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2017-05-28 15:35:48 UTC

@OF-8 You have to read from a lot of different sources.

2017-05-28 15:35:56 UTC

Marxist too.

2017-05-28 15:36:01 UTC

the ideological investigation is ususally the latter, so i might pour over the related materials of an ideology over the course of several weekends

2017-05-28 15:36:23 UTC

this lead me to investigate marxism as a child of post-modernism

2017-05-28 15:36:29 UTC

this always makes the post-modernist reeeeee

2017-05-28 15:37:00 UTC

Recently Ive re-opened the post-modernism case files and this place is a kind of source

2017-05-28 15:37:16 UTC

Why don't you do an investigation before criticism?

2017-05-28 15:37:41 UTC

If i can be an ancap asshole in the presence of leftists, clearly the post-modernism will rise from the marxism

2017-05-28 15:38:05 UTC

this has been useful i almost feel as though people will defend their ideology harder in a more diversely post-modern environment

2017-05-28 15:38:35 UTC

i dont know why im even considering the possibility of a functional post-modern environment, probably because ive begrudgingly parsed a bunch of garbage on just to get the feel of the slang

2017-05-28 15:38:41 UTC

my god you people use retarded concepts

2017-05-28 15:39:01 UTC

What gold can come from slaying this dragon?

2017-05-28 15:39:32 UTC

@ShadyMarxist i dont have an academic protocol drilled into my head, i do precisely what the fuck i feel is most productive, and it's worked, im rich as hell

2017-05-28 15:39:43 UTC

@OF-8 You may start understanding what is going on in politics.

2017-05-28 15:39:54 UTC

How do you think i got rich as hell?

2017-05-28 15:40:02 UTC

Politics is my sports

2017-05-28 15:40:03 UTC


2017-05-28 15:40:48 UTC

@OF-8 Every /polak is rich. Most white-trash on boards I've met claim they are rich.

2017-05-28 15:41:13 UTC

And every marxist, to the man, is a stinking disheveled (((low energy))) NEET

2017-05-28 15:41:20 UTC

it's fine.

2017-05-28 15:41:29 UTC

we can fill these archtypes

2017-05-28 15:41:56 UTC

someone give @OF-8 a Cookie

2017-05-28 15:42:00 UTC

the man deserves it

2017-05-28 15:42:31 UTC

does it got weed in it?

2017-05-28 15:42:58 UTC

of course

2017-05-28 15:43:23 UTC

nope. no commie cannabis for me

2017-05-28 15:43:41 UTC

How you doin silver?

2017-05-28 15:43:47 UTC

what made you post that at all?

2017-05-28 15:43:51 UTC

that was lame

2017-05-28 15:44:08 UTC

i felt there was not enough cringe here

2017-05-28 15:44:15 UTC

bro right>?!

2017-05-28 15:44:34 UTC

one comes to leftypol for the cringe, but it's so low energy

2017-05-28 15:45:01 UTC

i expected some quality cringe here but dissapointed

2017-05-28 15:45:06 UTC

even when you tease them out of their tumblrhole they're all timid and wont step outside the comfy embrace of pure ideology

2017-05-28 15:45:23 UTC

you have to get into one of the 'pure' leftist chats for the true cringe

2017-05-28 15:45:43 UTC

I have to get a better persona together to pull off an infiltration like that

2017-05-28 15:46:06 UTC

>tfw paid hundreds of thousands to troll leftists

2017-05-28 15:46:17 UTC

It doesnt even feel like work.

2017-05-28 15:46:44 UTC

its not even work tho

2017-05-28 15:47:13 UTC

i dont make that much yet...i got paid a nominal amount to drop a meme in a slack

2017-05-28 15:47:25 UTC

its so not

2017-05-28 15:47:47 UTC

are (((They)))) paying you?

2017-05-28 15:47:59 UTC

No. I work for people I favor.

2017-05-28 15:48:08 UTC

good good

2017-05-28 15:48:08 UTC

Generally speaking I contact _them_

2017-05-28 15:48:20 UTC

make sure its not (((them((

2017-05-28 15:48:27 UTC

I have money maps.

2017-05-28 15:48:37 UTC

I know to the dollar where it goes

2017-05-28 15:49:03 UTC

Hard not to get screwed tho, because who would have thought?

2017-05-28 15:49:37 UTC

Turns out the whole thing is a byproduct of marxist-lenninists faking their way through governance courses.....

2017-05-28 15:49:50 UTC

There's a lot to fix.

