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2017-03-26 18:53:02 UTC

$purge 5

2017-03-26 18:53:02 UTC

@kantina | `โŒ` | Your permission level is too low to execute that command. The command requires permission level 2 (Server Moderator) and you are level 0 (Server Member).

2017-03-26 18:53:04 UTC

oh yeah

2017-03-26 18:53:10 UTC

Keep this chat *specifically* about news pertaining to China, thanks

2017-03-26 18:53:11 UTC

fug you need hotpocket

2017-03-27 16:18:19 UTC

Is there any note as aesthetic as the 2000 NTD note

2017-03-27 17:32:11 UTC
2017-03-27 17:35:08 UTC

That's awfully silly

2017-03-27 17:36:43 UTC

lol those old people ratting him out

2017-03-27 17:42:29 UTC

2017-03-27 18:15:44 UTC

Had no idea he was also making documentaries on the side

2017-03-27 19:23:29 UTC

this can't be good

2017-03-27 19:24:00 UTC

paging resident China expert @kaetaa

2017-03-27 20:28:08 UTC

Why does the chink govt suddenly hate laowai money

2017-03-27 20:28:13 UTC


2017-03-27 20:37:00 UTC

This is why

2017-03-27 20:37:59 UTC

The news of the THAAD deployment sparked a threat of โ€œconsequencesโ€ from China. โ€œI want to emphasize that we firmly oppose the deployment of THAAD,โ€ said Geng Shuang, a spokesman for Chinaโ€™s Foreign Ministry, at a daily news briefing in Beijing on Tuesday. โ€œWe will resolutely take necessary measures to defend our security interests.โ€

2017-03-27 20:38:52 UTC

Chinese reaction appears to be moving to hurt South Korea economically. Beijing has already placed restrictions on Korean businesses that operate in China, including shutting down stores of Lotte, a South Korean conglomerate that offered a golf course as land for THAAD use.

More measures are expected. Chinese travel agencies are stopping the sale of tickets to South Korea, and there have been growing calls in China to boycott South Korean products and even cancel tours by K-pop stars. Such moves carry significant weight. South Korea has grown increasingly dependent economically on China in recent years. China is South Korea's largest trading partner, and the value of its exports to the country were $142 billion in 2014 โ€” more than twice the value of its exports to the United States.

2017-03-27 20:39:19 UTC

Like Serpentza mentioned in the video, the Chinese are smashing Korean products now

2017-03-27 20:40:12 UTC

restricting sale of products to the US is big

2017-03-27 20:40:22 UTC

all of this is speculation though

2017-03-27 20:40:37 UTC

We haven't heard from other Taobao agents about this yet

2017-03-27 20:41:18 UTC

Hmm, I know a South Korean. Should I ask wtf is going on?

2017-03-27 20:41:41 UTC

South Koreans aren't to blame

2017-03-27 20:42:42 UTC

China doesn't like that the US is installing a missile defense system in South Korea to protect them from NK, it's because they suspect that defense system can also be used against China

2017-03-27 20:46:56 UTC

Jack Ma was right <:alismirk:230784726615588865>

2017-03-27 20:47:20 UTC

Also, all of Asia hates each other

2017-03-27 20:47:25 UTC

it's just that the time has come again

2017-03-27 20:48:07 UTC

chink gov wtf you doing

2017-03-27 20:48:57 UTC

2017-03-27 20:54:31 UTC

God I wish that was meโ€ฆ

2017-03-27 20:55:12 UTC

Not with the head, but being in a place to say thatโ€ฆ

2017-03-27 20:58:53 UTC

He probably looks like a cockroach naked

2017-03-27 21:00:54 UTC

Having a lego head doesn't matter if you're rich

2017-03-27 21:01:00 UTC

But how do you get rich, having a lego head?

2017-03-27 21:01:03 UTC


2017-03-27 21:01:28 UTC

Inherit it.

2017-03-27 21:01:43 UTC

He was from a poor family iirc

2017-03-27 21:01:55 UTC

And his friends all called him crazy when he told them about his dreams

2017-03-27 21:02:15 UTC

his business partners apparently had no confidence in him, he said

2017-03-27 21:04:12 UTC

So now he's the "I could do it, so if you can't you have no one to blame but yourself" kinda guy?

