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2018-10-07 02:53:16 UTC

Oooh. I do want a log cabin.

2018-10-07 02:53:24 UTC

LOl bug zapper.

2018-10-07 02:54:56 UTC

I liked Aydin Paladin's video where she talked about divorce rates and predicting factors.

2018-10-07 02:55:10 UTC

You could date a Mennonite girl. Get all the denim you could ever want. Lol

2018-10-07 02:55:16 UTC


2018-10-07 02:55:21 UTC


2018-10-07 02:55:25 UTC

Didnโ€™t see that video. Is it good?

2018-10-07 02:55:36 UTC

It's really good.

2018-10-07 02:55:42 UTC

I think it was more about how porn is bad.

2018-10-07 02:55:54 UTC

Aydin is a lowkey christian. I know it.

2018-10-07 02:56:01 UTC

Deep down the conversion is real.

2018-10-07 02:58:54 UTC

I agree that porn is bad for people. Iโ€™m not talking about nude people in video games (itโ€™s hilarious as far as Iโ€™m concerned). Iโ€™m talking looking up stuff to masturbate too. It affects peopleโ€™s emotional state. Dangerous stuff.

Do you really think sheโ€™s Christian? She always goes on about Norse mythology stuff. I assumed it was a joke and that sheโ€™s really agnostic or something.

2018-10-07 03:02:06 UTC

Nah, she's really into the Norse thing. I thought it was a meme at first too. But I don't see that lasting.

2018-10-07 03:02:26 UTC

I think she's low-key totally on board with Christian values though.

2018-10-07 03:02:35 UTC

All this political stuff is putting her on that side.

2018-10-07 03:02:41 UTC

Oh. For real? Wonder why.

2018-10-07 03:03:11 UTC

Probably so. She does seem to have some conservative values.

2018-10-07 03:03:57 UTC

The political turmoil may actually cause a revival in Christianity. That would be cool.

2018-10-07 03:04:05 UTC

I think it will.

2018-10-07 03:05:01 UTC

I think given time, that Christianity will reflourish in the US, and we'll see a time of expansion of western values.

2018-10-07 03:05:06 UTC

I don't know how long that will last.

2018-10-07 03:05:12 UTC

I think it may be brief but strong though.

2018-10-07 03:05:59 UTC

Yeah. The strength of it depends on the theology preached. Bad theology kills churches.

2018-10-07 03:06:54 UTC

I think that's true as well. idk, I hope that Christianity sees a second look at the "Faith alone will save you" doctrine. Because it doesn't work, and it's not entirely accurate. And I think that's what drove so many away in the 80s and 90s.

2018-10-07 03:07:02 UTC

Almost every mainstream comedian ripped on it for years.

2018-10-07 03:07:45 UTC

Really? Interesting. Iโ€™ll have to look into that.

2018-10-07 03:07:53 UTC

100%. Even earlier than the 80s I'd say. Look at people like Charles Templeton and the Burned Over district.

2018-10-07 03:09:11 UTC

Well, James chapter 2 basically annihilates the doctrine of being saved by faith alone.

2018-10-07 03:09:17 UTC

Like blows it out of the water.

2018-10-07 03:09:20 UTC

Plus, a bunch of televangelists ruined it. Joel olsteen has bad theology.

2018-10-07 03:10:23 UTC

yo, re: attractiveness shit, Roald Dahl has you covered

2018-10-07 03:10:35 UTC

โ€œIf a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it.

A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.โ€

2018-10-07 03:11:05 UTC

Roald Dahl was a wise man with bad luck.

2018-10-07 03:11:11 UTC

And Dyslexia.

2018-10-07 03:12:36 UTC

Well kind of. Faith is dead without works. Having faith sparks the desire to do deeds. The works themself donโ€™t save, but works are necessary to maintain faith. People are saved by faith, but works keep the faith alive.

2018-10-07 03:14:57 UTC

I think that faith isn't enough. The bible is replete with messages that repentance is necessary to overcome sin. Christ made that repentance possible through the atonement. Faith may get you started to take steps, but it's not the destination, it's the starting line.

2018-10-07 03:15:58 UTC

The problem with Christianity is that so much of it has been awash in laziness. I don't think we need the psychotic zeal of some denominations. But that happy balance, of trying to overcome our weaknesses, making amends when we goof, and then trying again.

2018-10-07 03:16:41 UTC

Ironically, which is the root of protestant denominations is the idea that we have to actually do stuff.

2018-10-07 03:18:48 UTC

I said about the same thing. Faith is what saves you, but works keeps the faith alive. It is a process.

2018-10-07 03:19:26 UTC

So would you consider Repentance a form of 'works'?

2018-10-07 03:19:30 UTC

Some denominations are lazier. Thatโ€™s true. The larger a church gets, the harder it is to get more involved.

2018-10-07 03:20:17 UTC

Iโ€™m going to a Presbyterian PCa Church now. Pretty good so far.

2018-10-07 03:21:59 UTC

Nice, I'm going to a PCA as well.

2018-10-07 03:22:30 UTC

Repentance is definitely a form of works.

2018-10-07 03:22:49 UTC

If not one of the biggest forms of works.

