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2019-10-17 22:03:49 UTC


2019-10-17 22:04:04 UTC


2019-10-17 22:04:09 UTC


2019-10-17 22:04:11 UTC


2019-10-17 22:04:21 UTC


2019-10-17 22:04:24 UTC

<:CHAD:396569198404435969> yes

2019-10-17 22:04:34 UTC

embrace your pain as long as you can, it gets old

2019-10-17 22:04:39 UTC

<:FreePepe:294874238928814081> what libertarians want us to be

2019-10-17 22:04:43 UTC

In dutch you don't say muh dick

2019-10-17 22:04:47 UTC

She never said she was a Libertarian.

2019-10-17 22:04:54 UTC

You say muh wife's boyfriend's dick

2019-10-17 22:05:03 UTC

And I think that is beautiful

2019-10-17 22:05:15 UTC

She denounced the whole movement. Rothbard was part of her inner circle at some point, but left, after criticising Rand.

2019-10-17 22:05:30 UTC

what did he criticize her for?

2019-10-17 22:05:58 UTC


2019-10-17 22:05:59 UTC


2019-10-17 22:06:02 UTC

Heroin use only a symptom

2019-10-17 22:06:09 UTC

I hate Bernard Henri-Levy

2019-10-17 22:06:13 UTC

Would go away if people were whitepilled

2019-10-17 22:06:30 UTC

the guy should be sodomized with a large rusty knife

2019-10-17 22:06:47 UTC

@Emperor of Atlantis He felt her inner circle was a cult. Rand attacked Rothbard for being married to a Christian. He also felt that her ideas weren't as original as she claimed. Said she ripped a lot of her ideas from Aquinas and Aristotle

2019-10-17 22:06:49 UTC

especially when he supported the Libya intervention

2019-10-17 22:07:15 UTC

@Weaboo Kempeitai why does his being married to a Christian matter?

2019-10-17 22:07:26 UTC

We should Ally with the amish

2019-10-17 22:07:38 UTC

She was a libertarian at one point, yes?

2019-10-17 22:07:44 UTC

Dame Pesos is one of the funniest people on the net - his stuff is goofy, but I think it's all in the delivery

2019-10-17 22:07:56 UTC

This is a Jew.

2019-10-17 22:08:03 UTC


2019-10-17 22:08:08 UTC


2019-10-17 22:08:12 UTC

@Emperor of Atlantis Rand was a staunch atheist, to the point that she didn't feel she could associate with anyone who also associated with sombody she saw as "irrational".

2019-10-17 22:08:12 UTC

Sneaky little bastard

2019-10-17 22:08:18 UTC

Farrow is a jew?

2019-10-17 22:08:22 UTC

Look at his bottom lip

2019-10-17 22:08:31 UTC

The point of the nose

2019-10-17 22:08:34 UTC

Rothbard himself was always an agnostic.

2019-10-17 22:08:48 UTC

Farrow's dad is Woody Allen.

2019-10-17 22:08:49 UTC

who was the Jew that supported the Nazis?

2019-10-17 22:08:50 UTC

The lack of a soul behind the eye

2019-10-17 22:08:57 UTC

The ears

2019-10-17 22:09:00 UTC

He jewy

2019-10-17 22:09:01 UTC

was it Rothbard? ๐Ÿค”

2019-10-17 22:09:02 UTC

not sure Allen is his real father

2019-10-17 22:09:17 UTC

Maybe he got a nose job?

2019-10-17 22:09:22 UTC


2019-10-17 22:09:37 UTC

There were quite a few nazees in the 3rd Reich

2019-10-17 22:09:39 UTC

Soros based tbh

2019-10-17 22:09:53 UTC

Take the Soros pill

2019-10-17 22:09:58 UTC

Soros was like 12 ๐Ÿ˜„

2019-10-17 22:09:59 UTC

We should honestly make Soros an Alt-Right symbol

2019-10-17 22:10:10 UTC


2019-10-17 22:10:20 UTC

An example for all jews to follow

2019-10-17 22:10:48 UTC

He was still a liar, he was pretending to be aryan

2019-10-17 22:10:52 UTC

Jews have their own ethnostate and they got the US government to give them 1000% support - meanswhile Europe and the Us are about to becomes minority nations

2019-10-17 22:10:57 UTC

@Emperor of Atlantis Rothbard opposed all Amercian intervention in WW2, said it was motivated by ethnic hatred of Germans and Japs, but he didn't defend the Nazis. He came pretty close to denying the holocaust though. He was inspired by revisionists who denied the holocaust.

