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2018-12-02 05:35:50 UTC

I'm watching it now.

2018-12-02 05:36:02 UTC

lol. This guy's accent

2018-12-02 05:55:18 UTC

@Agent Smith Interesting video. The US grid as a whole is much cleaner than Australia's, so grid emissions really aren't that much of issue for most of the country. I believe that people drive more miles on average in the US, so light duty vehicle emissions make up a greater share of total emissions here. Plus, the US still imports a ton of oil and oil makes up over 90% of all energy imports, so driving electric can reduce dependence on foreign oil - that may apply to Australia too; I don't know.

2018-12-02 05:55:45 UTC

Roof top solar and storage aren't cost effective in most the US.

2018-12-02 05:58:52 UTC

it's 0.18USD a KWh here - how much there?

2018-12-02 06:01:06 UTC

Dang it's like just under 10 cents/KWh in Alabama. California has prices like yours because they regulate everything to heck @Agent Smith

2018-12-02 06:04:14 UTC

I installed a Nest thermostat and significantly reduced my energy usage. I try my best to not use energy as much as I can

2018-12-02 06:06:15 UTC

If you ever make youtube videos you have to do some on this topic

2018-12-02 06:07:05 UTC

Meanwhile, I'm using this post to try and pick a fight with some green energy moron who can't think past "free electricity"

2018-12-02 06:07:06 UTC

@Agent Smith I also don't fully agree with that guy. If people don't buy EVs now, then how will they end up getting cheap later? Therefore, it really isn't irrational to buy one if you can afford it.

2018-12-02 06:08:09 UTC

@J Edgar That idea annoys me so much. There are people who seriously believe that solar will eventually just be too cheap to meter. They don't understand economics.

2018-12-02 06:08:44 UTC

Not to mention all the pollution that comes from the manufacture of Solar Panels/rugs

2018-12-02 06:09:05 UTC

or all the coal it takes to forge the steel for a wind turbine

2018-12-02 06:09:11 UTC

we'll leave it for the champagne socialists to buy and put their money where their big fat mouths are

2018-12-02 06:11:01 UTC

@Agent Smith Lol. If they would only do that.

2018-12-02 06:12:13 UTC

@J Edgar I agree that it's innaccurate to say that renewables have no emissions associated with them. If you want to see some serious cognitive dissonance, look at how environmentalists talk about nuclear.

2018-12-02 06:12:43 UTC

I've been looking into Nuclear a bit on what little bit of free time I have

2018-12-02 06:14:39 UTC

what's the TL:DR

2018-12-02 06:15:10 UTC

if you want, you can voice it to me, I'm in the off hours now

2018-12-02 06:16:59 UTC

@Salacious Swanky Cat solar here *IS* overly cheap to meter here - like 1/3 of grid power to feed in

2018-12-02 06:34:53 UTC

@Agent Smith Thats interesting. I'd like to put solar panels on my roof, but its too expensive and my utility has a special fee I'd have to pay a special fee for it to be connected.

2018-12-02 14:34:05 UTC

And people still want me to care what Owen says/thinks........

2018-12-02 14:46:32 UTC

This is just sad.

2018-12-02 15:11:56 UTC

Watched it a few times, i hope Owen gets some mental help.

2018-12-02 15:24:23 UTC


2018-12-02 16:03:53 UTC

Well, itโ€™s like with anyone. Sometimes a person will say something worthwhile; sometimes utter garbage. I understand peopleโ€™s criticisms of JP. Itโ€™s true that he doesnโ€™t answer some questions directly and he has a weird diet.

2018-12-02 16:09:09 UTC

Everyone who puts forth ideas should be criticized, that's how you make ideas better. But almost none of Owens criticisms has any merit (i've been dealing with it for a while), outside of any factual things he gets right.

2018-12-02 16:10:39 UTC

He gets conspiratorial a lot apparently. I donโ€™t listen to him much, so I donโ€™t know.

2018-12-02 17:45:08 UTC

holy crap, this channel has some gold in it.

2018-12-02 17:45:30 UTC

I don't care for most of the alt-right, but to get so much wrong....

2018-12-02 17:48:03 UTC

Press F for Owen's mental health

2018-12-02 17:52:08 UTC


2018-12-02 17:57:58 UTC

I actually really like listening to Owen's interviews so much that I tried to sub to his podcast. Honestly, it's unlistenable.

2018-12-02 17:58:45 UTC

Owens videos are too rambly I want to watch but they are just too long

2018-12-02 18:00:46 UTC

Yeah, that's a huge part of it. I think if he started an interview show like Rubin has, he'd get a lot more subs and listeners. It actually scares me a little that so many people who claim to be in the same movement as I am not only listen to the Solo Owen show, but regard him as a sort of deity over it

2018-12-02 18:01:18 UTC

and they all dumped Peterson like a bad habit as soon as Owen did.

