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2018-09-08 06:31:08 UTC

O wait the south wasnt so just as that.

2018-09-08 06:31:31 UTC

Itโ€™s not just โ€œdah rich pepolโ€ of the south, itโ€™s the north simply getting their way due to having more people and, in turn, more congressmen and senators than the South.

2018-09-08 06:31:44 UTC

Also you dont need consent from everyone to ratify something

2018-09-08 06:31:51 UTC

I dont see a problem

2018-09-08 06:32:15 UTC

Tariffs of 1857, written by a Virginia senator, gave them lower tariffs than they'd seen in half a century

2018-09-08 06:32:20 UTC

The south has become marginalized and almost entirely forgotten just as โ€œflyover countryโ€ is almost always forgotten in politics.

2018-09-08 06:32:35 UTC

There were no planes

2018-09-08 06:32:43 UTC

Democrats controlled Congress until losing the House in 1859

2018-09-08 06:33:25 UTC

And the south marginalized itself

2018-09-08 06:33:42 UTC

63% of federal revenues were from tariffs in New York alone

2018-09-08 06:33:44 UTC

Its production power and sophistication was far lower than the north

2018-09-08 06:34:03 UTC

New York had what a population of 2-3 million?

2018-09-08 06:34:16 UTC

Ehen the next biggest had 100k?

2018-09-08 06:34:18 UTC

Itโ€™s because of population and the massive differences in what was considered desirable for them that resulted in conflict. The South was agrarian and relied on the major cash crops in order to make a suitable profit, since, unlike the North, there were fewer industries because of a lack of investment in the region.

2018-09-08 06:34:49 UTC

Except slavery wasnt desirable

2018-09-08 06:34:56 UTC

It was only for the rich

2018-09-08 06:35:34 UTC

That and the fact the South has prime farming land and, well, the region becomes completely foreign and has different interests than urban areas like New York City and other Northern cities.

2018-09-08 06:35:36 UTC

You are literally upset farmers arent as powerfull as businessmen

2018-09-08 06:35:43 UTC

Are you a communist?

2018-09-08 06:35:55 UTC

Note that nothing in their declarations of secession mentioned anything about tariffs.

2018-09-08 06:36:43 UTC

Note that the problem wasnโ€™t tariffs, but the fact that theyโ€™d had enough of being the punching bag of a highly bias system:

2018-09-08 06:36:52 UTC


2018-09-08 06:36:59 UTC

The South was forgotten and neglected.

2018-09-08 06:37:00 UTC

Of a system they lost control of

2018-09-08 06:37:02 UTC

In 1860, customs collected $53 million. 8% of that from southern ports.

2018-09-08 06:37:27 UTC

Bit mah marginalization

2018-09-08 06:38:18 UTC

They were marginal boots

2018-09-08 06:38:35 UTC

Wow, for a bunch of Trump supporters, you really think that the South was evil because they seceded for the same reasons why the rust belt states and flyover country flipped to being red states in this election.

2018-09-08 06:38:35 UTC

Just get over it. Its not even an argument.

2018-09-08 06:38:49 UTC

Didnt save evil

2018-09-08 06:38:59 UTC

Apples and oranges

2018-09-08 06:39:04 UTC

Lincoln was the final straw of decades of being the bottom of the political ladder.

2018-09-08 06:39:05 UTC

They werent however free from all wrongdoings

2018-09-08 06:39:16 UTC

No, I think Davis was an evil bastard.

2018-09-08 06:39:18 UTC

They had tons of their own

2018-09-08 06:39:28 UTC

Bottom of the political ladder except for dominating Congress

2018-09-08 06:39:46 UTC

Like Rags said they had congress less than 5 years prior

2018-09-08 06:39:52 UTC

And Lincoln was a misguided person who ended up making things worse instead of better.

2018-09-08 06:39:56 UTC

They werent oppressed for decades

2018-09-08 06:39:56 UTC

The south seceded to keep slavery. They said so themselves.

2018-09-08 06:40:29 UTC

And the south started the problem that Lincoln handled poorly

2018-09-08 06:40:31 UTC

Ragnarok, if they โ€œdominated congress,โ€ as you say, then why the fuck do you think they had to make so many compromises throughout a short period of time?

2018-09-08 06:40:35 UTC

Its their own fault

2018-09-08 06:40:54 UTC

Because Jackson threatened military force

2018-09-08 06:40:56 UTC

Because they got bought off

2018-09-08 06:40:59 UTC

Itโ€™s because there was an imbalance of power between north and south just as, today, there is an imbalance of power between rural and urban.