2017-05-28 15:50:27 UTC

a lot indeed

2017-05-28 16:23:13 UTC

2017-05-28 17:09:47 UTC

why is it that communism and socialism always leads to death in millions, famine, and widespread poverty

2017-05-28 17:11:08 UTC

Why is it that capitalism always lead to obesity, sexual decadence, corruption and ecological decay?

2017-05-28 17:11:29 UTC

thats not near as bad honestly

2017-05-28 17:11:51 UTC

@cornography (pfp is corny) when what you describeis mainly lies it is pretty bad

2017-05-28 17:12:46 UTC

@cornography (pfp is corny) the famine in the USSR was the last famine and was caused due to the nature of the USSR at the time, it undergoing a drought while simultaneously just escaping feudalism

2017-05-28 17:13:48 UTC

escaping feudalism to cause death in millions sounds like a bad tradeoff

2017-05-28 17:15:12 UTC

@cornography (pfp is corny) tell it to the people of India were they starve to death under such a beautiful system to this day.

2017-05-28 17:16:31 UTC

alright sure, but as it seems to me people are better off 100% of the time when there isn't communism

2017-05-28 17:16:47 UTC

like literellay genocides each and every time

2017-05-28 17:22:00 UTC

@cornography (pfp is corny) it is better to live in poverty, having no water and less than 2 dollars a day?

2017-05-28 17:22:32 UTC

I'm not sure. Would do revolution without internet alone.

2017-05-28 17:23:07 UTC

And without food I would do million revolutions

2017-05-28 17:24:45 UTC

Every time I'm hungry something would happen to the kulak

2017-05-28 17:25:07 UTC

every single time

2017-05-28 17:25:38 UTC

im sure people under chinas regime or russias or pol pots would all prefered a revolution when they were being starved to death or killed. but they aren't because of totalarianism and opressive govts

2017-05-28 17:26:52 UTC

I just don't like to be hungry.

2017-05-28 17:27:07 UTC

totalitarianism isn't inherently a socialist trait, if anyhing, there have been more totalitarian capitalist governments

2017-05-28 17:27:09 UTC

2 dollars would not make it for me.

2017-05-28 17:27:26 UTC

I would be angry.

2017-05-28 17:29:38 UTC

Hungry and angry.

2017-05-28 17:29:58 UTC

You don't want it to happen if you're a kulak.

2017-05-28 17:31:19 UTC

sure @Aidan but 99% of countries are capitalist, its a little disproportionate. probably 100% of communist ones have been totalitarian and oppressive

2017-05-28 17:35:27 UTC

Capitalism is inherently oppressive. So is the state which reinforces it.

2017-05-28 17:36:34 UTC

I dont support any state, capitalist or socialist. All hierarchy is oppressive and should be dismantled.

2017-05-28 17:37:10 UTC


2017-05-28 17:37:44 UTC

your in the club and this man comes up to you're girl and bombs her university, what do you do?

2017-05-28 17:38:42 UTC

@Aidan anarchist? thats the worst of any

2017-05-28 17:39:02 UTC
2017-05-28 17:39:08 UTC

our lord and savior

2017-05-28 17:39:12 UTC

@cornography (pfp is corny) anarchist grow up to become communist.

2017-05-28 17:39:13 UTC

Ted Kaczynski

2017-05-28 17:39:27 UTC

what a great man

2017-05-28 17:39:31 UTC

should have killed more professors

2017-05-28 17:39:47 UTC


2017-05-28 17:39:49 UTC

Ted was right

2017-05-28 17:39:51 UTC


2017-05-28 17:40:50 UTC


2017-05-28 17:41:28 UTC

you're donating to bernie's campaign on your iphone and this man comes and stab you, what do you do?

2017-05-28 17:42:23 UTC

idk about anarchists. it seems to me its like libertarianism. war factions would develop and lead to its own govt

2017-05-28 17:42:48 UTC

read the bread book friendo

2017-05-28 17:43:36 UTC

if i was donating to Bernie Sanders id let it happen and contemplate how id fallen so far

2017-05-28 17:44:18 UTC

yep thats some middle school communist understanding of anarchism right there

2017-05-28 17:45:41 UTC

@cornography (pfp is corny) anarchist actually have philosophy behind them and lots of books.

2017-05-28 17:45:47 UTC


2017-05-28 17:45:52 UTC

dont break his little marxist bubble

2017-05-28 17:46:18 UTC

2017-05-28 18:18:18 UTC

Anarchists are people who would totally be libertarians if they weren't lazy as fuck.

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