Holy Intersectional Inquisition

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yes, he either doesnt realize or just doesnt give afuck if what he says can be misinterpreted

I think he wants to abolish this cause its no longer needed, leave the past behind and make america whole

having private prisons which have to meet quotas to be profitable sure is a fucking mess

combined with this 3-strikes shit its just a endless source of labour

so he just wanted to say "amend aritcle 13"

ah, watched a netflix trailer. I think they made a movie about the whole thing

ye someone gave him the wrong address, he was supposed to slaughter turks in cologne this weekend

uni newspaper..

they prolly work for the washington post by now

Graham Uncucked

its a NAFTA press conference, lets talk about dem circus

fat murican whamen would reee so hard at this

30 squats mandatory to even be allowed on the train 30 more for free ticket

we live in a society

like the people in garmany that still think they live under german reich law

yes they called Reichsbรผrger (citizen of the reich)

they print their own papers and driving liscences

yeah a few yeras ago one of them shot a few police officers when they came to take his guns

lol what a cuck

I consider our intelligence service a subsidiary of the CIA

the BND gave you the "source" of the WMD-scam, remember?

also he sits there all day and cuts it into a short video

well a live-stream would be interesting nonetheless

hes a comedian, im sure he could fill ๐Ÿ˜„

how do they get their driving liscence?

"Lady, this is a police station and no senate commitee"

mine lives but is dead to me

fucked his married secretary, gets divorced from my mum, moves to fucking latvia and marries again, eventually gets divorced again and moves to the city where me and my siblings live and expects us to care for his now sorry ass

oh yeah forgot to meantion he left my mum with most of his debt

shes still working with 69years to make the money to keep the houe her parents build

as I said, dead to me, no point beating corpses

yeah my mum was able to find a better man

nah he just moved to the same city wwhere me, my brother and my sister live

my mum live in another town

he wasnt there when it mattered, he was in latvia, then when he fucked that up he came back to germany broke and sick and was like "hey help me build a new life here"

well hadnt much contace he mostly pressured my sister into helping him

he wanted me to drive him to some clinic one day and I told him i look up a bus connection for him, he then hung up, havent spoken to him since

yeah feeling pretty ashamed to be related to him

I just dont want to fuck up like he did

yeah, just doenst make building relationships easier

thats the plan

id make a throwaway for that stuff and be accused of russian bot

beer gut is a thing

Austria is the better Germany tbh

they tackle issues no one in germany dares to touch

beautiful if you like mountains

prolly not but they dont take shit from arab looking people so behave ๐Ÿ˜„

im sorry, its just brown skin, black hair

I know youre a sufi kurd

i was in poland in 10th grade for 2 weeks student exchange

was pretty dope

France without Paris, Paris has fallen

Great Britain has shitty weather, the continent is ok

i know one sentence "I dont speak french" "Je ne parle pas francaise"

I learned to walk in Singapore, but dont remember anything

I always wanted to visit Prague, back when i lived in Munich it was pretty close

where are you at anyway

a freind of mine visited the US in the 90s, booked some place in harlem. when he was coming up the stairs from the subway some black folk wanted to rip him off. he was like "I am a german tourist, is this how you welcome guests?" they ended up helping him with his lugagge ๐Ÿ˜„

yall eat rotten fish

the Stauffenberg conspirators wanted to use it when they had overthrown hitler

also being happy makes you look better

so this morning I called my doc for the blood work results, turns out why I feel so shitty all the time is low key lyme disease, didnt stop me from driving 700km, but man am I done now

and it was from a fuckin mosquito

yes ill get the penicilin tomorrow

nah you can get brain fever, thats worse

didnt have any tick this year just an infected mosquito bite

fucking militant vegan ticks

so the limits in the test for borelliosis is 0,8 and I got 0,9 so I dont think its that bad

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