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2019-10-23 12:59:13 UTC

And you said Israel is responsible for the refugee crisis

2019-10-23 12:59:13 UTC

Had Israel never existed

2019-10-23 12:59:18 UTC

Neither would the refugee crisis

2019-10-23 12:59:28 UTC

British empire makes modern middle east and israel -> israel immediately starts operations to expand -> arabs hate jews already and view palestine as a islamic holy land, now in the hands of infidels and westerners -> arabs begin a campaign against israel -> israel wins 6 day war -> causing a long and destructive line of wars and conflict caused by israel and its european/american puppets

2019-10-23 12:59:44 UTC

nuance and a knowledge of history are required

2019-10-23 13:00:07 UTC

weve been in the middle east for oil and israel since the 80s and 90s

2019-10-23 13:00:25 UTC

no the fact that israel exists had nothing to do with the crisis, operations by the us and israel caused the crisism it has literally nothing to do with britain

2019-10-23 13:00:43 UTC

how did israel get formed

2019-10-23 13:01:02 UTC

it was largely due to british policy

2019-10-23 13:01:04 UTC

by the balfor declaration

2019-10-23 13:01:16 UTC

which was written by the british

2019-10-23 13:01:28 UTC

israel exists due to the british

2019-10-23 13:01:54 UTC

right, so in your mind the american revolution caused the demographic displacement in the united states? @Veraien

2019-10-23 13:02:09 UTC

and israel has conducted a campaign of war and conflict onto the middle east which is further elevated by the borders or country's also created by the british

2019-10-23 13:02:10 UTC


2019-10-23 13:02:20 UTC

every event in history

2019-10-23 13:02:23 UTC

has a reason for it

2019-10-23 13:02:32 UTC

things do not spring from nothing

2019-10-23 13:02:47 UTC

the easiest example is ww2

2019-10-23 13:03:12 UTC

youre incapable of reasoning
in what way is the american revolution responsible for the browning of america?

2019-10-23 13:03:30 UTC

ww2 happened because of the treaty of versatile crippled Germany, because they lost the war and the french wanted revenge for the war of 1871

2019-10-23 13:03:48 UTC

thats historical determinism tbh

2019-10-23 13:03:58 UTC

not really that sound

2019-10-23 13:04:09 UTC

cause and effect my dude

2019-10-23 13:04:13 UTC


2019-10-23 13:04:28 UTC

you havent established a causal relationship
only correlation

2019-10-23 13:04:49 UTC

when an event happens those events cause reactions which in turn cause other events to happen as a result

2019-10-23 13:04:56 UTC

its not that hard of a concept to understand

2019-10-23 13:05:09 UTC

its a common thing in history

2019-10-23 13:05:28 UTC

events are decades in the making due to smaller events that take place

2019-10-23 13:05:34 UTC

like wars

2019-10-23 13:05:43 UTC

the causes for wars can span decades

2019-10-23 13:05:52 UTC

not just in the build up period

2019-10-23 13:06:19 UTC

your blatantly refusing to acknowledge your country's failings and errors

2019-10-23 13:06:32 UTC

what you have established is a correlation between israel existing and israel conducting a certain amount of operations
there is no sound way that you can argue that britain is responsible for these operations

2019-10-23 13:06:57 UTC

because the situation in the middle east would never have happened if the british did not support the forming of israel and honoured their pacts with their colonial holdings in the middle east

2019-10-23 13:07:11 UTC

historical determinism[2]

2019-10-23 13:07:17 UTC

britian is not responsible for israeli intelligence directly

2019-10-23 13:07:21 UTC

but indirectly

2019-10-23 13:07:24 UTC

this is faulty logic

2019-10-23 13:07:36 UTC

israeli intelligence cannot exist without israel which was formed by the british

2019-10-23 13:07:39 UTC

Arguably the british are responsible

2019-10-23 13:07:41 UTC

how can you not see this

2019-10-23 13:07:54 UTC

They started the importation of slaves in America

2019-10-23 13:08:21 UTC

with the help of jewish slave traders as well

2019-10-23 13:08:54 UTC

no, i can see that israel exists in part because of british policy
there is no causal relation between the establishment of israel and these particular operations

2019-10-23 13:08:54 UTC

British actions in africa and india led to them migrating to America

2019-10-23 13:09:47 UTC

So yeah, arguably the british are still responsible

2019-10-23 13:09:55 UTC

there is no casual relationship between israel and israeli intelligence along with the CIA artifically starting conflicts in the middle east to destabilize and weaken the surrounding areas?