Mises, his mentor, fled Austria because of the Nazis, but still defended Fascist violence as an effective short-term measure against leftism, but ultimately saw their economic goals as the same, and equally disastrous. Worked for the Austro-Fascists too, I beleive.

2019-10-17 22:11:23 UTC

kinda BASED

2019-10-17 22:11:32 UTC

Austrian fascists were bluepilled af though

2019-10-17 22:11:55 UTC

there's more jews in the US than in Israel

2019-10-17 22:12:31 UTC

so is there any good arguments in support of the Holocaust?

2019-10-17 22:12:41 UTC

Is this his real dad?

2019-10-17 22:12:43 UTC
2019-10-17 22:12:43 UTC

usually when people debate this someone always mentions documentation

2019-10-17 22:12:53 UTC

has anyone seen this documentation?

2019-10-17 22:13:05 UTC

There were apparently Austrian economists who joined the Nazi Party, according to Lew Rockwell.

2019-10-17 22:13:07 UTC

I've actually seen some but not about the gas chambers or anything

2019-10-17 22:13:10 UTC

I've never seen it

2019-10-17 22:13:23 UTC

there were documents about Jew removal in Poland

2019-10-17 22:13:27 UTC

by the SS

2019-10-17 22:13:41 UTC

but how do I know the documents are real? ๐Ÿค”

2019-10-17 22:14:07 UTC

@Weaboo Kempeitai yes Libertarians joined the NSDAP

2019-10-17 22:14:13 UTC

not just Austrian economists

2019-10-17 22:14:19 UTC

but actual Libertarians from Germany

2019-10-17 22:14:27 UTC

I mean, everyone joined the NSDAP, even Marxists.

2019-10-17 22:14:31 UTC

you'd think those documents would be cited in every text book about such an event

2019-10-17 22:14:33 UTC

several of the people Hitler employed personally were Libertarians

2019-10-17 22:14:41 UTC

such as this one professor he mentions in MK

2019-10-17 22:14:54 UTC

also another guy who worked for his government

2019-10-17 22:15:18 UTC

Really? Because Right-Libertarianism didn't become a thing until Rothbard coined the term, until that, Libertarianism was a primarily leftist movement, and outside of the English speaking world, it still is.

2019-10-17 22:15:21 UTC

Hitler actually mentions this in MK as being one of his sources for critiquing Capitalism

2019-10-17 22:15:28 UTC

especially banking and interest

2019-10-17 22:15:53 UTC

what needs to happen is all the Russian records need to be released

2019-10-17 22:16:04 UTC

^yes but good luck with that ๐Ÿ˜„

2019-10-17 22:16:10 UTC

Putin should just do it

2019-10-17 22:16:24 UTC

not allowing that keeps Putin in control

2019-10-17 22:16:34 UTC

I think Jews were killed, but not the scale claimed. I think many died for their same reason many POWs died. When you're fighting on multiple fronts, you can't devote reocurces to feeding your prisoners, when troops are starving. You absolutely cannot devote resources to finding mathematically impossible ways to kill and cremate millions of Jews.

2019-10-17 22:16:44 UTC

what if the records prove the holocaust?

2019-10-17 22:16:45 UTC

what then?

2019-10-17 22:16:54 UTC

personally it would not change my opinion at all

2019-10-17 22:17:16 UTC

have to examine the records an either way deal with the truth

2019-10-17 22:17:23 UTC

I love Putin

2019-10-17 22:17:31 UTC

History is dumb

2019-10-17 22:18:20 UTC

agree about the scale. a lot of people forget that many non-Jews are included in the 6 million (gypsies, invalids, etc)

2019-10-17 22:18:31 UTC

I think the numbers will turn up less, but the important point is more people were slaughtered under Stalin than Hitler and that doesn't seem to matter

2019-10-17 22:18:57 UTC

it's about who controls the narrative

2019-10-17 22:19:27 UTC

If the Jews died in the way I claim, the Americans can't claim moral superiority due to the way they treated the Japs in the interment camps.

