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2019-05-14 16:10:36 UTC

There is a US site that sells browns

2019-05-14 16:10:39 UTC

Let me see if I can find it

2019-05-14 16:10:42 UTC

My end goal is to have something like this, without twigs on the helmets

2019-05-14 16:12:01 UTC

That's one

2019-05-14 16:12:48 UTC

Good site, high prices and high shipping. I think it might be ultimately cheaper to buy from a South African.

2019-05-14 16:14:51 UTC

Suppose so. Will take a kak long time to arrive though I reckon. If you do buy from South Africa then make sure it isn't sent via SAPO. Rather go with a private courier company, less chance of your stuff never arriving because some dude stole it.

2019-05-14 16:15:27 UTC

So I've been told. I'll also have to be careful with sizing because if I recall don't y'all use a different sizing system than the US does?

2019-05-14 16:17:14 UTC

We use UK sizes IIRC.

2019-05-14 16:17:43 UTC

Then yeah I'll need to adjust for that. At least you drive on the correct side of the road, can't have too much Brit influence.

2019-05-14 16:17:56 UTC

2019-05-14 16:17:59 UTC

Uhm we drive on the same side as Britain ๐Ÿ˜…

2019-05-14 16:18:12 UTC

We'll need to fix that

2019-05-14 16:18:34 UTC

Vote ANC and you won't have a car to drive on the wrong side of the road

2019-05-14 16:18:42 UTC


2019-05-14 16:18:53 UTC

Never voted ANC. Never will ๐Ÿ˜‰

2019-05-14 16:19:00 UTC

The truth has been told

2019-05-14 16:19:12 UTC

Luckily election is over

2019-05-14 16:19:19 UTC

Let me guess, ANC win?

2019-05-14 16:19:25 UTC


2019-05-14 16:19:33 UTC

But only just

2019-05-14 16:19:42 UTC

In some areas

2019-05-14 16:19:51 UTC

Vote EFF and get yourself a peace of land

2019-05-14 16:20:04 UTC

I wish the Cape Party wasn't so small, personally

2019-05-14 16:20:05 UTC

Dont think thats how it works

2019-05-14 16:20:19 UTC

I'm too pasty for the EFF's qualification of free land.

2019-05-14 16:20:23 UTC

Malema is the reincarnation of Jesus

2019-05-14 16:20:35 UTC

Just trust him, you'll be *fine*

2019-05-14 16:20:46 UTC

Yeah no doubt

2019-05-14 16:20:47 UTC


2019-05-14 16:21:26 UTC

Hey at least the EFF didn't gain as much as was predicted, gotta celebrate the good things guys.

2019-05-14 16:21:46 UTC

Yeah while we can

2019-05-14 16:21:53 UTC

Id drink to that

2019-05-14 16:22:24 UTC

Just checking to see if I could spell it right

2019-05-14 16:23:41 UTC

AWB lol

2019-05-14 16:24:34 UTC

AWB doesn't have a good reputation among South Africans. And for good reason.

Albeit some may have higher opinions of them and just not reveal it in public.

Personally I think they're akin to the KKK. Not a fan... Does more damage than good.

2019-05-14 16:25:10 UTC

Nah they maid stupid mistakes

2019-05-14 16:25:16 UTC

I agree vf looks like a better option but the leader is to aggressive

2019-05-14 16:26:08 UTC

Vf is actually like a brake off from the AWB. My history teacher is apart of there council thingy

2019-05-14 16:26:38 UTC

Well we'll see by the next election I don't think the VF will retain their gains by then. The DA may very well recoup those losses if they can get their shit in order.

2019-05-14 16:27:12 UTC

Yeah but they aren't as good as they seem

2019-05-14 16:28:21 UTC

Do you see the country getting more stable or less stable?

2019-05-14 16:28:27 UTC

Don't believe so because of what they did to that teacher at hit that girl after she hit her. At moment they are making empty promises but we'll see what happens we have 4 years to make up our minds now

2019-05-14 16:28:32 UTC

And will the be a boogaloo or not?

2019-05-14 16:30:00 UTC

Ja the DA fucked up significantly in both that case and the Schweizer-Reineke incident.

That DA youth leader hurt the DA more than anything. And alienated quite a few voters there.

