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2017-05-24 03:54:10 UTC

and that's just not how the human brain operates

2017-05-24 03:54:13 UTC

@OF-8 If all relations are exploitative, the individual realisation is impossible, because you have to exploit yourself in order to get it.

2017-05-24 03:54:14 UTC

tens of thousands of anti revolutionaries executed

2017-05-24 03:54:25 UTC

and that's only in Mongolia

2017-05-24 03:54:28 UTC

>anti revolutionaries executed

2017-05-24 03:54:31 UTC

What's wrong with that

2017-05-24 03:54:36 UTC

@Sorghagtani Beki Firstly, they weren't political opponents, by the time of incarceration and execution they were politically irrelevant. Secondly, they were most likely guilty of the crimes they were accused of.

2017-05-24 03:54:40 UTC

@OF-8 think about socialism as vaccine. You might still get sick in it but you personally won't suffer from flu as much as the whole society is protected and flu is harmless to you personally.

2017-05-24 03:54:45 UTC

tens of thousands of people

2017-05-24 03:54:47 UTC

guilty of what?

2017-05-24 03:54:51 UTC

political disagreements?

2017-05-24 03:54:55 UTC


2017-05-24 03:55:04 UTC

You said political opponents, I assumed you were specifically talking about Old Bolsheviks.

2017-05-24 03:55:07 UTC

ehhh, socialism is cancer

2017-05-24 03:55:13 UTC

im already firm on this opinion

2017-05-24 03:55:23 UTC

you ought to not convince me otherwise, im feeling out why

2017-05-24 03:55:23 UTC

What you're actually referring to is Yezhovshchina

2017-05-24 03:55:32 UTC

>ascetic millionaire
Pull the other one.

2017-05-24 03:55:33 UTC

which, as you can tell by the name, was Yezhov going wild, basically.

2017-05-24 03:55:46 UTC

i didnt say i was asetic

2017-05-24 03:55:51 UTC


2017-05-24 03:55:58 UTC

im getting muny, no time for aseticism

2017-05-24 03:56:00 UTC

Yes, but the source I linked you talked about executions of supposed anti revolutionaries

2017-05-24 03:56:04 UTC

tens of thousands alone in Mongolia

2017-05-24 03:56:12 UTC

not to mention repression of culture in Mongolia

2017-05-24 03:56:25 UTC

By who?

2017-05-24 03:56:25 UTC

@OF-8 But you said that your aim was individual realisation. Why do you betray yourself in contradiction?

2017-05-24 03:56:29 UTC

Who executed them?

2017-05-24 03:56:32 UTC

but im also not an idiot, i can take a period to pursue such

2017-05-24 03:56:41 UTC

If it was the NKVD under Yezhov then obviously you know why it happened.

2017-05-24 03:56:48 UTC

im arriving at it by deeming you monkeys as sub-human

2017-05-24 03:56:51 UTC

And you know why it wasn't Stalin's fault.

2017-05-24 03:56:53 UTC

and being boldly honest about it

2017-05-24 03:56:56 UTC

NKVD advisors in Mongolia

2017-05-24 03:57:04 UTC

Who was NKVD head at the time

2017-05-24 03:57:05 UTC

this is why the poos have a caste system

2017-05-24 03:57:07 UTC

do you know?

2017-05-24 03:57:20 UTC

it was from 1937-39

2017-05-24 03:57:23 UTC

>successful revolution in X country
>counter-revolution starts
>they all get executed or killed in the war
>"Fucking [insert revolutionary leader here], he's not a good role model"

And that's how the left gets *cucked* once again by propaganda

2017-05-24 03:57:28 UTC


2017-05-24 03:57:29 UTC


2017-05-24 03:57:32 UTC


2017-05-24 03:57:32 UTC

Did everyone see? @OF-8 is a hypocrite.

2017-05-24 03:57:43 UTC

by who's standard

2017-05-24 03:57:48 UTC


2017-05-24 03:57:52 UTC


2017-05-24 03:58:01 UTC

im still fully resolved

2017-05-24 03:58:06 UTC

where's your error

2017-05-24 03:58:30 UTC

Why can't we just shoot OF in the back of the head at this point, he's clearly not willing to read anything nor discuss seriously, not only that, he's nothing but a cancer to this server

2017-05-24 03:58:36 UTC

@OF-8 Did you say that you base your beliefs on individual realisation, or not?

2017-05-24 03:58:38 UTC

Metaphorically, of course

2017-05-24 03:58:45 UTC

what a shitshow

2017-05-24 03:58:48 UTC


2017-05-24 03:59:04 UTC

@ะดั€ัƒะณ I think we all knew you were being metaphorical lmao

2017-05-24 03:59:07 UTC

but good to clarify anyway

2017-05-24 03:59:13 UTC

@ะดั€ัƒะณ Would he stay right-wing if he was able to read?

