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So questioning your hierarchy is not questioning is not questioning the idea of having one itself but the type you live in

2018-07-14 22:37:13 UTC

This level of conversation in here is pretty autistic

2018-07-14 22:37:38 UTC

lets talk about Taylor Swift and Gilmore Girls.

Leave it down to the meritocracy and it will work itself out

2018-07-14 22:37:50 UTC

Do you watch Gilmore Girls?

2018-07-14 22:38:11 UTC

I liked it, when I was younger, but now I am out of loop.

2018-07-14 22:38:40 UTC

Although the hierarchy of bureaucracy we're seeing in the FBI recently is fucking retarded...

2018-07-14 22:38:53 UTC

witf is gilmore girls?

2018-07-14 22:38:59 UTC

A show.

2018-07-14 22:39:11 UTC

You are too young, to kow it.

2018-07-14 22:39:31 UTC

but it seems Netflix made a new series.

2018-07-14 22:39:48 UTC

im not sure i would have been interested in it

2018-07-14 22:40:11 UTC


2018-07-14 22:40:23 UTC

I don't have Netflix.

2018-07-14 22:40:32 UTC

my child hood was the OG Ben 10, Power Rangers and Pokemon

2018-07-14 22:40:38 UTC

I am out of touch with Gilmore Girls.

2018-07-14 22:40:55 UTC


2018-07-14 22:41:10 UTC


2018-07-14 22:41:15 UTC

no TV?

2018-07-14 22:41:26 UTC


2018-07-14 22:41:28 UTC

how old are you?

2018-07-14 22:41:35 UTC


2018-07-14 22:41:35 UTC


2018-07-14 22:41:47 UTC

I know, how old you are @snek.

2018-07-14 22:41:53 UTC

I remembered it.

2018-07-14 22:41:54 UTC

tv used to be less gay

2018-07-14 22:42:23 UTC

Having TV was more common, when I had my childhood.

2018-07-14 22:42:29 UTC

You are a young mofo.

2018-07-14 22:42:43 UTC

I am a 90s kid.

2018-07-14 22:42:47 UTC

a wee lil lad

2018-07-14 22:43:02 UTC

really, you were born in the 90s?

2018-07-14 22:43:12 UTC

he was born 2001, or something.

2018-07-14 22:43:35 UTC

I saw 9/11 happen bitches.

2018-07-14 22:43:39 UTC

im 2003

2018-07-14 22:43:47 UTC

And it was fun to me.

2018-07-14 22:43:55 UTC

to see the tower collapse.

2018-07-14 22:44:00 UTC

I was a kid.

2018-07-14 22:44:02 UTC

I barely memba 9/11

2018-07-14 22:44:08 UTC

I'm a 98 kid

2018-07-14 22:44:16 UTC

I saw it in TV. It was all over TV.

2018-07-14 22:44:18 UTC

by 2003 i mean i am a fucking Highlander and have seen some shit

2018-07-14 22:45:18 UTC


2018-07-14 22:45:29 UTC

You will see much more in your life.

2018-07-14 22:45:30 UTC

when I talk about trump and say he's "word-stupid" this is the shit I mean, from his campaign:

2018-07-14 22:45:33 UTC

`Look, having nuclearโ€”my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smartโ€”you know, if youโ€™re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the worldโ€”itโ€™s true!โ€”but when you're a conservative Republican they tryโ€”oh, do they do a numberโ€”thatโ€™s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortuneโ€”you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because weโ€™re a little disadvantagedโ€”but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers meโ€”it would have been so easy, and itโ€™s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was rightโ€”who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisonersโ€”now it used to be three, now itโ€™s fourโ€”but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they havenโ€™t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, itโ€™s gonna take them about another 150 yearsโ€”but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.`

2018-07-14 22:45:36 UTC

what the fuck is this word salad

2018-07-14 22:45:52 UTC

needs more tomatos

2018-07-14 22:46:23 UTC


2018-07-14 22:46:31 UTC

What I get out of that statment is

2018-07-14 22:47:03 UTC

-Nuclear power is good
-trump's uncle was an engineer who told him nukes are goood
-the iranians are crafty negotiators and the US got screwed

2018-07-14 22:47:03 UTC

You understand him better, when he speaks. The transcripts are a mess.

2018-07-14 22:48:29 UTC
2018-07-14 22:48:48 UTC

2018-07-14 22:49:20 UTC

now, I have the same colour as you.

2018-07-14 22:49:44 UTC

transracialism achieved!

2018-07-14 22:49:44 UTC

wow you were fast

2018-07-14 22:49:48 UTC

2018-07-14 22:49:53 UTC

it took me a lot longer

2018-07-14 22:49:54 UTC

The first guy to figure out that *convincing* a woman to come with you instead of risking death in your sleep, probably *slayed* pussy

2018-07-14 22:49:56 UTC

can we get some respect for our veterans

2018-07-14 22:50:17 UTC


Sophie hasnโ€™t told me her age as of yet

2018-07-14 22:50:42 UTC

im sure you would want to know that for some quality e sex

Donโ€™t know why Iโ€™m interested but she asked me mine so I need to reciprocate it

2018-07-14 22:51:08 UTC


2018-07-14 22:51:11 UTC

a man of culture

2018-07-14 22:51:17 UTC

age is just a number and so is 911

2018-07-14 22:53:15 UTC

when you need one more component to make the cell phone but after doing almost 100 fishing quests you still dont have the anglers notebook

2018-07-14 22:54:06 UTC

The Akira motorcycle is just a motor-scooter turned into a chopper: Change my mind.

2018-07-14 22:54:20 UTC


2018-07-14 22:54:30 UTC

I talk in tangents, but I don't often talk in tangents when on the world stage

2018-07-14 22:56:07 UTC

<:chad:431600553806790667> <:chad:431600553806790667> <:chad:431600553806790667> <:chad:431600553806790667> <:chad:431600553806790667>

You then reply with โ€œyeah but ur mumโ€

2018-07-14 22:56:45 UTC

I am a 90s kid.

2018-07-14 22:57:11 UTC

1994 to be specific.

2018-07-14 22:57:42 UTC


2018-07-14 22:57:47 UTC

you are good at math ๐Ÿ‘

2018-07-14 22:57:48 UTC

the year spongebob was aired

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