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2018-12-25 03:19:13 UTC


2018-12-25 03:19:30 UTC

@The Big Oof And maybe the sycophants will bolster you

2018-12-25 03:19:42 UTC

Hey eurodyke, what are the main sources of global warming?

2018-12-25 03:20:31 UTC

@eurydike Anyways, the communist here is pretty smart and well read, he argues positions you would agree with far better than you would, and, you can ask him, he has never been threatened with action and even was given a reward, by me, for being a good debater.

It's not about your viewpoints, come here and argue against us, but do not think that this is your circlejerk

2018-12-25 03:20:55 UTC

Yeah actually no I've never been wronged here.

2018-12-25 03:21:14 UTC

@Bearer Of The Curse The topic is a highly complex scientific argumetn which involves finding out what's the equilibrium temperature of the system given a set of parameters, which are numerous and pretty much impossible to cover for a layman. But then you have scientists in universities around the world specializing on the field, you have top scientists in NASA for an example who are look at the math and physics about global warming. But of course you're trying to make the argument that these people "really" don't think there's a problem, or something along those lines, trying to change superficial interpretation of the social level here.

2018-12-25 03:21:17 UTC

I wouldn't stick around here if it was some bs typical 14 yo fascist shit server

2018-12-25 03:21:19 UTC

Some wanted me to remove you and I didn't, nor am I going to

2018-12-25 03:21:24 UTC

@Xinyue ok, lets talk jews and industry.

2018-12-25 03:21:27 UTC


2018-12-25 03:21:28 UTC

like adults

2018-12-25 03:21:30 UTC


2018-12-25 03:21:49 UTC

ok. so you won't the biggest capital holders, right?

2018-12-25 03:21:52 UTC


2018-12-25 03:22:03 UTC

Alright, instead of answering he just appealed to authority

2018-12-25 03:22:12 UTC

Can you stop falling for bait now?

2018-12-25 03:22:17 UTC

sure, go for it. after that we discuss branches of industry and economy, right?

2018-12-25 03:22:28 UTC

specific to US that is

2018-12-25 03:22:37 UTC

can you actually send that list of companies for me @Xinyue yeah sure, i already have a good list

2018-12-25 03:22:38 UTC


2018-12-25 03:22:46 UTC


2018-12-25 03:22:50 UTC

top 50

2018-12-25 03:22:58 UTC

@Bearer Of The Curse You might think you're handling this issue correctly by reiterating the name of some argumentation fallacy from wikipedia. But of course your premise that it applies to this situation is false, but what else can we expect from you anyway.

2018-12-25 03:23:02 UTC


2018-12-25 03:23:12 UTC

2018-12-25 03:24:07 UTC

alright so i'm gonna look at the 15 top euro/us companies real quick in this list

2018-12-25 03:24:17 UTC

@Bearer Of The Curse Do you want to attempt to argue the science of global warming then?

2018-12-25 03:24:17 UTC

sure I'll be going through the other list

2018-12-25 03:24:30 UTC

eurydike is the same person who goes up to some guy wearing a swastika and asks "I bet you're secretly a Nazi, huh?" <:lol:521377935672737792>

2018-12-25 03:24:30 UTC

@Bearer Of The Curse I'm not expecting you to have any of the required skills though

2018-12-25 03:24:37 UTC

The pregnancy was very short @eurydike


2018-12-25 03:25:24 UTC


2018-12-25 03:25:26 UTC

@ฮตรฏะท irma ฮตรฏะท Are you trying to communicate something over there? ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-12-25 03:25:39 UTC

This is getting annoying

2018-12-25 03:25:41 UTC

We are clearly too stupid to understand him

Yes, I'm with her.

2018-12-25 03:25:51 UTC

We must isolate him from our inferior intelligence

2018-12-25 03:26:02 UTC

he gone

I recommend chemical castration.

2018-12-25 03:26:10 UTC

He is in the detention channel

2018-12-25 03:26:26 UTC

eurydike#8664 *** was banned.***

2018-12-25 03:26:32 UTC


2018-12-25 03:26:34 UTC

he left

2018-12-25 03:26:34 UTC

so I banned him

He is in a pseud server with me.

2018-12-25 03:26:48 UTC

thank the fucking lord

Big surprise.

