
Discord ID: 489836618207985670

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2018-10-05 22:41:04 UTC

posted 43 minutes ago

2018-10-05 23:20:13 UTC
2018-10-05 23:24:42 UTC

So what? Now Russia is the bad guys again?

2018-10-05 23:25:14 UTC

I think it's more about who controlled which of their subs

2018-10-05 23:25:51 UTC

Read my comment above

2018-10-05 23:26:40 UTC

didnt know how to tie my thoughts to yours without writing a novel, but I think we're on as near to the same page as Q cryptography permits

2018-10-05 23:29:17 UTC

aged poorly, but you get the idea. could it be that this is the weapon they meant to use to trigger WW?

2018-10-05 23:29:41 UTC

@Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins so your thought is the Russians fire the missle or the fveyes hacked the sub and launched?

2018-10-05 23:29:42 UTC

Congratulations @BreadTwists, you're now level 4.

2018-10-05 23:31:30 UTC

Also, I think we're overlooking that all this fuckery must have been facilitated by China, or rogue China.

2018-10-05 23:32:22 UTC

RED China, just sayin

2018-10-05 23:32:45 UTC

I'm just getting off work and am lost at the moment

2018-10-05 23:35:08 UTC

a lot of what im saying comes from decodes from back in june when the missile Q referenced today was fired, and following days. Posts were about china having hacked a contractor tied all up with DARPA and some secret USNavy sub project.

2018-10-06 00:22:25 UTC

Ah yes I recall. I wasn't seeing how or why Russia had anything to do with that

2018-10-06 00:29:37 UTC

I don't think it does, necessarily, or directly. I think the over-arching theme is that the plan was to blame russia for something the Cabal was doing. Seems to me likely they'd have at least one unit from each side, in order to "start a war", or at the least that what we think they did with a US Sub in the puget sound, they would have tried to do with other nations' naval forces

2018-10-06 00:32:10 UTC

Yeah that's where I'm at

2018-10-06 00:32:19 UTC


2018-10-06 00:33:46 UTC

In the actual movie "The Hunt for Red October" if the russian submarine was being used to deliver a nuclear payload rather than trying to defect (as were the competing theories), might not it have started a war? Maybe the film was to prime reactions to what they actually intended to do someday, in mimicking the plot, but, when we give them ground,. they deliver the opposite outcome. The film would prime someone not to listen to putin telling them the sub was rogue and hostile.

2018-10-06 00:34:48 UTC

far flung, but its what got me on the thought train

2018-10-06 00:34:48 UTC

Congratulations @jman, you're now level 6.

2018-10-06 00:35:24 UTC

I love thoughts

2018-10-06 00:44:05 UTC

2018-10-06 01:30:51 UTC

we were saying


2018-10-06 01:35:42 UTC

@BreadTwists please feel free to post music links in other chat channels. <#489836618207985670> is for Q related discussion. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š

2018-10-06 01:36:15 UTC

Yeah that was an accident

2018-10-06 01:36:25 UTC

Also you do not have DJ role so the bot will not play for you

2018-10-06 01:36:37 UTC

No problem

2018-10-06 02:00:08 UTC

Trump said something in that press conference last week about China interfering in the midterm elections, and the jackals hounded him about what proof we had... He said something like, you'll all know soon, 'I mean, its not just based on nothing.'

2018-10-06 02:02:48 UTC


2018-10-06 02:11:32 UTC

@jman I remember that, I screen recorded it because he was like โ€œyouโ€™ll find out soon enoughโ€

2018-10-06 02:12:49 UTC

http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/wikileaks-george-soros-controlling-vote-16-states-using-smartmatic-voting-machines/ something like this + China ...kinda feel like if he's gonna say planned to "interfere" he'd want to mean interfere, like not the fake and gay "muh russia" kind all countries do all the time, but - with the vote

2018-10-06 02:13:11 UTC

would be cool if the tainted chips are in play and this all relates

2018-10-06 02:13:50 UTC

nice, any chance you wanna dig it up?

2018-10-06 02:25:50 UTC
2018-10-06 02:25:58 UTC

Watch at 25:37

2018-10-06 02:26:45 UTC

awesome, thanks! downside of POTUS giving 90 min pressers...

2018-10-06 02:34:01 UTC

"going after farmers" between that stuff and the letter from Kim just hanging out in his front pocket... pure gold.