2017-05-24 03:59:18 UTC


2017-05-24 03:59:23 UTC

You know the guy's not the brightest

2017-05-24 03:59:30 UTC

He could take it as a serious threat

2017-05-24 03:59:39 UTC

@ShadyMarxist just brought down the people's hammer

2017-05-24 03:59:40 UTC


2017-05-24 03:59:47 UTC

Russian historian Oleg V. Khlevniuk states "โ€ฆtheories about the elemental, spontaneous nature of the terror, about a loss of central control over the course of mass repression, and about the role of regional leaders in initiating the terror are simply not supported by the historical record."[92] Stalin personally directed Yezhov to torture those who were not making proper confessions. In one instance, he told Yezhov "Isn't it time to squeeze this gentleman and force him to report on his dirty little business? Where is he: in a prison or a hotel?" In another, while reviewing one of Yezhov's lists, he added to M. I. Baranovโ€™s name, "beat, beat!"[93]

2017-05-24 03:59:55 UTC

Oleg V. Khlevniuk. Master of the House: Stalin and His Inner Circle. Yale University Press, 2008. ISBN 0-300-11066-9 p. xix

2017-05-24 04:00:06 UTC

i never once said what i base my beliefs on you silly commie

2017-05-24 04:00:15 UTC

@Sorghagtani Beki I've read that source before, actually

2017-05-24 04:00:41 UTC

The idea that Stalin intended for Yezhov to arbitrarily arrest and execute thousands just because of two specific comments about two specific prisoners is ridiculous, first of all

2017-05-24 04:00:45 UTC

second of all I have something for you

2017-05-24 04:01:12 UTC

In addition to authorizing torture, Stalin also signed 357 lists in 1937 and 1938 authorizing executions of some 40,000 people, and about 90% of these are confirmed to have been shot.[94] While reviewing one such list, Stalin reportedly muttered to no one in particular: "Who's going to remember all this riff-raff in ten or twenty years time? No one. Who remembers the names now of the boyars Ivan the Terrible got rid of? No one."[95] Stalin's alleged remark may be compared with Hitler's famous admonition to his generals in 1939: "Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?"[96]

2017-05-24 04:01:20 UTC

Michael Ellman, Stalin and the Soviet Famine of 1932โ€“33 Revisited Europe-Asia Studies, Routledge. Vol. 59, No. 4, June 2007, 663โ€“693. PDF file

2017-05-24 04:01:32 UTC

Quoted in Dmitri Volkogonov, Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy (New York, 1991), pg 210.

2017-05-24 04:01:43 UTC

Richard J. Evans (4 November 2010). "Who remembers the Poles?". London Review of Books. 32 (21). Retrieved 4 February 2012.

2017-05-24 04:01:46 UTC

>implying they'd waste at least 40,000 cartridges on shooting people

2017-05-24 04:01:48 UTC


2017-05-24 04:02:30 UTC

Again, common anti-Stalin quote, no evidence to back up the claims of the statement, and the lists were generally signed off with the acceptance of the entire politburo, not just Stalin, meaning they must have thought whoever was being executed was guilty.

2017-05-24 04:02:39 UTC

"Stalin reportedly muttered to no one in particular"

2017-05-24 04:02:40 UTC


2017-05-24 04:02:53 UTC

Let me give it a try

2017-05-24 04:02:53 UTC

also, here's a good source

2017-05-24 04:03:19 UTC

A letter from Beria to Stalin explaining how Yezhov had been executing and arresting thousands of innocent people.

2017-05-24 04:03:28 UTC

A letter never intended for the public to see.

2017-05-24 04:03:35 UTC

Did Stalin give a response?

2017-05-24 04:03:54 UTC

@OF-8 Then you based your criticism on individual realisation, and yet have no stake in it yourself, so why is individual realisation important?

2017-05-24 04:03:56 UTC

Well, the executions post-Yezhov died down to barely any from the previous thousands, so you tell me.

2017-05-24 04:04:25 UTC

"The leadership of the NKVD in the person of com. Ezhov not only did not put a stop to this kind of arbitrariness and extremism in arrests and in the conduct of investigations, but sometimes itself abetted it." "2. Enemies of the people who penetrated the organs of the NKVD have consciously distorted the punitive policy of Soviet power, have carried out massive, unfounded arrests of completely innocent persons, while at the same time covering up real enemies of the people."

2017-05-24 04:04:34 UTC

It is known that, after Beria was put in place, the NKVD radically changed its ways

2017-05-24 04:04:36 UTC

I am asking if Stalin even tolerated Yezhov's atrocities

2017-05-24 04:04:59 UTC

Do you have anything that would imply that Stalin was critical of Yezhov?

2017-05-24 04:05:01 UTC

"Com. Ezhov concealed in every way from the Central Committee of the ACP(b) the situation of the work in the NKVD organs. Besides that he hid from the CC ACP(b) materials that compromised leading NKVD workers."

2017-05-24 04:05:06 UTC

That's the main reason why Beria was given that charge in the first place

2017-05-24 04:05:09 UTC

and attempted to prevent the massacres?

2017-05-24 04:05:12 UTC


2017-05-24 04:05:26 UTC

Um, probably his arrest and subsequent execution for exactly that

2017-05-24 04:07:08 UTC

Yezhov's refusal to admit to a conspiracy against Stalin's life and his long, verifiable history as Stalin's primary inquisitor during the Great Purge made him too dangerous to risk at a public show trial where he might betray Stalin's secrets or successfully expose Stalin's orchestration of the Purge.

2017-05-24 04:07:13 UTC

Sebag-Montefiore, 203.

2017-05-24 04:07:21 UTC


2017-05-24 04:07:30 UTC

well that's one certainly biased interpretation of events

2017-05-24 04:07:41 UTC

>I can click on wikipedia citations everyone

2017-05-24 04:08:09 UTC

Holy fuck it's literally from wikipedia ๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-05-24 04:08:33 UTC

From Yezhov's article

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