
Discord ID: 383108664380227595

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2018-05-11 07:26:24 UTC

You already threatened to shoot me

2018-05-11 07:26:24 UTC

You want to shoot me an my communist freinds I'll set your fucking house on fire

2018-05-11 07:26:43 UTC

lol oh boy here comes the commie internet tough guy

2018-05-11 07:26:44 UTC

I'll land my load right on your cheek bud, just say the word.

2018-05-11 07:26:46 UTC

@hydra lee wants to kill first

2018-05-11 07:26:49 UTC

no, not the katana collection!

2018-05-11 07:26:52 UTC

You made the first threat. I have all the wheat. You're coming to kill me

2018-05-11 07:26:53 UTC

@hydra lee: communism can work
Literally anyone with any common sense:


2018-05-11 07:26:58 UTC

because socialist are violent

2018-05-11 07:27:18 UTC

this man did nothing wrong


2018-05-11 07:27:42 UTC


2018-05-11 07:27:42 UTC

@M4Gunner funny our signature weapon is the molotove

2018-05-11 07:27:53 UTC

@hydra lee is a violence advocate

2018-05-11 07:28:16 UTC

because socialists are violent thugs

2018-05-11 07:28:18 UTC

@hydra lee actually we don't want to shoot you or your friends, you illiterate retard
We want to toss you out of a helicopter from an extreme height

2018-05-11 07:28:29 UTC

they are worthless trash who think they own the world

2018-05-11 07:28:32 UTC

lmao, this nigga really threatening real unironic violence over the internet

2018-05-11 07:28:33 UTC

Molotovs have very limited range

2018-05-11 07:28:50 UTC

@Deleted User you said you were going to shoot me an my komrades and expected me to be civil with that? Cupcake your a hilarious kind of stupid

2018-05-11 07:28:59 UTC

Molotovs are pretty fuckin worthless, just like communists

2018-05-11 07:28:59 UTC

@hydra lee I never said that

2018-05-11 07:29:00 UTC


2018-05-11 07:29:02 UTC


2018-05-11 07:29:13 UTC

Literally a snowflake holy shit
This is gold

2018-05-11 07:29:17 UTC

lol knopfler

2018-05-11 07:29:27 UTC

Mittens have a serious contender now

2018-05-11 07:29:33 UTC

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

2018-05-11 07:29:35 UTC

@hydra lee I wouldn't even shoot you

2018-05-11 07:29:39 UTC

this is you

2018-05-11 07:29:46 UTC

but leftist

2018-05-11 07:29:53 UTC

and you said you were going to commit a violent revolution to execute all the "capitalists" @hydra lee

2018-05-11 07:29:59 UTC

you started it faggot

2018-05-11 07:30:02 UTC

My economic plan to deal with communism


2018-05-11 07:30:12 UTC

but that's just an inconvient truth...

2018-05-11 07:30:20 UTC


2018-05-11 07:30:36 UTC

>says he wants to kill people unironically
>cries when people joke about killing him

2018-05-11 07:30:40 UTC


2018-05-11 07:30:41 UTC

My sides are in orbit

2018-05-11 07:31:16 UTC


2018-05-11 07:31:34 UTC


2018-05-11 07:31:42 UTC

@radeon yeah no -_- dude please stop your not black ops and you don't have a secret network the fuck i know you think us socalists bare stupid but this is just sad

2018-05-11 07:31:52 UTC


2018-05-11 07:31:52 UTC


2018-05-11 07:31:54 UTC

fucking saved

2018-05-11 07:31:56 UTC

and you're a limp dick pussy

2018-05-11 07:32:06 UTC

He thinks copy pasta is real

2018-05-11 07:32:11 UTC

@hydra lee you can't even lift half your weight pussy

2018-05-11 07:32:11 UTC

did you just

2018-05-11 07:32:36 UTC

@meratrix please pin his response

2018-05-11 07:32:41 UTC

@hydra lee If you can’t take the heat, don’t beat the meat.

2018-05-11 07:32:51 UTC

i literally pasted in the navy seals copypasta and *you fucking fell for it?* the oldest dead meme in the book?

