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2018-06-14 03:43:31 UTC

Nobody talks about it

2018-06-14 03:43:32 UTC

imagine how big ED treatment is going to be in the next 10 years

2018-06-14 03:43:35 UTC

2018-06-14 03:43:38 UTC

a war hero

2018-06-14 03:43:43 UTC

hear that kid?

2018-06-14 03:43:45 UTC


2018-06-14 03:43:45 UTC


2018-06-14 03:43:53 UTC

open them ears punk

2018-06-14 03:43:54 UTC


2018-06-14 03:43:55 UTC

That's Patrick little's dad

2018-06-14 03:43:56 UTC


2018-06-14 03:44:21 UTC

2018-06-14 03:44:29 UTC


2018-06-14 03:44:38 UTC

i'd tap that tbh

2018-06-14 03:44:44 UTC


2018-06-14 03:44:57 UTC

Ben Carson-Herman Cain 2020

2018-06-14 03:45:05 UTC

looks like icarly

2018-06-14 03:45:10 UTC
2018-06-14 03:45:21 UTC

america status: BLACKED

2018-06-14 03:45:48 UTC

bob dole 2020

2018-06-14 03:46:00 UTC

nardi 2040 okay iโ€™m going to bed fr now later homies

2018-06-14 03:46:00 UTC


2018-06-14 03:46:13 UTC

c h i s e l e d

2018-06-14 03:46:13 UTC

George McGovern 2050

2018-06-14 03:46:16 UTC

@bress222 night

2018-06-14 03:46:29 UTC

2018-06-14 03:46:37 UTC

if his beret were yellow and upright he'd literally be chad

2018-06-14 03:46:40 UTC

@WOMP WOMP boi he had peak Chad genes, too bad he got killed in Afghanistan

2018-06-14 03:46:43 UTC

He got friendly fired

2018-06-14 03:46:46 UTC

Ironic that you used a pic of a dead veteran

2018-06-14 03:46:46 UTC

By an afghan

2018-06-14 03:46:47 UTC


2018-06-14 03:46:57 UTC

elf wants to make friends with afghans

2018-06-14 03:46:57 UTC

im looking at republican primary candidates through the years

2018-06-14 03:47:02 UTC

a race traitor

2018-06-14 03:47:09 UTC

Fuck it

2018-06-14 03:47:20 UTC

McCain-Romney 2020

2018-06-14 03:47:28 UTC

Big brain

2018-06-14 03:47:46 UTC

McCain just has to live long enough to be sworn in, and then Romney becomes president

2018-06-14 03:47:56 UTC

Revenge of the Neocons

2018-06-14 03:48:07 UTC


2018-06-14 03:48:33 UTC

Martin O'Malley-Lincoln Chafee 2020

2018-06-14 03:48:43 UTC

@Barry White he dies in office and Romney becomes POTUS, trolls the American people epic style

2018-06-14 03:48:44 UTC

Bring back Jim Webb

2018-06-14 03:48:47 UTC


2018-06-14 03:48:51 UTC


2018-06-14 03:49:05 UTC

Jeb! Webb 2020

2018-06-14 03:49:11 UTC

Jeb!/Bernie 2020

2018-06-14 03:49:17 UTC

fried chicken american

2018-06-14 03:49:17 UTC

Webb would do better as a conservative

2018-06-14 03:49:44 UTC

As someone who has spent a good deal of time in Missouri, I appreciate that some of the Dems there are at least somewhat conservative

2018-06-14 03:49:56 UTC

2018-06-14 03:50:01 UTC


2018-06-14 03:50:09 UTC


2018-06-14 03:50:09 UTC


2018-06-14 03:50:16 UTC


2018-06-14 03:50:49 UTC

Actually though, Perot would've been absolutely awful, far worse than even Al Gore

2018-06-14 03:51:04 UTC

redpill me on perot

2018-06-14 03:51:12 UTC

Aight let's get into it

2018-06-14 03:51:21 UTC

Strong supporter of abortion

2018-06-14 03:51:29 UTC

strong NIGGER

2018-06-14 03:51:37 UTC

Basically an economic lolbertarian, though I don't mind that too much

2018-06-14 03:51:50 UTC

dude weed lmao

2018-06-14 03:51:56 UTC

He supported a balanced budget amendment to the constitution which I like

2018-06-14 03:52:13 UTC

i'd be a big fan of that

2018-06-14 03:52:14 UTC

Anyway he was basically an anti-consitutionalist

2018-06-14 03:52:19 UTC


2018-06-14 03:52:21 UTC

Here's a quote from him

2018-06-14 03:53:10 UTC

"Keep in mind our Constitution predates the Industrial Revolution. Our founders did not know about electricity, the train, telephones, radio, television, automobiles, airplanes, rockets, nuclear weapons, satellites, or space exploration. There's a lot they didn't know about. It would be interesting to see what kind of document they'd draft today. Just keeping it frozen in time won't hack it" -Perot

Which is partially true, don't get me wrong, but he basically didn't care about following the laws we have in place (to be fair, none of our politicians really seem to care about the Constitution).

2018-06-14 03:53:28 UTC

2018-06-14 03:53:47 UTC


2018-06-14 03:53:51 UTC

Howard Dean 2020

2018-06-14 03:54:04 UTC

I retract my statement about Perot being worse than Al Gore though, at least Perot supported a balanced budget and gun rights

2018-06-14 03:54:22 UTC

Perot is rich as fuck

2018-06-14 03:54:36 UTC

2018-06-14 03:54:50 UTC

He also hated NAFTA
I'll be honest, I probs would've voted for Perot in 1992

2018-06-14 03:55:01 UTC

I never realized that failed presidential candidates were this much of a goldmine

2018-06-14 03:55:15 UTC

remember david french

2018-06-14 03:55:24 UTC

Cheney-Wolfowitz 2020

2018-06-14 03:55:34 UTC


2018-06-14 03:55:36 UTC

who the fuck

2018-06-14 03:55:51 UTC

so are the jews god's chosen people?

2018-06-14 03:55:52 UTC

2018-06-14 03:55:53 UTC

2018-06-14 03:55:54 UTC

2018-06-14 03:55:55 UTC

2018-06-14 03:55:55 UTC

uh oh

2018-06-14 03:55:56 UTC

2018-06-14 03:55:58 UTC

oh god

2018-06-14 03:55:59 UTC

its feds

2018-06-14 03:56:00 UTC

It's happening

2018-06-14 03:56:02 UTC

2018-06-14 03:56:05 UTC

Raided boys

2018-06-14 03:56:09 UTC


2018-06-14 03:56:10 UTC

*fbi kicks down door*

2018-06-14 03:56:11 UTC

2018-06-14 03:56:12 UTC


2018-06-14 03:56:13 UTC

Le ebin raid

2018-06-14 03:56:14 UTC


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