If records could prove six million died, the Nazis ought to be investigated as magicians, their magic catalogued and used to benefit humanity.

Did you know Mengele supposedly preformed a hand transplant more than a decade before the first successful medically documented hand transplant? According to some of his test subjects.

2019-10-17 22:20:08 UTC

who is going to do all this investigation?

2019-10-17 22:20:12 UTC

supposedly they have documentation about the gas chambers

2019-10-17 22:20:21 UTC

in which IG Farbin designed them and such

2019-10-17 22:20:39 UTC

I personally have never seen these, or any documentation relating to it

2019-10-17 22:20:57 UTC

this is just what I heard from a Conservatard

2019-10-17 22:21:29 UTC

the majority of people who debunked a lot of the holocaust are Jews

2019-10-17 22:21:39 UTC

true enough

2019-10-17 22:22:01 UTC

the truth is all that matters

2019-10-17 22:22:24 UTC

what did they debunk exactly

2019-10-17 22:22:51 UTC
2019-10-17 22:23:37 UTC

@Emperor of Atlantis Used commercially available pesticides due to the to lack of resources. Iirc, they used to just shoot them, in a way that the bullet would pierce multiple Jewish skulls, but that wasn't always effective, and was a waste of ammo.

If anything, it supports the hypothesis that the amount of bodies supposedly burnt couldn't be the amount proported.

2019-10-17 22:24:10 UTC

@Naberius claims like lamp shades and stuff

2019-10-17 22:24:19 UTC

or that camps in Germany were used to kill Jews

2019-10-17 22:24:23 UTC

Because the Nazis were so stretched they're were using but spray to kill people, instead of chemical weapons, like mustard gas.

2019-10-17 22:24:36 UTC

But I'm still not sure they actually used gas.

2019-10-17 22:24:38 UTC
2019-10-17 22:24:50 UTC

Remember, the wooden doors.

2019-10-17 22:25:05 UTC

the issue I have is, even if we get documentation

2019-10-17 22:25:11 UTC

how do we know it is real?

2019-10-17 22:25:32 UTC

is anyone so naive as to think that the USSR and USA couldn't just fabricate documentation?

2019-10-17 22:26:02 UTC

They have actually done tests on the "chamber" walls

2019-10-17 22:26:16 UTC

Or Nazis officers could be bribed/tortured to forge confirmation.

2019-10-17 22:26:16 UTC

They tested for Zyklon B specifically though

2019-10-17 22:26:35 UTC

^yes that is the big issue

2019-10-17 22:26:38 UTC

Results came back mostly negative

2019-10-17 22:26:48 UTC

Remember that the Birtish had no issue beating the shit out of them before and after they were arrested. Why should we beleive that their confessions were acquired through legitimate means?

2019-10-17 22:26:52 UTC

But the chemical breaks down super quick when exposed to the elements

2019-10-17 22:26:58 UTC

they never found gas on the walls that could confirm it being used to kill people

2019-10-17 22:27:04 UTC


2019-10-17 22:27:09 UTC

They attested some of them after beating their children, iirc

2019-10-17 22:27:12 UTC

and they tested more than once

2019-10-17 22:27:27 UTC

Imagine if Himmler wasn't so entitled and stayed disguised as a German grunt...

2019-10-17 22:27:30 UTC

i've read about this. it's also the case that Zyklon B leaves a bluish residue which can still be seen at the sites

2019-10-17 22:28:32 UTC

yes that is also a problem

2019-10-17 22:28:52 UTC

so if they have Zyklon in some places, why not in any of the gas chambers?

2019-10-17 22:29:02 UTC

also why did the gas chambers also function as shower rooms?

2019-10-17 22:29:20 UTC

you can see all the pipes and testimony that people used it as a shower

2019-10-17 22:29:32 UTC

The presence of Zyklon isnt the big deal though. The use of that is admitted

2019-10-17 22:29:37 UTC

but it is NOT for killing people

2019-10-17 22:29:41 UTC

and thats the real issue

2019-10-17 22:30:36 UTC

it's a poisonous gas. what else was it used for

2019-10-17 22:30:59 UTC

Lice, not rats

2019-10-17 22:31:02 UTC

Imo they were literally showers

2019-10-17 22:31:11 UTC

its literally a bug fumigator

2019-10-17 22:31:16 UTC

it CAN kill humans

2019-10-17 22:31:24 UTC

but that would be very inefficient

2019-10-17 22:31:37 UTC

so why weren't they dispersing zyklon in the trenches on the front

2019-10-17 22:31:49 UTC

I mean, you're this resource stretched, but you would design fake showers to trick people who you could literally just shoot at any moment if they put up resistance?