2018-05-11 07:32:52 UTC

2018-05-11 07:32:58 UTC

2018-05-11 07:32:58 UTC

He took the navy seal copypasta unironically

2018-05-11 07:33:00 UTC

Pls pin omg

2018-05-11 07:33:01 UTC

This is gold

2018-05-11 07:33:02 UTC


2018-05-11 07:33:18 UTC


2018-05-11 07:33:25 UTC

i have no words

2018-05-11 07:33:27 UTC

I think that's my cue

2018-05-11 07:33:40 UTC


2018-05-11 07:33:50 UTC

@Deleted User I don't think that will matter much for me

2018-05-11 07:33:55 UTC


2018-05-11 07:34:10 UTC

this is way better than whatever video i was watching lol

2018-05-11 07:34:36 UTC

@radeon so calling you out on not being Navy seals is falling for it? Wtf?

2018-05-11 07:34:49 UTC

the navy seals copypasta is a very old meme

2018-05-11 07:34:50 UTC

have you never heard of the navy seals copy pasta?

2018-05-11 07:34:51 UTC


2018-05-11 07:34:53 UTC

you fucking retard

2018-05-11 07:35:15 UTC

@radeon oh I don't really read alot of that stuff tbh

2018-05-11 07:35:24 UTC

did you think i was unironically shit talking about being a navy seal?

2018-05-11 07:35:28 UTC

You retard

2018-05-11 07:35:33 UTC

Qu'est-ce que tu viens juste de dire sur moi petite salope ? je te ferais savoir que je suis sorti premier de ma classe dans la légion étrangère, et j'ai participé à de nombreuses attaques surprises contre Al-Quaeda, j'ai plus de 300 victimes confirmées. Je suis entrainé aux tactiques de gorilla et je suis le meilleur sniper de toutes les forces armées françaises. Tu n'es rien de plus qu'une autre cible. Je te ferais disparaitre de cette putain de planète avec une précision jamais-vue auparavant, souviens-toi de mes putains de paroles. Tu peux pense que tu peux t'en sortir après avoir dit de la merde sur moi sur Internet? Réfléchis-bien, enculé. Au moment où nous parlons je contacte mon réseau d'espions à travers le globe et ton IP se fait tracer en ce moment même alors prépare toi à la tempête, vermine. La tempête qui va balayer cette pathétique petite chose que tu appelles ta vie. T'es putain de mort gamin. Je peux être n'importe où, n'importe quand, et je peux te tuer de plus de sept-cent manières, et cela juste à mains nues. Je suis non seulement très entrainé au combat à main nue, mais j'ai aussi accès à l'arsenal entier de l'Armée de Terre de la République et je l'utiliserai à son maximum pour rayer ton petit cul du continent, espèce de petite merde. Si seulement tu avais su la vengeance impie qui t'attendait grâce à ton petit commentaire "malin", peut être tu aurais fermé ta gueule. Mais tu ne l'a pas fait, non tu ne l'a pas fait, et maintenant tu en paye le prix, putain d'abruti. Je vais te chier dessus jusqu'à ce que tu te noies dedans.

T'es putain de mort, gamin.

2018-05-11 07:35:34 UTC


2018-05-11 07:35:39 UTC

You obviously don't read much at all

2018-05-11 07:35:58 UTC

Kio la fek?

2018-05-11 07:36:10 UTC

Was zum Teufel hast du grade über mich gesagt, du kleine Schlampe? Du solltest wissen, dass ich meine Ausbildung beim GSG9 als Jahrgangsbester abgeschlossen habe, in mehrere Kommandounternehmen gegen Al-Kaida involviert war und über 300 bestätigte Tötungen habe. Ich bin in Gorillakriegsführung ausgebildet und der beste Scharfschütze im deutschen Bundesheer. Du bist für mich nichts als ein weiteres Ziel. Ich werde dich mit einer nie zuvor gesehenen Präzision vom Antliz dieser Welt tilgen, merk dir meine verdammten Worte. Du denkst du könntest hier im Internet so eine Scheiße über mich erzählen und damit durchkommen? Denk lieber nochmal darüber nach, du Wichser. Während wir uns hier unterhalten, habe ich schon mein geheimes Netzwerk aus Spionen kontaktiert und deine IP-Adresse wird grade rückverfolgt, also mach dich besser auf den Sturm gefasst, du Made. Der Sturm, der das erbärmliche kleine Ding, das du als dein "Leben" bezeichnest, auslöschen wird. Du bist verdammt nochmal tot, Junge. Ich könnte jederzeit überall sein, und dich auf über siebenhundert verschiedene Arten töten, nur mit meinen bloßen Händen. Aber ich bin nicht nur im unbewaffneten Kampf ausgebildet, ich habe auch Zugriff auf das Waffenarsenal der Bundeswehr und ich werde es aufs Vollste ausschöpfen, um deinen elendigen Arsch von diesem Kontinent zu blasen, du kleiner Scheißkerl. Wenn du nur gewusst hättest, was für eine apokalyptische Rache dein kleiner "witziger" Kommentar provoziert hat, hättest du vermutlich dein verdammtes Maul gehalten. Aber nein, das hast du nicht hinbekommen, das wolltest du nicht, und jetzt wirst du dafür bezahlen, du verdammter Idiot. Du wirst in meinem Hass ertrinken. Du bist tot, Junge.