2019-10-23 13:10:04 UTC

which was created at the behest of Britian?

2019-10-23 13:10:05 UTC


2019-10-23 13:10:07 UTC

at all

2019-10-23 13:10:10 UTC


2019-10-23 13:10:13 UTC


2019-10-23 13:10:32 UTC


2019-10-23 13:10:40 UTC

oh my god

2019-10-23 13:11:14 UTC

this is your brain on fish and chips

2019-10-23 13:11:27 UTC

you have established correlation, not causation
you believe in historical determinism, which is wrong, so you think the relationship is causal

2019-10-23 13:11:51 UTC

do you not believe in cause and effect

2019-10-23 13:11:59 UTC

do eventsin history just happen

2019-10-23 13:12:10 UTC

i dont believe in historical determinism no

2019-10-23 13:12:10 UTC

with no underlying factors or basis behind them

2019-10-23 13:12:14 UTC

no underlying cause

2019-10-23 13:12:21 UTC

things just happen

2019-10-23 13:12:31 UTC

this is a strawman argument

2019-10-23 13:12:36 UTC

could mossad exist if israel did not

2019-10-23 13:12:38 UTC

i didnt say that

2019-10-23 13:12:38 UTC


2019-10-23 13:12:39 UTC

or no

2019-10-23 13:13:17 UTC

lemme try and break it down
does israel exist? @Veraien

2019-10-23 13:13:43 UTC

It shouldnt but it does

2019-10-23 13:14:02 UTC

israel exists due to the balfor declaration drawn up by British officals

2019-10-23 13:14:16 UTC

like me and Asdrubal have stated

2019-10-23 13:14:35 UTC

right, does israel do things that cause the refugee crisis?

2019-10-23 13:14:59 UTC

without that betrayal of their former colonial holdings, there would be no reason to create conflict in that area

2019-10-23 13:15:11 UTC

yes they do all the time

2019-10-23 13:15:18 UTC

as well as the CIA in america

2019-10-23 13:15:33 UTC

intelligence agencys conduct operations daily in the ME and NA

2019-10-23 13:16:03 UTC

in what way did the balfour declaration cause these bad things to happen?

2019-10-23 13:17:31 UTC

Israel exists (after its formation that was supported by the british) because of the British dividing the arabs states, instead of forming one United Arab nation, hence making them weaker in conflicts where Israel was supposed to be destroyed

2019-10-23 13:18:20 UTC

in what way does the mere existence of israel cause the refugee crisis?

2019-10-23 13:19:45 UTC

Mossad cant exist without Israel

2019-10-23 13:20:25 UTC

operations conducted by the CIA/Mossad have created wars in the ME and North Africa

2019-10-23 13:20:47 UTC

The Israeli lobby in Congress is why the CIA is even there in the first place

2019-10-23 13:20:58 UTC

I dont need to remind you who created Israel

2019-10-23 13:21:30 UTC

thats a correlation and historical determinism but also there is no way in which there is a causal relation between those things

2019-10-23 13:21:38 UTC

Libya was a bulwark against african imigration into europe, Iraq and afganistan because they did not want to bow to american dominance as well has funding islamic groups against israel

2019-10-23 13:21:57 UTC

and now Iran and syria because they do not like Israel and wish for its destruction

2019-10-23 13:22:03 UTC

they were all threats to israel

2019-10-23 13:22:09 UTC

and they got destroyed

2019-10-23 13:22:16 UTC

or will be in the case of iran

2019-10-23 13:22:32 UTC

this is unironically believing that guns cause murder

2019-10-23 13:23:08 UTC

why bring up something complelty unrelated

2019-10-23 13:23:24 UTC

do you deny that israeli operations have caused conflict

2019-10-23 13:23:43 UTC

do you deny that people have been killed with guns?

2019-10-23 13:23:51 UTC

and that the reason those operations could take place is because they had a centralized area to act as a headquarters aka Israel

2019-10-23 13:24:17 UTC

people have been killed with guns, mostly gang related incidents so i dont care

2019-10-23 13:24:25 UTC

the next highest is suicide

2019-10-23 13:24:28 UTC

also dont care

2019-10-23 13:24:30 UTC

and that the reason that they could kill with guns is because guns exist

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