2019-10-17 22:32:02 UTC

or just starve them

2019-10-17 22:32:10 UTC

You are their only source of food

2019-10-17 22:33:59 UTC
2019-10-17 22:34:11 UTC


2019-10-17 22:34:48 UTC

i don't think jews survived is a good argument

2019-10-17 22:35:04 UTC

supposedly by 1944 Hitler ordered the SS to burn all the evidence

2019-10-17 22:35:16 UTC

so it could even be doubted if people were gassed in 1945

2019-10-17 22:35:32 UTC

because they started burning corpses and dismantling the extermination camps

2019-10-17 22:35:46 UTC

so we could probably knock off 1945 to the total as well

2019-10-17 22:35:57 UTC

also if the documentation was burned, then where do they get any of it?

2019-10-17 22:37:05 UTC

documentation of the documentation

2019-10-17 22:37:09 UTC

Hitler still thought they were going to win in 44

2019-10-17 22:37:13 UTC

so that doesnt make sense

2019-10-17 22:39:45 UTC

911 didn't happen

2019-10-17 22:40:57 UTC

I can't remember the name of the order, for the burning of the Shoah evidence

2019-10-17 22:41:18 UTC

Order 6 million?

2019-10-17 22:41:31 UTC

gang gang

2019-10-17 22:41:44 UTC

hello negroes

2019-10-17 22:41:46 UTC

2019-10-17 22:41:59 UTC


2019-10-17 22:42:20 UTC


2019-10-17 22:42:20 UTC

I'm in favour of Hong Kong independance but this just screams CIA-funded color revolution.

2019-10-17 22:42:35 UTC

Why do the CIA turn well-meaning secessionist movements to shit?

2019-10-17 22:42:39 UTC

HK are gay lol

2019-10-17 22:42:41 UTC

china is based

2019-10-17 22:42:52 UTC

HK is our neocameralist city-state

2019-10-17 22:42:52 UTC


2019-10-17 22:43:18 UTC


2019-10-17 22:43:19 UTC

@Deleted User no I think it was called Order 500 or something

2019-10-17 22:43:22 UTC

I know Nick Land is a Chinaboo but Moldbug is right that Hong Kong under Birtish occupation was NRx.

2019-10-17 22:43:28 UTC

What if all of the moderators are vegan girls?

2019-10-17 22:43:52 UTC

im a vegan girl ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-10-17 22:43:56 UTC


2019-10-17 22:43:56 UTC

HK is cringe

2019-10-17 22:43:57 UTC

mod me ๐Ÿ™‚

2019-10-17 22:44:01 UTC

Double oof

2019-10-17 22:44:12 UTC

I support china as long as they oppose Israel and increase ties to Germany

2019-10-17 22:44:20 UTC

I like to think Land puts pro-China propaganda in his work so he dosen't get disappeared. As a self-identified reactionary, and an expat, he's gotta be careful.

2019-10-17 22:44:45 UTC

as a counter to US influence in Germany

2019-10-17 22:44:46 UTC

because Aen supports Germany and the German people

2019-10-17 22:44:52 UTC

Yes, I do like China's stance on Isreal, but that dosen't make them good.

2019-10-17 22:45:12 UTC

it's not our business how other races govern

2019-10-17 22:45:17 UTC

China want to buy up all western land.

2019-10-17 22:45:30 UTC

they are only hostile to anglos

2019-10-17 22:45:31 UTC

and jews

2019-10-17 22:45:33 UTC

Thank god

2019-10-17 22:45:38 UTC

I hope china invades

2019-10-17 22:45:39 UTC


2019-10-17 22:45:46 UTC

Save us xi

2019-10-17 22:45:54 UTC

You are our only hope

2019-10-17 22:46:02 UTC
2019-10-17 22:46:11 UTC


2019-10-17 22:46:13 UTC

That is I

2019-10-17 22:46:21 UTC

when gay nibbas talk bad about chairman chang

2019-10-17 22:46:23 UTC

China are also staunch atheists, and vandalise religious monuments, indoctrinate traditionalist Muslims to make them abandon their faith.

