
Discord ID: 587029563863990282

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2019-06-25 15:10:11 UTC

@Deleted User Mankind's "original" language dosent exist

2019-06-25 15:13:47 UTC

There are 3 locations where language was made from scratch, all other languages build upon one another. Middle East, likely Arabic or Hebrew, near the yellow river, likely Chinese, and near the Aztec Empire

2019-06-25 15:15:30 UTC

ignore satan thot posts
delete satan thot links
block satan thots

2019-06-25 19:28:58 UTC

@Deleted User jesus is equal in power (they're equally god) but he submits himself to the Father

2019-06-25 19:29:11 UTC
2019-06-25 20:08:00 UTC

Wow satanist k-on man is here

2019-06-25 20:17:59 UTC
2019-06-25 20:18:14 UTC

@Deleted User who are you

2019-06-25 20:21:27 UTC


2019-06-25 20:26:20 UTC


2019-06-25 20:26:23 UTC

well like

2019-06-25 20:26:28 UTC

i converted to Christianity @Deleted User

2019-06-25 20:26:48 UTC

Bro I thought you were carp gang

2019-06-25 20:27:04 UTC

i never really talked to carp much to begin with

2019-06-25 20:27:23 UTC


2019-06-25 20:27:55 UTC

Now are you in orthodog gang with buddy and chilliers?

2019-06-25 20:28:47 UTC

I'm not orthodox

2019-06-25 20:42:37 UTC

Are you a C*tholic?

2019-06-25 21:52:42 UTC


2019-06-25 21:52:51 UTC

i'm baptist ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2019-06-25 22:01:04 UTC


2019-06-25 22:06:32 UTC

Catholicucks, orthodorks, and Protesturds are NOT WELCOME. The right cafe is property of BAPTIST GANG.

2019-06-25 22:41:42 UTC

convert to atheism

2019-06-25 22:45:50 UTC

2019-06-25 22:48:20 UTC


2019-06-25 22:48:33 UTC

fucking owned me

2019-06-25 22:48:40 UTC

i just got le trolled epic style

2019-06-26 00:10:35 UTC

das right

2019-06-26 00:10:44 UTC

athesit thot BTFO by Baptist meme mafia

2019-06-26 02:53:35 UTC

<@&588707615643795456> Daily Question โœ
What are some practical ways that Christians can work to desecularize the West?

2019-06-26 02:54:17 UTC


2019-06-26 02:54:20 UTC

Simple as

2019-06-26 02:54:32 UTC

Establish a theocracy by force

2019-06-26 02:54:45 UTC


2019-06-26 02:54:48 UTC

most western Christians believe in secularism

2019-06-26 02:54:56 UTC


2019-06-26 02:55:00 UTC

Things that are straight-forward and easy to implement

2019-06-26 02:55:20 UTC

Think ship-steering not revolutionary

2019-06-26 02:55:23 UTC

establish an orthonazbolprim commune

2019-06-26 02:55:34 UTC

and conquer the west by force

2019-06-26 03:00:54 UTC

@Deleted User based and christpilled

2019-06-26 03:03:54 UTC

@Deleted User it needs 5 to get to <#587112456766357504> but it wont count self-reacts

2019-06-26 04:49:27 UTC


2019-06-26 04:49:33 UTC

Only real religion is nazism

2019-06-26 06:14:26 UTC

Just spread the gospel.
And remove all other religions via....

2019-06-26 16:39:00 UTC

>right wing

2019-06-26 16:39:03 UTC


2019-06-26 23:17:21 UTC

Religious QOTD: What is the Holy Trinity? How does it works, what are it's components?

2019-06-26 23:17:54 UTC

>doesn't ping

2019-06-27 00:29:51 UTC


2019-06-27 00:33:03 UTC

Itโ€™s gay christcuck shit

2019-06-27 00:44:57 UTC

All I know is aomething about a flower having 3 leaves but it's still one flower n shiet

2019-06-27 03:19:14 UTC

LMAO @ trying to desecularize

2019-06-27 03:19:19 UTC

Secularization is a necessity

2019-06-27 15:41:57 UTC

I gave God a blowjob today.

2019-06-27 21:13:47 UTC

<@&588707615643795456> Daily Question โœ
If God cures cancer and other internal ailments, why are there no verifiable cases of people having their amputated limb/s healed (i.e. regrown) in history? If there are any cases, talk about them (or, better, provide a source.)