2018-05-11 07:36:35 UTC


2018-05-11 07:37:08 UTC

Что ебать ты просто чертовски говорила обо мне, маленькая сука? Я тебе зкажу, я закончил вершину моего класса в ВДВ, и я принимал участие в многочисленных секретных рейдов на Аль-Каидой, и у меня есть более 300 подтвержденных убийств. Я тренировался в парижском войны, и я сверху снайпер в целых российских вооруженных сил. Вы ничто для меня, но только другая цель. Я протрите тебе нахрен с точностью, подобных которым никогда не видели раньше на этой Земле, запомните мои чертовы слова. Вы думаете, что вы можете уйти с того, что дерьмо для меня через Интернет? Подумайте еще раз, ублюдок. Как мы говорим Я контактирую мой секретный сеть шпионов по всей России, и ваш IP-трассируется прямо сейчас, так что вам лучше подготовиться к шторму, козу. Шторм, который стирает жалкий небольшое вещь ты называеш твоя жизнь. Ты находишься чертовски мертвых, малыш. Я могу быть где угодно, в любое время, и я могу убить тебя в более семисот способами, и это только голыми руками. Я не только обучен приемам рукопашного боя, но у меня есть доступ ко всей арсенале Воздушно-десантные войска, и я буду использовать его в полной мере, чтобы вытереть задницу жалкий с лица континента, небольшое дерьма. Если бы только ты мог знать, что нечестивый возмездие ваш маленький "умный" комментарий был готов обрушить тебе, может быть, ты бы провели свой гребаный язык. Но ты не мог, ты не сделал, и теперь ты платишь цену, ты идиот проклятый. Я дерьмо ярость все над тобойи ты тонуть в нем. Ты находишься чертовски мертв, детка.

2018-05-11 07:37:17 UTC


2018-05-11 07:37:17 UTC

@hydra lee Ĉu vi ankaŭ parolas Esperanton

2018-05-11 07:37:38 UTC

proof of soviet shit tier technology


2018-05-11 07:37:48 UTC

....vi paroli Esperanton o.o

2018-05-11 07:38:05 UTC

What in Davy Jones' locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I'll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I've led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o' swag. I'll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o' pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o' monsoon that'll wipe ye off the map. You're sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o'er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o' the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I'll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o' the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn't, ye didn't, and now ye'll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I'll shit fury all over ye and ye'll drown in the depths o' it. You're fish food now

2018-05-11 07:38:05 UTC

there arent any russian jets that have shot down more planes than theyve lost

2018-05-11 07:38:49 UTC

keep in mind the russians lost more aircraft to the fucking afghans than they did to the nazis

2018-05-11 07:38:56 UTC


2018-05-11 07:39:05 UTC

I saw this meme posted to /r/LateStageCapitalism with the title "this but unironically"


2018-05-11 07:39:11 UTC

@hydra lee Mi parolas iomete

2018-05-11 07:39:16 UTC

@radeon that's sad

2018-05-11 07:39:31 UTC

not much though

2018-05-11 07:39:40 UTC


2018-05-11 07:40:03 UTC


2018-05-11 07:40:05 UTC

good god this is the most glorious shitposting session I have ever seen.

2018-05-11 07:40:33 UTC


2018-05-11 07:41:10 UTC


2018-05-11 07:41:16 UTC

this guy is discount mittens

2018-05-11 07:41:38 UTC

now in HD


2018-05-11 07:41:50 UTC

god damnit, why does the one other person on this server who knows any Esperanto have to be a fucking commie!

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