2018-10-06 02:40:22 UTC

Page 23

2018-10-06 02:40:27 UTC


2018-10-06 02:40:32 UTC

CIA doc

2018-10-06 02:52:22 UTC

@Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins request to change my name to 'CIA Nigga'

2018-10-06 03:50:22 UTC


A generic diagram from Saussure's Course in General Linguistics illustrating the relationship between signified (French Signifiรฉ) and signifier (French Signifiant)
The terms signified and signifier are most commonly related to semiotics, which is defined by Oxford Dictionaries Online as "the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation".[1] Ferdinand de Saussure, a Swiss linguist, was one of the two founders of semiotics. His book, Course in General Linguistics "is considered to be one of the most influential books published in the twentieth century".[2] Saussure explained that a sign was not only a sound-image but also a concept. Thus he divided the sign into two components: the signifier (or "sound-image") and the signified (or "concept").[3] For Saussure, the signified and signifier were purely psychological; they were form rather than substance. Today, following Hjelmslev, the signifier is interpreted as the material form (something which can be seen, heard, touched, smelled or tasted) and the signified as the mental concept.[4]
From Wikipedia (a source that I wonโ€™t let my students use as a reference other than to find other โ€œgoodโ€ references)

2018-10-06 06:49:13 UTC

Another angle to the qpost a phone was present look at the black guy has a phone https://twitter.com/TheSharpEdge1/status/1048453498004598784?s=19

2018-10-06 07:20:57 UTC

who is the black guy?

2018-10-06 07:49:54 UTC

Congratulations @Deleted User, you're now level 2.

2018-10-06 13:04:18 UTC




2018-10-06 13:05:13 UTC

And Michael of kent

2018-10-06 13:06:22 UTC

And a few others of windsor, Churchill, princess of jordania..

2018-10-06 13:09:42 UTC

@Deleted User please feel free to post about any topic in <#489837874393645066> . <#489836618207985670> is for Q post related discussion. Thanks.

2018-10-06 14:01:38 UTC

@Bellalu sorry about that. It was a mistake.

2018-10-06 14:07:49 UTC

No problem

2018-10-06 14:10:53 UTC

Alot of People in germany Think that she ist just a Look alike but Not the real Clinton

2018-10-06 14:18:36 UTC

The photo oh HRC at the table with Rothschild, she looks either pensive or maybe a bit too much to drink ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿ˜”

2018-10-06 19:10:44 UTC


Since news unlocks map... Plus the "DO NOT LOOK HERE" yesterday... Check this story that is starting to blow up internationally. China covering tracks? This guy was Pres of INTERPOL.

2018-10-06 19:12:29 UTC

Interestingly, a WaPo contributor is also missing and last seen in SA...


2018-10-06 19:33:25 UTC

@high-valyrian this channel is for Q post related info and conversation. Please feel free to post other items in <#489837874393645066>

2018-10-06 20:19:03 UTC

Supreme Court justice Brett motherfucking Kavanaugh

2018-10-07 02:01:06 UTC

ya its all piecing together now. ARM using chips in phones, using china to infiltrate comms etc etc in the US

2018-10-07 02:01:16 UTC

chips in all sorts of shit

2018-10-07 02:01:43 UTC

china china china

2018-10-07 02:27:28 UTC

@Golfinweg Iโ€™m thinking t-shirt for that

2018-10-07 02:33:54 UTC

I'd rock the hell out of that

2018-10-07 06:16:18 UTC

Regarding Q-Post 2355, "...TODAY, THE REPUBLIC, TOOK BACK CONTROL..." has anyone speculated why "The Republic" is set apart by commas? I have a couple of ideas. First, could this be related to ideas found in Plato's "The Republic?" He had a lot to say about the subject of JUSTICE: http://www.sparknotes.com/philosophy/republic/summary/

2018-10-07 06:16:18 UTC

Congratulations @HereComesTheSunny, you're now level 2.

2018-10-07 06:17:24 UTC
2018-10-07 06:30:47 UTC


Makes you think how much of a joke being supposedly "ANON" is these days, fecking China owns everything

2018-10-07 11:43:38 UTC

2018-10-07 11:44:38 UTC

2018-10-07 11:45:33 UTC

2018-10-07 11:49:18 UTC


2018-10-07 11:49:20 UTC


2018-10-07 12:36:55 UTC

Why is the bot gaying it up in here with tarot cards?

2018-10-07 12:36:55 UTC

Congratulations @BreadTwists, you're now level 5.

2018-10-07 12:39:24 UTC

@TaCktiX BreadTwists*

2018-10-07 12:39:49 UTC

yeah, that

2018-10-07 14:24:44 UTC


2018-10-07 14:24:53 UTC


2018-10-07 14:25:09 UTC

White hats in the pyramid now.

2018-10-07 14:46:13 UTC

This channel is for Q post related discussion. Please play with the bot in <#489838052609359882>. Thanks

2018-10-07 15:01:40 UTC



2018-10-07 16:52:14 UTC

I think Iran and Turkey are teaming up to cause a division with Saudi Arabia under MSB. Seeing articles pushed by pro Iranian regime ppl...on these Turkish stories. Something is FISHY. seems linked to the 9/11 vote sponsored by Blumenthol. https://twitter.com/PostOpinions/status/1048960914110779392?s=19

2018-10-07 17:40:18 UTC

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