2019-10-17 22:46:40 UTC

And persecute Christians

2019-10-17 22:46:42 UTC
2019-10-17 22:46:50 UTC

don't care they hate Israel

2019-10-17 22:46:52 UTC

therefore based

2019-10-17 22:47:03 UTC

none of those things sound bad to me tbh

2019-10-17 22:47:05 UTC


2019-10-17 22:47:06 UTC

also China is trad

2019-10-17 22:47:20 UTC

they openly oppose thotery, gays, trans etc etc

2019-10-17 22:47:22 UTC

Aen is back??

2019-10-17 22:47:25 UTC

Is The Current Global Warming Normal? | w/ Dr. Tim Ball, TPS #552.

2019-10-17 22:47:31 UTC

you could get social credit deducted for being a slut

2019-10-17 22:47:34 UTC

for now lol

2019-10-17 22:47:34 UTC

My boss at Stop and Shop is Chinese

2019-10-17 22:47:37 UTC

or being a prostitute

2019-10-17 22:47:39 UTC

They also spend exuberant amounts of tax money on useless public projects, like giant solid gold statues of Mao Zedong that don't even look that well-crafted.

2019-10-17 22:47:51 UTC

don;t the chinese ban gays?

2019-10-17 22:48:01 UTC

I'm not sure

2019-10-17 22:48:04 UTC

China aren't traditionalist in the slightest.

2019-10-17 22:48:08 UTC

but they don't have gay inclusion laws

2019-10-17 22:48:15 UTC

you don't have to hire or associate with gays

2019-10-17 22:48:24 UTC


2019-10-17 22:48:37 UTC

2019-10-17 22:48:39 UTC

the Chinese government is for marriage though

2019-10-17 22:48:40 UTC

China will still be Chinese by 3000

2019-10-17 22:48:45 UTC

The west is so degenerate they make china look trad

2019-10-17 22:48:50 UTC

their position on freedom of speech is pretty good

2019-10-17 22:48:53 UTC

CCP has their own Feminist movement started by Mao

2019-10-17 22:48:55 UTC

Chinese are basically just Jews, but less sneaky.

2019-10-17 22:49:06 UTC

in which women are encouraged to learn job skills

2019-10-17 22:49:09 UTC

@Weaboo Kempeitai that's how art and architecture flourish under communism. the soviet union planned on building a giant statue of lenin atop a fortress

2019-10-17 22:49:11 UTC

and get married before 30

2019-10-17 22:49:18 UTC

it's in our interests to stir up shit in hong kong

2019-10-17 22:49:23 UTC

Dog torture festival be like

2019-10-17 22:49:34 UTC

those CIA glow in the darks China Uncensored were complaining about it

2019-10-17 22:49:41 UTC

how Chinese feminism is not real feminism

2019-10-17 22:49:54 UTC

Doesnโ€™t matter, theyโ€™ll automate and they wonโ€™t bring in immigrants

2019-10-17 22:49:54 UTC

which is absolutely BASED

2019-10-17 22:50:06 UTC

it's heavily implied when HK began a bunch of glowies got whacked by prc intel

2019-10-17 22:50:08 UTC

Tbh, China needs to do the opposite

2019-10-17 22:50:11 UTC

ayy @Aen

2019-10-17 22:50:14 UTC

a minimum birth rate

2019-10-17 22:50:17 UTC

minimum 2

2019-10-17 22:50:21 UTC

@Aen yeah I was thinking that as well ๐Ÿ˜„

2019-10-17 22:50:21 UTC

there was a massive quitting wave at the cia right around that time

2019-10-17 22:50:23 UTC

@Naberius The Bronze statues of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il are great, extremely well-crafted and detailed. I'm not a metallurgist, but the statue of Mao looks crap because gold is harder to mold.

2019-10-17 22:50:28 UTC

and a maximum birthrate of 4

2019-10-17 22:50:34 UTC

2019-10-17 22:50:43 UTC

the HK protests started to fail right after the CCP sent in the army and militarized police

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