see the men tag their property like this!!!
@Convo you should embrace white sharia
It can heal your soul
So, @MsNatSocialist what are your thoughts on White Sharia again?
So far @Koba has called Sacco an imposter, his wife a whore, jewish plant who should be stoned. Really?
I apologize for triggerin you into such an emotional state @Koba . As I have told you before, my only opinions are the ones that Sacco has given me. If you have an arguement then perhaps you should take it up with him.
I don't think @Koba was breastfed as a child
Pushups should help with T levels
5 7
@Yankee Stop feeding Convo, he is wierding us out in voice!!!!!
He is VERY excited
A woman's dream outfit!!!
Can you sew it?
I have a top of the line sewing machine with the ruffler and all the other attachments. We could sew that dress and others like it Lady of Rex
Then noone will ever have an excuse to not wear a burka
I think my audio just went out
I need a babysitter for my dog
Calm down convo
I'm already looking for you
To be fair, @Convo , you need to find and earn your own wife. If you had a woman do that for you it would be bad optics
Good lord
Go to bed @Eli Mosley
Good morning @MsNatSocialist
Fabulous, I killed a thot whore jewess baby killing kikerella on twitter. And you?
I apologize, Mr Diff. How was your evening?
You should kill a kike anyways
For every kike you kill, Kek will bless you with warrior babies to fight RAHOWA
Kek works in mysterious ways
Maybe we should do an experiment
^^ definitely knows how to derail a fun conversation
Lady or Brad, the Trophy of Brad!
I need some help with making white sharia memes
Sacco has that covered
White Sharia is beyond debate. It is doctrine
^^^ Sledge's last words to Wife of Sacco before Sacco Vandal hunted him down, skull fucked him, and left him for dead
For some it is a meme, for me it is life
flannel nationalism
with white sharia, women will NOT be in the military
White Sharia is life
Kenny must not have been breastfed as a child
these kids need lessons in critical thinking, not a bunch of white knights shielding them from reality
Veterans need extreme humor because we have experienced extreme situations. Again, these kids need to learn to differentiate between a meme and reality. If they can't do that than they are completely retarded
In my experience, the only guys who have a problem with the WS meme are incredibly tiny, low-t virgins who are insecure about women. They feel like they have to white knight to ever get a girlfriend
To put things in perspective... The invading horde of muslims enemies raping our women and children should be a more immediate threat than a WS meme. You anti WS guys need to get your priorities straight.
@YUGE why was I summoned?
I just got caught up on the earlier 'comments'. Hmmmmmmm.
I'm going to have to step away for that kind of bantz. Save it for the single girls gentleman.
Did someone just say @MsNatSocialist is pregnant?
That thing is probably contagious and needs to be vaccinated with Zyclon B
I bet 6 gorillian sheckles that the source is a Jew
I think openly pro white men present themselves as alpha and have a better chance of picking up genuine future mothers who respect gender roles.
Obviously different power levels for different locations. But women respect a man who knows exactly what he stands for.
@badtanman if you can't pay in sheckles then pay in services by shilling for him.
I'll donate a sheckel in your name bud. You focus on saving the race.
(I don't listen to pod casts either)
I'm more of a reader. But I'm happy to help out.
The more strong men we have out there the easier it will be to bring good women over.
They need to see you men as a viable option and not just a fringe movement.
Gen zyklon is definitely a white pill
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