2018-12-02 18:05:11 UTC

@Shadows The first video is garbage.

2018-12-02 18:06:51 UTC

@Shadows pure SJW nonsense

2018-12-02 18:07:49 UTC

@J Edgar Ya, his fans not questioning him (tho some are) is not helping him.... Oh well.

2018-12-02 18:08:31 UTC

@Shadows The guy can do nothing but give strawmans

2018-12-02 18:09:09 UTC

@Salacious Swanky Cat Yep, so much stupid, i'm listening to his 6 part Anita videos right now lol

2018-12-02 18:13:09 UTC

@Shadows The guy has a messianic complex with the democrats. It's insane. "The left doesn't call out fascists enough". Really? Seriously? How out of touch is this guy?

2018-12-02 18:16:39 UTC

I was just smiling at how he painted Obama heh

2018-12-02 18:18:26 UTC

The projection is mind numbing

2018-12-02 18:28:37 UTC

@Shadows I stopped watching the second video after he just attributes malice on the first point.

2018-12-02 18:43:38 UTC


2018-12-02 18:50:40 UTC

Political youtube has a ton of people. There's too many to know and keep up with.

2018-12-02 19:02:42 UTC

*anything youtube*

2018-12-02 19:12:39 UTC

hah his anita/gamergate stuff is just as good.

2018-12-02 19:14:01 UTC

Because anyone right of buzzfeed is alt right

2018-12-02 19:16:57 UTC

Any time you casually throw out the name Fox News when you want a platform to laugh at, understand as far as MSM go, there is no standard to measure anything by anymore.

2018-12-02 19:17:44 UTC

Jeremy has it exactly right, the likes of Milo and Steve Bannon, and the alt right in general, are the bogeyman the left needs

2018-12-02 19:19:14 UTC

Member when Bannon was Trumps puppeteer

2018-12-02 19:24:17 UTC

Puh-lease, Trump won Trump the election

2018-12-02 19:25:07 UTC

He's been making crowds roar for several years now, before Bannon became a household name

2018-12-02 19:31:03 UTC

... and several ladies roar too. lol

2018-12-02 19:32:25 UTC

I was going back through old podcasts and the comparison is great

2018-12-02 21:12:52 UTC

Dude, don't post Russian stuff here, they will come for Matt! heh

2018-12-02 21:27:20 UTC

@MสŒd WรธnkสŒ Wow, one of the people said something like "Maybe we should fix our problems before going somewhere else", its a good thing no one left Europe the New World then....... Till they fixed everything.

2018-12-02 21:54:37 UTC

@RoadtoDawn the bogey man for the left is KOCH BROTHERS

2018-12-03 22:16:49 UTC

Does not get better.

2018-12-03 22:19:10 UTC

Yes it does

2018-12-03 22:19:38 UTC
2018-12-03 22:24:23 UTC

@Shadows my sister and I love the cheeseburger song. Itโ€™s hilarious.

2018-12-03 22:25:41 UTC

i have it in one of my list of music :)

2018-12-03 22:28:06 UTC

Did you ever hear the Sing-Along revised version of the Bunny Song?

2018-12-03 22:28:27 UTC


2018-12-03 22:28:54 UTC

My sister also liked the insane puppy song from the episode with Ester.

2018-12-03 22:29:41 UTC

They made it a more "Anti-bunny" song because since it was a video comprised of just the hit songs, the fact the Bunny song was a bad guy song didn't have the context included.

2018-12-03 22:30:08 UTC

My favorite one

2018-12-03 22:30:10 UTC

For now

2018-12-03 22:30:37 UTC


2018-12-03 22:35:43 UTC

@SteelandSouls Ya, it's so bad how they are agreeing with the bad guy for that song lol (the newer one).

2018-12-03 22:41:36 UTC

You got me listening to a whole lot of Silly Songs now @Shadows

2018-12-03 22:45:30 UTC

Its what i do.

2018-12-04 02:36:20 UTC
2018-12-04 02:43:23 UTC

It offends people who deserve to be offended

2018-12-04 04:14:54 UTC

@yuma_8 seriously thought it was Muslims. Lol

2018-12-04 04:17:10 UTC

@Salacious Swanky Cat that was my first thought too

2018-12-04 04:19:28 UTC

@Psychlops924 yeah. Now I realize itโ€™s even funnier. Lol

2018-12-04 04:29:54 UTC

@yuma_8 @Psychlops924 Well, now that Iโ€™ve thought about it. It actually makes sense that it isnโ€™t Muslims who were offended. If they were, there would already be a stack of bodies from saying the phrase.

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