2017-03-27 21:06:02 UTC

2017-03-27 21:06:04 UTC

Pic related

2017-03-27 21:09:42 UTC

Oh, fuck that guy!

2017-03-27 21:10:00 UTC

He'll get the wall after the revolution for sure.

2017-03-27 21:41:42 UTC

i want to find the talk that that quote is from

2017-03-27 21:41:45 UTC

but I can't find it

2017-03-28 02:24:35 UTC

things are kind of tense with china and south korea. they are destroying korean shit and looting stores

2017-03-28 02:24:54 UTC

last time this happened with the japs a few years ago, they beat up japanese people, burned japanese cars etc.

2017-03-28 02:25:08 UTC

anything that was remotely japanese they destroyed. mob justice innit

2017-03-28 02:26:55 UTC

all the chinks are real butthurt right now - you have to remember that the govt controls the media, so they just put on blast "South korea is shit - its time to destroy everything they love", which is paraphrased, but its basically what they say on the news everynight

2017-03-28 02:27:15 UTC

its a good propoganda tool - and the people here know the govt runs the media, but they eat it up anyway

2017-03-28 02:27:55 UTC

chinks dont have individual brains - they believe they are chinese hivemind. you make fun of one chink, they think you are making fun of every chink

2017-03-28 02:29:09 UTC

just got back from chinese hospital for mri - its fucking insane here. thousands of people mobbing every counter and cutting lines and being disorderly

2017-03-28 02:29:13 UTC

i feel bad for the employees

2017-03-28 03:41:25 UTC

Has anyone here been to either China, Taiwan, Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong, or pretty much anywhere else full of Chinese folks?

2017-03-28 03:48:54 UTC

It is hell..

2017-03-28 03:49:08 UTC

Where exactly did you go?

2017-03-28 03:50:05 UTC

Taiwan for two nights, hot and muggy as fuck. Insane brown Chinese running around driving like maniacs

2017-03-28 03:50:47 UTC


2017-03-28 03:51:23 UTC

I bet the mainland is worse though

2017-03-28 03:52:03 UTC

I think island weather and mixing with locals is making them go nuts

2017-03-28 03:52:44 UTC

Plus the island's crowded as fuck

2017-03-28 03:54:07 UTC

I really want to travel Southeast/East Asia so bad

2017-03-28 04:04:35 UTC

where did you go in taiwan, @leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebo

2017-03-28 04:04:59 UTC

I love taiwan so much

2017-03-28 04:50:13 UTC

i live in mainland, and ive been to hong kong for a week

2017-03-28 04:50:17 UTC

im going to taiwan in october

2017-03-28 10:12:19 UTC

@kaetaa mobbing every counter and cutting lines and being disorderly, yup they're chinese alright

2017-03-28 13:13:28 UTC

1 - 0 down to the Iranians

2017-03-28 17:39:35 UTC

>tfw you lose in football to a country where grass does not grow

2017-03-29 15:16:52 UTC

Who said that you can't play football on sand?

2017-03-29 17:31:32 UTC

@testtest Or where they cant afford balls and have to use inifidel organs

2017-03-29 19:01:02 UTC


2017-03-29 19:54:09 UTC

c h i n k e d

2017-03-30 02:35:26 UTC

but new china is shit

2017-03-30 02:35:50 UTC

chinks didnt always use to be like this. its a culmination of everything thats happened, starting with the cultural revolution

2017-03-30 13:46:38 UTC

oy vey thats sexist to assume wymyns color is pink #destroygenderroles

2017-03-30 15:04:32 UTC


2017-03-30 15:04:35 UTC


2017-03-30 15:56:34 UTC

judaism in china is redundant

2017-03-30 15:56:50 UTC

2017-03-30 21:57:24 UTC

Fukushima apple

2017-03-30 21:57:36 UTC

Bought from a chink

2017-03-31 17:14:41 UTC


2017-04-01 14:45:28 UTC


2017-04-01 16:38:36 UTC

tfw not a dear friend

2017-04-01 20:38:55 UTC

Brb y'all, going to Japan

2017-04-01 20:39:05 UTC

Stopping at Beijing first for layover

2017-04-01 20:39:12 UTC

Time to be a dear friend

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