2018-09-08 06:41:16 UTC

There was a literal imbalance though

2018-09-08 06:41:38 UTC

They werent even 10% of the country's production

2018-09-08 06:42:04 UTC

Its like thinking people should treat dogs as complete equals

2018-09-08 06:42:13 UTC

No, because the South was a minority region that had to be taken into consideration.

2018-09-08 06:42:19 UTC

We arenโ€™t a democracy.

2018-09-08 06:42:23 UTC

Weโ€™re a republic.

2018-09-08 06:42:28 UTC

Freeing slaves would give them actual power

2018-09-08 06:42:54 UTC

It was taken into consideration

2018-09-08 06:42:55 UTC

โ€œFreeing slaves would give them actual power.โ€


2018-09-08 06:43:12 UTC

So you're for slavery?

2018-09-08 06:43:16 UTC

Ok my dude

2018-09-08 06:43:20 UTC

He's for slavery

2018-09-08 06:43:27 UTC

It wouldnโ€™t because, even if they freed all the slaves, they would still only have about one-fifth of the nationโ€™s population.

2018-09-08 06:43:40 UTC

Then they were marginal

2018-09-08 06:43:46 UTC

Whats the problem?

2018-09-08 06:43:50 UTC

The South was marginalized regardless of slavery.

2018-09-08 06:44:02 UTC

Maybe the South should git gud

2018-09-08 06:44:04 UTC

You sound like a socialist or communist right now

2018-09-08 06:44:08 UTC

Instead of muh farms

2018-09-08 06:44:12 UTC

At the beginning of the war, the north had 22 million people. The south had 9 million people.

2018-09-08 06:44:21 UTC

Why doesnt everybody have the same power?

2018-09-08 06:44:46 UTC

We dont bend over for iowa man

2018-09-08 06:44:53 UTC

Thems the breaks

2018-09-08 06:44:57 UTC

The problem is the same problem the rust belt is having and what flyover country has been having for years. If no one gives a shit about you, then things become worse off for you. If people only care about the big cities, then the rural areas become neglected and rot away.

2018-09-08 06:45:02 UTC

That's including slaves

2018-09-08 06:45:18 UTC

Then dont live in the Rust Belt

2018-09-08 06:45:25 UTC

Move out

2018-09-08 06:45:25 UTC

Yeah, meaning that they would still be a marginalized region.

2018-09-08 06:45:38 UTC

They still are honestly

2018-09-08 06:45:44 UTC

It wasn't about not giving a shit. It was about slavery. That's exactly what the Confederate leadership said, in every state, and in their constitution

2018-09-08 06:45:44 UTC

โ€œJust move out.โ€

Easier said than done.

2018-09-08 06:45:49 UTC


2018-09-08 06:45:55 UTC

Mexicans do it all the time

2018-09-08 06:46:01 UTC


2018-09-08 06:46:13 UTC

Just remember, only about 20-25% of people moved out of the Midwest during the dust bowl.

2018-09-08 06:46:16 UTC

And starting a war because you feel marginaliz is ridiculous

2018-09-08 06:46:31 UTC

No, it isnโ€™t.

2018-09-08 06:46:49 UTC

Why arent we liked?
>start war

2018-09-08 06:46:53 UTC

Yeah it is lol

2018-09-08 06:47:00 UTC

You cannot be a piss poor region and expect the rich ones to give money to you freely.

2018-09-08 06:47:01 UTC

By that argument, the American Revolution is ridiculous because the colonies felt marginalized by the British Crown.

2018-09-08 06:47:08 UTC

The vast majority of federal revenue was from tariffs. The south paid like 8% of the bill. I'm willing to bet more than 8% of federal budget was spent on them.

2018-09-08 06:47:23 UTC

Colonies had 0 say

2018-09-08 06:47:33 UTC

South just wasnt happy with theirs

2018-09-08 06:47:38 UTC

And the south often had about as much say.

2018-09-08 06:47:41 UTC

Uh let's see. Boston Massacre. Prohibition of public assembly. Quartering Act.

2018-09-08 06:47:42 UTC

They wanted all say

2018-09-08 06:48:02 UTC

It was a lot more than just taxes bro

2018-09-08 06:48:03 UTC

3rd amendment is the real mvp my dudes

2018-09-08 06:48:12 UTC

Yeah everyone forgets about that one

2018-09-08 06:48:22 UTC

And the south seceded over much more than just slavery, you cretin.

2018-09-08 06:48:26 UTC

Guys, the same way that now coal minning and truck driving arent jobs of the future, slavery and agriculture were not back then

2018-09-08 06:48:34 UTC

3A is the reason Ehzek and I didn't live in your house and make your wife cook for us, wash our clothes and shit

2018-09-08 06:48:35 UTC

But mostly slavery

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