2018-10-07 03:23:31 UTC

I wouldnโ€™t consider repentance to be a form of works. Repentance requires faith

2018-10-07 03:23:37 UTC

ah okay, I guess I've always a more "ceremonial" view of works. Like public prayers, charity work, that sort of stuff.

2018-10-07 03:23:49 UTC
2018-10-07 03:23:54 UTC

Like, evidential actions.

2018-10-07 03:25:38 UTC

Repentence by definition requires a change of heart, a change of actions. You can't just faith your way through it.

2018-10-07 03:26:12 UTC

The word repentence comes from penance, to pay the price for sin. To feel bad about what you've done and do better.

2018-10-07 03:28:09 UTC

Old testament was the more ceremonial form of repentance, because Christ hadn't come and performed the atonement yet. The old testament is literally translated "The old covenant". The old promise to god. The New Testament is the new Covenant. Christ doesn't expect anymore wearing of Sackcloth and ashes. Or ritualistic ceremonies.

2018-10-07 03:29:46 UTC

Proverbs says 13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

2018-10-07 03:29:57 UTC

To forsake is to turn away from and never do again (at least as best you can).

2018-10-07 03:30:51 UTC

Yeah. But I donโ€™t really think repentance counts as a work, at least in achieving salvation

2018-10-07 03:31:02 UTC

How so?

2018-10-07 03:31:36 UTC

Repentence isn't the only work we need to do, but it definitely isn't *not* a work.

2018-10-07 03:31:57 UTC

Unless your definition of a work is purely service to others.

2018-10-07 03:32:02 UTC

Which is also important.

2018-10-07 03:32:08 UTC

I've heard that before.

2018-10-07 03:34:47 UTC

Iโ€™ll have to get back to you on that. What constitutes as a work is important for understanding the nature of how salvation is achieved.

2018-10-07 03:41:42 UTC

I don't think it's a debate. For the most part we see eye to eye on this one.

2018-10-07 03:41:55 UTC

It's more like a minor difference in terminology at this point.

2018-10-07 03:42:09 UTC

Hey, I'm a Presbyterian, we've been doing this for 500 years!

2018-10-07 03:42:19 UTC

Yeah. For the most part thatโ€™s it.

2018-10-07 03:42:35 UTC

No debate, friendly discussion.

2018-10-07 03:42:48 UTC

You guys are good people

2018-10-07 03:42:56 UTC

10/10 would not catapult

2018-10-07 03:43:24 UTC

Aw. No catapult for you either.

2018-10-07 03:43:24 UTC

Thanks man.

2018-10-07 03:43:29 UTC


2018-10-07 03:46:25 UTC

I don't have enough brainpower to engage, still buzzed from my can of celebratory beer in honor of Justice Kavanaugh

2018-10-07 03:46:38 UTC

wp dude

2018-10-07 03:46:46 UTC

I'm hyped on Kavanaugh's confirmation

2018-10-07 03:47:01 UTC

Someone said this is like the first time in 50 years where the Supreme court isn't majority liberal

2018-10-07 03:49:52 UTC

I should have Page one of Beauty and The Beta finished tomorrow.

2018-10-07 03:50:07 UTC

It's been a slow burn.

2018-10-07 03:50:58 UTC

The good thing about all of this circus right now is we can be pretty confident that Kavanaugh doesn't have any skeletons in his closet that might cause him to be turned (ala Roberts)

2018-10-07 03:58:44 UTC


2018-10-07 03:59:20 UTC

Thereโ€™s a male feminist in this bar and I am tempted to ask him if heโ€™s having a beer for Kavanaugh.

2018-10-07 04:00:40 UTC

I'd ask him if he saw that roundhouse kick to the pro life lady.

2018-10-07 04:00:52 UTC


2018-10-07 04:00:53 UTC

I'm sure he'll probably stick his tongue out for justice.

2018-10-07 04:01:12 UTC

If he talks to me Iโ€™ll ask him

2018-10-07 04:02:18 UTC

Be careful. You never know how unhinged this guy may get.

2018-10-07 04:02:34 UTC

Iโ€™ve got handcuffs on me

2018-10-07 04:02:56 UTC


2018-10-07 04:03:05 UTC

I used to be a cop

2018-10-07 04:03:15 UTC

Oh. Cool.

2018-10-07 04:03:26 UTC

Be more cautious of his kiss.

2018-10-07 04:03:27 UTC

Itโ€™s habit to carry them

2018-10-07 04:03:31 UTC


2018-10-07 04:03:43 UTC

Shudder. ๐Ÿคข

2018-10-07 04:04:24 UTC

Iโ€™ve gotten literal shit in my mouth so Iโ€™m not overly worried.

2018-10-07 04:04:46 UTC


2018-10-07 04:04:56 UTC


2018-10-07 04:05:05 UTC

Just a bit

2018-10-07 04:05:23 UTC

Just a tad

2018-10-07 04:06:11 UTC

Itโ€™s a fun story

2018-10-07 04:07:24 UTC

Cool. I have a me too story thatโ€™s a lot like fordโ€™s but it actually happened. Lol

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