2019-06-27 21:18:14 UTC

what kind of question is that?

2019-06-27 23:27:40 UTC

?mute @Koninos 24h

2019-06-27 23:27:40 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Koninos#5249 was muted, 24h***

2019-06-30 19:31:33 UTC

?kick @Koninos

2019-06-30 19:31:33 UTC

<:dynoError:314691684455809024> I'm missing the following permissions: Kick Members

2019-06-30 19:31:39 UTC

๐Ÿ˜  @Deleted User

2019-06-30 20:07:00 UTC
2019-07-01 00:48:41 UTC

<@&588707615643795456> Daily Question โœ

- What *is* hell? Is it synonymous with the Lake of Fire, or is it seperate, is it like the pop culture renditions?

2019-07-01 23:20:10 UTC

I think hell biblically is everlasting cutting off from God

2019-07-01 23:20:31 UTC

Gehenna was another name for it

2019-07-02 00:21:28 UTC

<@&588707615643795456> Daily Question โœ
How would Christianity have formed differently if it had its roots in East Asia instead of the middle east? Differences in philosophy, symbolism?

2019-07-02 03:45:52 UTC

Jesus would be really good at math

2019-07-02 04:54:59 UTC

that is one hell of a question when you think about it seriously but it seems almost impossible to give a good answer to.

2019-07-02 07:31:51 UTC

Impossible as Jews were not in East Asia in any significant numbers until the Tang Dynasty.

2019-07-02 12:03:21 UTC

yeah but

2019-07-02 12:03:27 UTC

thats not the question

2019-07-02 12:03:33 UTC

what if God chose the Chinese?

2019-07-02 12:06:39 UTC

That's such a silly question

2019-07-02 19:43:49 UTC

Wiktor that is an interesting piece of information tbh

2019-07-02 19:51:20 UTC

thats the qotd

2019-07-02 19:51:22 UTC

or was

2019-07-03 01:05:40 UTC

Okay, since the last question was a bit too brainy for you all:

2019-07-03 01:06:57 UTC

<@&588707615643795456> Daily Question โœ
Is it possible to live a meaningful life without belief in a higher power? Or, is it even possible to not believe in some sort of higher power?

2019-07-03 01:07:24 UTC

i doubt its possible to not believe in some higher power

2019-07-03 01:07:24 UTC

no and yes

2019-07-03 01:07:40 UTC

every single tribe has some deity

2019-07-03 01:07:58 UTC

@Deleted User What about atheists? What is their higher power? Or perhaps an example of one?

2019-07-03 01:08:07 UTC


2019-07-03 01:08:09 UTC


2019-07-03 01:08:22 UTC

possibly nature

2019-07-03 01:08:37 UTC

Nature might be a good option, actually.

2019-07-03 01:10:44 UTC

What do you mean when you say a "meaningful life" a person can believe in a "higher power" or God and not live a meaningful life

2019-07-03 01:11:57 UTC

I purposefully left it a bit vague to allow for discussion. I wasn't creating a dichotomy, however, whereas you are.

2019-07-03 01:12:11 UTC

For me a "meaningful life" is living your life for the purpose that God made you for, his calling for me, and only then can i live a life using the skills and talents he gave me were it is best used

2019-07-03 01:12:37 UTC

So meaning is not derived from the self but from external forces?

2019-07-03 01:13:40 UTC

I would say its both, acknowledging your purpose and choosing to follow it

2019-07-03 01:14:16 UTC

You are not compelled to do what "you are made for"

2019-07-03 01:14:42 UTC

God doesn't force people to do stuff they don't want to but God made everyone with a purpose

2019-07-03 01:14:48 UTC

Well you're saying things like "purpose" and "calling", which imply that God is a necessary component to the development of meaning in one's life. I'm asking if it is possible to have a meaningful life *without* God or religion in general.

2019-07-03 01:14:54 UTC

And from that purpose you find meaning

2019-07-03 01:15:19 UTC

To put it a different way, are atheists' lives meaningless?

2019-07-03 01:16:09 UTC

Well from what i said i would say yes

2019-07-03 01:16:44 UTC

Of course its dependent on themself and there feelings if they had found meaning

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