2018-12-25 03:26:54 UTC

he was insufferable

2018-12-25 03:26:57 UTC

It took too long for you guys to accept it was bait

2018-12-25 03:27:01 UTC

I like to make people ragequit before I ban them

2018-12-25 03:27:02 UTC

so much liberal smugness

2018-12-25 03:27:12 UTC

that guy was an obvious troll

2018-12-25 03:27:17 UTC

hes probably laughing his ass off

2018-12-25 03:27:19 UTC

It wasn't bait, neo-libs and antifa types are like that @Bearer Of The Curse @Orwell

2018-12-25 03:27:28 UTC

They are the type of people, as I said earlier

2018-12-25 03:27:33 UTC

i like to think people arent thatautistic irl

2018-12-25 03:27:39 UTC

That go up to people with swastikas and say "I bet you're a Nazi in disguise, huh?"

2018-12-25 03:27:50 UTC

which, for those that missed it

2018-12-25 03:27:55 UTC

was exactly what he did here

2018-12-25 03:28:04 UTC

Nah, it came from the start trying to provoke me

2018-12-25 03:28:13 UTC

Literally accused us of trying to influence kids

2018-12-25 03:28:24 UTC

No, bearer, you don't understand

2018-12-25 03:28:31 UTC

I was one of those kinds of people for a while

2018-12-25 03:28:40 UTC

Some are trolls, but most are actually like that

2018-12-25 03:28:44 UTC

So you're just half-gay

2018-12-25 03:29:57 UTC

No, I was a proto-SJW in high school

2018-12-25 03:30:02 UTC

might even have been a full on one

2018-12-25 03:30:29 UTC


2018-12-25 03:30:31 UTC

They think everyone is hiding their intentions, and try to rely on these "Gotcha!" moments

2018-12-25 03:30:38 UTC

see David Sherratt

2018-12-25 03:30:47 UTC

Doesn't matter how open you are about something, you're somehow still hiding it

2018-12-25 03:31:38 UTC

In high school I was talking to my professor that I wanted to name my book Minha Luta, so that when it were translated to German it would be Mein Kampf

2018-12-25 03:32:44 UTC

I like how it happened, she was happy with my talking until I uttered Mein Kampf, then she suddently turned to a surprised face

He is not actually like that.

2018-12-25 03:32:51 UTC

@Xinyue i think it would help for you to install tampermonkey, then i'll send the coincidence detector script to look at the list i sent, rn i'm looking at banks

He talks like a normal person in that other pseud server.

He's just a cancerous centrist.

2018-12-25 03:33:36 UTC

does anyone have that statistic where it shows which companies are funding what party for 2020 election?

When I was Jewish I was a libertarian so I get where he's coming from.

2018-12-25 03:34:21 UTC

There's the employee donations in <#507036888205623296> , @Orwell

2018-12-25 03:34:28 UTC


2018-12-25 03:35:46 UTC

i thought it was 2020 but it was probably for the last one

2018-12-25 03:36:36 UTC

I left for a few mintues. Has the cancer ended?

2018-12-25 03:36:53 UTC


2018-12-25 03:37:18 UTC

He kept doing his bullshit after I gave him a final warning, so I put him in the time out zone and he ragequit, then I banned him @Deleted User

2018-12-25 03:38:03 UTC

as usual, i'm connecting dots in finance banks, the bigger names the warburgs and lehman brothers, and some others @Xinyue with some considerable capital takeover

Anyone want to discuss Jewish theology

2018-12-25 03:38:20 UTC

@Khat Emperor is an expert

2018-12-25 03:38:35 UTC

if the influence wasn't in the present, it was sometime in the past, usually bigtime

2018-12-25 03:39:07 UTC

@Bee A quick cross check of the list you provided, the following major companies can be ruled as being outside jewish influence at the very least, as they will not yield any search matches when inserted into the wiki list you provided:

```- Wal-Mart (1st)
- Exxon Mobil Corp (2nd)
- General Motors Co. (3rd)
- Chevron Corp. (4th)
- ConocoPhillips (5th)
- General Electric Co. (6th)
- Ford Motor Co. (7th)
- Bank of America Corp. (9th, banking)
- J.P Morgan Chase (11th, banking)
- Berkshire Hathaway (12th)
- Verizon Communications (13)
- Hewlett Packard (14th, IT)
- Valero Energy (16th, energy sector)
- Home Depot (17th, retail sector)
- McKesson Corp. (18th, pharmacology, IT)
- Boeing Co. (28th, but huge in defense industry)```

2018-12-25 03:39:19 UTC

He didn't even comment on me calling him eurodyke

2018-12-25 03:39:39 UTC

(they are listed in terms of being largest in capital, from largest to smallest)

2018-12-25 03:39:47 UTC

I don't believe Jews conspire as a hivemind, but I believe they are overrepresented as a result of having a higher average IQ

2018-12-25 03:40:03 UTC

Ford Motor Co. is definitely not jewish

2018-12-25 03:40:05 UTC

they also share different beliefs than most

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