
Discord ID: 263548305168924673

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i think the election depends on the stock market

otherwise the socialists dont stand a chance

i think your criticism of the jews is misguided

its a lot like how black people criticize white people

instead of hating them, learn from them and become like them

the way i see it, if anything important happened, someone will tell me

did you guys know theres actually a religion based on jew hating

@Adderall Admiral52 i noticed the media going crazy at that same time too

every crime with a victim is a hate crime, you dont need race differences to make it a ahte crime

but i believe they really started snowballing the narrative after that

well the news is trash so thats not the best metric lol

theres no way to give everyone a chance

lol everything he stand on is precisely not Christian

lol the video in that no blacks allowed video

so obvious they're closed and letting people out and not in

not to mention how they scoot right over the hawaiin looking guy when trying to say everyone inside is white

you sound soft about your declaration! say it proud brother!

i stopped dating ~2-3 years ago before i was saved

because i was having lots of sex and getting angry like a woman

i didnt know where i was leading these girls so i stopped so i could figure out what i was doing

now im looking for a wholesome christian woman

i know, but i wanted to explain anyway

jesse is ๐Ÿ’ฏ about sex addiction and being controlled by the vag

i know too many lost people doing so many things just for some sex

if you have sex out of wedlock, or rush to get married just to have sex, then you are controlled by sex, controlled by woman, and through her, controlled by satan

you can't lead someone who controls you

you know Satan deceived woman by convincing her to eat the fruit of the tree, but the Bible blames Adam for letting her convince him

the Bible doesn't put emphasis on woman for eating the fruit

when i was in my early 20s i used to party a lot

im usually treated as a white person but im hispanic

um I grew up in a Catholic church (which I think is scam now), and my momma was the head of the house

i think those are generally hispanic things

but like i was saying, if you let all these influences, drugs, sex, partying, even video games and racing cars and other distractions, take over your life, you will never get what you want, because you're always satisfying other people

my dad's dad ran away and he idolizes his mother

he's also an atheist as far as I can tell

my mother was legit abused in her previous marriage and she lost her first son when he was 12

so my mother was super protective, and also probably looking for a "safe" guy that she could control

oh, children of a second marriage unite!

you learn to handle things the way they do

and their words sound absurd if its not what they're doing because you never seen anyone do it the way they speak

have you apologized for holding it against them?

i think that would take the power away from them

my life changed over night when i did it

i can, but I recommend just searching up jesse videos on the topic

i might mess it up or project a bit you knwo?

you think by harboring this judgement on them that you have some kind of power over them

i thought i had none either, if you watch jesse walk people through this, almost all of them says the same thing

yes but you can't make someone else repent and accept Jesus

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