
Discord ID: 587028275918929925

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2019-06-11 21:15:37 UTC

In order to have any sort of liberty or freedom you need order, tradition, and a virtuous people

2019-06-11 21:16:22 UTC

Otherwise you don't have anything holding the country together

2019-06-11 21:21:37 UTC

I believe that there must be strict authority, yes, but I believe in the right to free speech and the right to own a gun, just not to the point where the free speech is being able to subvert American and White Tradition that we see today.

2019-06-11 21:21:56 UTC

I think that pedos and other sex offenders should be seriously punished.

2019-06-11 21:22:13 UTC

I think that murderers should be killed.

2019-06-11 21:24:47 UTC

Its something very close to what Hitler said in Mein Kampf. He wanted every German man to bear arms and to defend themselves.

2019-06-12 03:09:58 UTC

And, I would like to add on to Shalopy's statement. I agree with him. Liberty, the way school children are taught, is not liberating. It may be liberating to your lust for comfort and self-leisure, but it is not liberating for your body, your people, and your country. One of the best things about Facism is that you are proud of your nation and your people, therefore, you would do anything to help the nation and its people, like instead of taking a nap on the couch, you would go and help water the plants for an old lady on your block.

2019-06-13 02:10:00 UTC An actual fascist, not a retarded edgelord talks about what fascism is.

2019-06-13 02:41:54 UTC


2019-06-13 05:06:44 UTC

Shit tier memes

2019-06-13 05:07:10 UTC

Oh wait, Wikitor is a nazbol, based and redpilled.

2019-06-13 05:30:17 UTC

not memes

2019-06-13 05:30:33 UTC

i was just saving them to download them on my phone and add them to my servers

2019-06-13 05:30:45 UTC

anon add these emotes

2019-06-13 05:34:30 UTC


2019-06-13 05:34:42 UTC

dont fucking post them in <#587028275918929925>

2019-06-13 20:12:57 UTC Learn about your past, learn about your tradition, learn about your culture. Fight cultural Marxism with folk culture.

2019-06-15 14:23:50 UTC

I'm not a doomsdayer like a lot of the left is, but I do feel like environmentalism is fundamentally a conservative topic (conserving the environment that helped foster and sustain your culture) and the right's (or at least the mainstream right's) trigger response to reject climate concern because the leftwing has adopted a misanthropic form of it is idiotic and shortsighted.

2019-06-15 14:24:17 UTC

It's a big reason why I hate the American Republican party and when retards say *oh you're right wing you must be a republican lmao*

2019-06-15 14:36:15 UTC

I agree ^

The right basically went the opposite way because they realized they agree on something and this is where mainstream conservative fail and expose themselves. They hate the topic of eco friendliness because its full of lefties, however the reason they do so is because it exposes how truly lefty they are themselves but dont want to admit to it, because they know trad and propagationalism are true and just, but they dont live up to it.

but yeah the left goes eco commie about it going vegan etc. and basically lowering the bar for humanities existence in theri eternal quet to be free form literally everything and anything, including morality

2019-06-15 14:38:43 UTC

@Classy Also Id add to the poll "climate change is real regardless of what humans do"

But yeah generally a better reason to be eco, worry about climate, is because of local pollution

2019-06-15 14:38:51 UTC

clean streets, trad streets, good streets

2019-06-15 15:56:12 UTC

@Bogatyr Bogumir I added it, thanks.

2019-06-15 16:08:40 UTC


2019-06-15 20:48:56 UTC

@Classy polarization is a big problem

2019-06-15 20:49:19 UTC

Itโ€™s reached the point where politics isnโ€™t a matter of โ€œwhat do we believe inโ€ but rather โ€œwhat does my opposition believe in.โ€

2019-06-15 22:14:34 UTC

@L0GAN It's true, and this is the fundamental issue with party politics. It's like LGBTQIAAP+-whatever-the-fuck: the more you single out a certain group of people for their ideas it necessitates having more groups for more types of people, these groups will start being defined by their differences primarily. Democrats are the "progressive" party, the "blue" party, and that definition overrides any individual ideological views within that party.

2019-06-15 22:15:16 UTC


2019-06-15 22:15:22 UTC

The parties arenโ€™t even left and right anymore

2019-06-15 22:15:44 UTC

Itโ€™s just who claims a side on an issue first

2019-06-15 22:15:52 UTC

Either you need hundreds of individual parties to pick up everyone's ideology or you need zero parties. The alternative is having this heavily dichotomized political system like in the US.

2019-06-15 22:16:36 UTC

My mother, who has been here for over four decades, saw that I was conservative and immediately and without any forethought meant that it was synonymous with Republicanโ€”she couldn't even conceptualize the idea of being conservative and NOT being Republican.

2019-06-15 22:18:30 UTC

So whatever slight lean you might have instantly gets you swept up in the inferno of what the party that leans that direction believes.

*Oh, you lean left?* (pulls out card with talking points) *So you believe in abortion, feminism, gay rights, pro-union, you hate Christians and you want to open the borders, like the Democrat party, right?*

2019-06-15 22:18:56 UTC

the issue is also that people do in fact think that way

2019-06-15 22:18:59 UTC

i am left/ right

2019-06-15 22:19:06 UTC

therefore i accept and fervently believe these things

2019-06-15 22:19:43 UTC

there is a minority like us here that actualyl have self defined boundaries and align with a aprty based on overlap

2019-06-15 22:19:51 UTC

rather than simple association

2019-06-15 22:20:13 UTC

Yeah, and nobody even sees the flatness of the political "spectrum" in the mainstream US. It's more like a political string, where you are either dialed to on extreme -X or another +X. There is no Y axis at all, just normie "conservative" points and normie progressive ones.

