Discord ID: 159447842132459520
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On my tab
Still in editing room?
Its greT
practice gf
is good to start early
even if you cant get the hottest piece
same tbh
>instagram ho at the age of 12
oh boy
dem curves
tho that is not very flattering pic
nothing wrong with being homo
they got better taste tbh
lol, gearbest accepted my review with fake googled pics
steam turbine is western design
chinks just copied it and sell for much cheaper
>he wants low dpi
I cant even use anything under 3000 dpi
dpi =/= sensitivity
dpi is mouse accuracy
sensitivity = how many pixels per dot
dpi = dots per inch
if you move your mouse one inch you get your dpi worth of dots
sensitivity = how many pixels each dot is translated into
it should change the dpi
but cheap chink shit I am sure has only one dpi
and "changing the dpi" means that mouse driver changes sensitivity
then they literally lie
I mean sure
they can software force it to skip dots
and that would count
as changing dpi
optimal settings is windows sensitivity 6/11 and then you control the mouse ""sensitivity"" by changing dpi
6/11 windows sens is the one that rounds the pixels the less or something
internet is full of this stuff, very important for gaymyrs and artists
used to read it couple years ago
yeah I know that pain aerione
>tfw mech keyboard and 3000dpi mouse
>visit parents
>have to use 5 dollar rubberkeyboard and 400dpi mouse with sensitivity crank'd up and acceleration on
>constant misclicks
>parents think I am computer illiterate
when visiting them
checking on tracking
tfw too lazy to read back over 10 messages
>we got >we got >we got
sounds like fridgebro
just cut off the acne )))
no more acne)))
clean and smooth
we kpop now
lol wat
wonder what happened at fullchan
prolly NSA
I still remember /i/
and LOIC
downloading the microsoft botne
on my parents computer
>maxing out youtube tags
this is 100% shill style
>Bought a BM-800 as recommended from you guys. If it's rubbish I'm going to track you guys down. I'm ex Navy seal fucko.
t. unbiased tech reviews
should someone tell him to get a phantom power?
got a meme fan for 9 American cents
I posted about it couple of days ago
myu BM-800 got whipped with RU surface
to my suprice
the tracking actually works
tho took 3 days before it started to work
this is the tracking site for ru surface mail
yea that works alco
That sounds more like autism
>come at 9:30 pm
>leave 1am
Thats no party
Thats late dinner
The D?
>sellers shipping method
>all these fucking mosquitos
If jews were animals, they would be mosquitos
Wonder if chinks have some anti mosquito tech
Gottta check
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