
Discord ID: 445636791584686080

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2018-05-21 23:29:19 UTC

Hahaha. Pence one is good to

2018-05-21 23:29:38 UTC

Hella good memes in this group

2018-05-21 23:31:26 UTC

2018-05-21 23:33:26 UTC

2018-05-21 23:34:12 UTC

Can you believe they thought weโ€™s be triggered by this beautiful work of art

2018-05-21 23:36:10 UTC

2018-05-21 23:46:46 UTC

2018-05-22 00:05:10 UTC

I never thought Iโ€™d say this but Wtf is she wearing under that

2018-05-22 00:06:31 UTC

2018-05-22 00:15:09 UTC

I used to follow Shapiro but after the stuff in Syria I saw he put the wishes of Israel above commen sense with wanting is to get roped into conflict there because Israel wanted to oust Assad

2018-05-22 00:15:19 UTC

Honestly not sure why it took me so long to notice though

2018-05-22 00:15:44 UTC

But still it's asinine how we are fighting ISIS while at the same time giving them weapons and being their personal air force

2018-05-22 00:16:16 UTC

Should be helping Assad and Russia wipe out the terrorists

2018-05-22 00:19:55 UTC

You want us to collude with russia?

2018-05-22 00:20:02 UTC


2018-05-22 00:20:16 UTC


2018-05-22 00:53:09 UTC

I heard that!

2018-05-22 00:53:20 UTC

Sheโ€™s falling apart

2018-05-22 00:53:40 UTC

2018-05-22 03:08:06 UTC

2018-05-22 06:15:12 UTC

2018-05-22 06:21:16 UTC

2018-05-22 14:03:48 UTC

@here guys....

2018-05-22 14:03:57 UTC


2018-05-22 14:03:57 UTC

We've been found out

2018-05-22 14:04:09 UTC


2018-05-22 14:06:01 UTC


2018-05-22 14:06:38 UTC


2018-05-22 14:06:49 UTC

Commence the purchasing of MORE AR's!

2018-05-22 14:06:57 UTC

Let it Spike Tenfold!

2018-05-22 14:07:16 UTC

And nothing about th media sensationalizing school shootings for ratings which in turn brings out copycats

2018-05-22 14:07:38 UTC

but but but muh evil nra and evil republicans

2018-05-22 14:22:59 UTC

the fuck

2018-05-22 14:39:21 UTC

Was at my grandpa's house Sunday since he passed away last week so we were deciding would would inherit his belongings. Got to get a license but found a shotgun so I claimed it for myself so I can collect it

2018-05-22 14:39:37 UTC

Fired from hand guns to tanks but never a shotgun

2018-05-22 15:05:42 UTC

Shot guns are where it's at, some real power. Like a tank in ur shoulder

2018-05-22 15:06:24 UTC

If they want a ban any gun ban a shot gun cause anyone who gets hit is in some serious pain ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-05-22 16:26:55 UTC

unless it's birdshot...

2018-05-22 20:40:59 UTC

True, slugs are where its at.

2018-05-23 00:22:08 UTC

God damn keep getting this guy in my YouTube recommended who pretty much makes videos with "Everyone I disagree with is a nazi" and hate reading the comments of either people praising communists or saying how anyone not far left is a borgua and wants to kill minorities

2018-05-23 00:22:16 UTC

These people are so fucking dense

2018-05-23 00:23:17 UTC

They think if they were in the Soviet Union everyone will be sipping capichinos and blogging or drawing CalArts style art and having non binary orgies

2018-05-23 00:23:55 UTC

In fact with them going to college and having a personal computer made by an exploited worker wouldn't they be borgua and have to be killed to?

2018-05-23 00:25:22 UTC

Also listening to Trumps speech. Planed Parenthood is defunded finally?

2018-05-23 00:38:41 UTC


2018-05-23 01:09:44 UTC

I need a shotgun

2018-05-23 01:10:28 UTC


2018-05-23 01:32:12 UTC

Hello Hello

2018-05-23 01:38:14 UTC


2018-05-23 01:38:30 UTC


2018-05-23 02:38:20 UTC
2018-05-23 04:58:12 UTC

LMAO WHO DID THIS @here @everyone

2018-05-23 04:58:17 UTC

2018-05-23 04:58:41 UTC

if you donโ€™t know who she is then you probably donโ€™t belong here

2018-05-23 05:50:58 UTC

2018-05-23 09:13:45 UTC

hey i neeed to invite someone here, how would i do tht

2018-05-23 11:04:45 UTC

Tom/The other admins are posting links to the discord in the daily god emperor trump Facebook streams

2018-05-23 11:07:17 UTC
2018-05-23 15:41:14 UTC

Thank you much!

2018-05-23 15:43:25 UTC


2018-05-23 15:45:36 UTC

Every time i open this discord

2018-05-23 15:48:36 UTC

Everytime I open zuccbook

2018-05-23 16:06:40 UTC

Accurate as fuck

2018-05-23 16:08:09 UTC

I'm still zucced for 15 or so more days. I said transgenders are a disgrace to the human race and should learn to deal with there real identitys rather than enable them to believe they are something they simply arnt

2018-05-23 16:08:10 UTC


2018-05-23 16:15:27 UTC

I dont know how but I have never been zucced. I feel as though I have failed God Emperor.

2018-05-23 16:16:25 UTC

This is what you yanks are bringing on us

2018-05-23 16:16:30 UTC

I hope you're happy

2018-05-23 16:17:16 UTC

literally none of them are actually firing anything

2018-05-23 16:18:39 UTC

If people get scared of war with North Korea show them this.

2018-05-23 16:23:50 UTC

I was never afraid of them the same goes for iran

2018-05-23 16:23:58 UTC

Cucks the lot of them

2018-05-23 16:24:08 UTC

2018-05-23 16:24:37 UTC

Anyone who is not an American Captialist is degenerate

2018-05-23 16:24:41 UTC

2018-05-23 16:25:28 UTC

but fascism opposes capitalism

2018-05-23 16:25:40 UTC

and pinochet was fascist

2018-05-23 16:26:18 UTC

But a communist helicopter ride is still a good deed he shall have a pass for his service.

2018-05-23 17:04:06 UTC

Kill them both

2018-05-23 17:04:12 UTC

not really inefficient if you scare the rest of them straight

2018-05-23 17:05:20 UTC

Just use an c 130

2018-05-23 17:05:43 UTC

Drop em by the plane loads

2018-05-23 20:15:40 UTC

2018-05-23 20:24:04 UTC

2018-05-23 20:29:43 UTC

Check out Viceroy Mike Pence on FB, a new meme page

2018-05-23 20:31:35 UTC

2018-05-23 20:59:54 UTC

I'd watch the shit out of that

2018-05-23 21:01:33 UTC


2018-05-23 21:13:19 UTC

Someone needs to unironically make that.

2018-05-23 23:12:17 UTC

Lads attack college humor

2018-05-23 23:16:24 UTC

Why? We can just make better content

2018-05-23 23:16:49 UTC

That being said, anyone here know how to use Flash animation or make Anime?

2018-05-24 00:10:01 UTC

Just use the original but then voice over with quality jokes

7,886 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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