2019-06-15 22:41:45 UTC

I mean eventhe previous 2 axis model IMO is pretty damn inancurate

2019-06-15 22:41:54 UTC

hell modern conservatives and liberals are really both the same

2019-06-15 22:42:00 UTC

they are truly "left" in a more formal sense

2019-06-15 22:42:12 UTC

its basically the left arguing with itself

2019-06-15 22:42:23 UTC

as they both support enlightenment principles and are derived from them

2019-06-15 22:43:01 UTC

ultimately they believe the same things but carry them to theri logical conclusion or assume thelogical conclusion to be, for the current day, too extreme however thats just conservative retardation

2019-06-15 22:43:09 UTC

true conservatism should be in fact entrist

2019-06-15 22:43:12 UTC

on the social scale

2019-06-15 22:43:29 UTC

i call something propagationalism when it takes tradition and propagates it, adapting it to mdern material reality

2019-06-15 22:43:39 UTC

hell imagine for example something as simple as clothes

2019-06-15 22:44:09 UTC

the world for men runs on suites, so you take say an ethnic decoration and decorate some parts of the suite with this ethnic decoration. Or in fact change the cut of the suite entirely

2019-06-15 22:44:20 UTC

this propagates tradition

2019-06-15 22:44:30 UTC

architecture is another thing

2019-06-15 23:21:18 UTC

There is actually a serious chat

2019-06-15 23:21:33 UTC

This is very needed in most political discords.

2019-06-15 23:21:39 UTC

sorry for the short input.

2019-06-16 09:34:35 UTC

I agree, its very lacking and sually discussions are lacking in constructivity, and are just one view bashing the other

2019-06-16 23:36:20 UTC

Question for every self labeled conservative, what exactly are you conserving?

2019-06-17 21:50:02 UTC

money power and corruption

2019-06-19 22:50:19 UTC

It's if

2019-06-20 17:57:33 UTC

Protocol of the Elders of Zion โ€“ VII:6
โ€œโ€ฆIn a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments of the goyim in Europe in check, we shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or Japanโ€ฆ.

2019-06-20 17:57:51 UTC


2019-06-20 17:58:14 UTC


2019-06-20 17:58:35 UTC


2019-06-20 17:58:36 UTC

Israel is unironically a based state

2019-06-20 17:59:02 UTC

They outsmartted and manipulated the world

2019-06-20 17:59:26 UTC

Sneaky fucks aren't they

2019-06-20 17:59:38 UTC

Subversion is the best tactic to get what you want

2019-06-20 17:59:48 UTC

Pretty much yeah

2019-06-20 18:00:47 UTC

Israel is a nationalist's wet dream

2019-06-20 18:00:53 UTC

Then again, they are the most persecuted people in history, yet have been around the longest (so I'm told). Somehow they manage to gain control of their host nation and then are expelled

2019-06-20 18:01:01 UTC

Everyone wants their nation to be as smart as Israel

2019-06-20 18:01:31 UTC

@Deleted User In history, not in modern day

2019-06-20 18:01:48 UTC

In modern day, Christians are statistically the most persecuted

2019-06-20 18:02:10 UTC

I know, I was being sarcastic

2019-06-20 18:02:11 UTC

Tho i believe this is because Christians went under a drastic change in doctrine after ww2

2019-06-20 18:02:17 UTC

Becoming much more pacifist

2019-06-20 18:02:21 UTC

Everything changed after ww2

2019-06-20 18:02:30 UTC

Becoming good goyim

2019-06-20 18:02:49 UTC

I think Jews are what scientists call *Toxoplasma gondii*

2019-06-20 18:03:01 UTC

Christian view of Judaism was always against it until ww2

2019-06-20 18:03:40 UTC

The Catholic Church led the change on viewing Judaism as an enemy religion to "chose people of God" or viewing them as brother-like

2019-06-20 18:04:07 UTC

Big mistake

2019-06-20 18:07:06 UTC

I read somewhere that the catholic church began it's downward spiral back in the 17 or 1800s (could be mistaken) after "the last real pope" died?

2019-06-21 02:27:16 UTC

@Deleted User War with Iran is a When, not an If. It is in the interest of the military industrial complex and, most importantly, our GREATEST ALLY that we go to war with them.

2019-06-21 03:08:22 UTC

@Classy keep it <#587028275918929925> bud

2019-06-23 21:18:05 UTC

@Deleted User cringe post

2019-06-23 23:44:06 UTC

what did he post that was a "cringe" post?

2019-06-23 23:45:11 UTC

Israel is unironically a based state

2019-06-23 23:45:24 UTC

israel is an ethnostate

2019-06-23 23:45:29 UTC


2019-06-23 23:45:36 UTC

they're still kikes

2019-06-23 23:45:39 UTC

that is generally what we call a based state no?

2019-06-23 23:45:48 UTC

fuck no

2019-06-23 23:45:51 UTC


2019-06-23 23:45:55 UTC

a "based state" is an organic state based upon Truth

2019-06-23 23:45:57 UTC

I posted that after you said "so"

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