IIRC Schweizer-Reineke sent a strong message to the DA this election.

2019-05-14 16:30:56 UTC

Stability is debatable because it gets better then someone fucks up then its war and hell. Then after burning a couple of weels the feel better and everything goes back to normal so its hard to say

2019-05-14 16:31:32 UTC

So every once in a while y'all have a mini boogaloo. Sounds like fun!

2019-05-14 16:31:36 UTC

/ s

2019-05-14 16:34:10 UTC

Yup pretty much spot on what Boomninja stated.

It can go from peace and quiet to violent protests and then back to peace and quiet. Rinse and repeat.

Of course the ANC's incompetence and corruption is taking its toll. Things aren't as bright as they were a decade ago.

2019-05-14 16:34:55 UTC

Are there many people moving out of the country or are most sticking it out?

2019-05-14 16:35:51 UTC

Mix of both. Depends on the person, their loyalty to the country, financial situation and whether they have children or not.

2019-05-14 16:36:30 UTC

Far easier to get out when you have dual nationality like me.

2019-05-14 16:37:33 UTC

I mean in terms of quality of life the US seems a lot better but I've heard really good things about the country in terms of the outdoors.

And something called a braai which is only lightly defined by google. Still can't find a definitive answer as to what that is.

2019-05-14 16:38:16 UTC

A braai is a BBQ but far better.

It also depends on the person.

For some the focus of the braai is the food.

For others the focus of the braai is the warmth of the fire.

2019-05-14 16:39:17 UTC

And with a braai you need a braaibrooitjie to really experience it

2019-05-14 16:39:29 UTC

Some people don't keep the fire going after the boerie and rashers are ready... Those are braais I don't enjoy as much.

When the fire keeps going and you can chill around it and talk kak til late in the evening or til dawn that's a lekker braai.

2019-05-14 16:39:55 UTC


2019-05-14 16:40:14 UTC

Shame I'll never get to try it, don't think there's any South Africans in California. I don't think there's any good people in California

2019-05-14 16:41:47 UTC

Pretty sure there must be at least one South African in California. We're everywhere.

2019-05-14 16:42:00 UTC


2019-05-14 16:42:16 UTC

There's probably a few somewhere but none I know.
There's Rhodies and South Africans everywhere.

2019-05-14 16:43:15 UTC

Just walk down the street and scream some afrikaans words trust me. If you get moered thats probably a south African

2019-05-14 16:44:01 UTC

I can't seem to find a definition for 'moered', help me out on that one

2019-05-14 16:44:14 UTC

This is me and my boet having a kak braai back in 2015.

Didn't have any wood to use so I gathered twigs and branches from around the complex and managed to make it last long enough to cook the boerewors.

The fat dripping onto the coals caused the flames to char it a bit ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

2019-05-14 16:44:16 UTC

2019-05-14 16:44:17 UTC

2019-05-14 16:45:13 UTC

Man that looks fun as hell, why can't we have any cool food related traditions like that

2019-05-14 16:45:32 UTC

Moered means that you get hit with fists

2019-05-14 16:47:12 UTC

This is a potjie.

2019-05-14 16:47:37 UTC

What's in it?

2019-05-14 16:47:53 UTC

You need charcoal with a pot. Wood is kak for it

2019-05-14 16:48:22 UTC

Basically alot of meat and vegetables

2019-05-14 16:48:48 UTC

I made a biltong pot a week ago and damn that was the best thing ever

2019-05-14 16:49:11 UTC

Biltong and macaroni pot

2019-05-14 16:49:27 UTC

As for our wilderness it's very different from the US obviously.

2019-05-14 16:49:31 UTC

2019-05-14 16:49:34 UTC

2019-05-14 16:49:35 UTC

2019-05-14 16:49:38 UTC

2019-05-14 16:49:43 UTC

2019-05-14 16:49:47 UTC

2019-05-14 16:49:48 UTC

Try biltong with bacon and a cheese sauce

2019-05-14 16:49:49 UTC

2019-05-14 16:49:51 UTC

2019-05-14 16:50:37 UTC

In the US you call it man vs wild in south Africa we call it camping

2019-05-14 16:50:52 UTC

Hahah lol

2019-05-14 16:51:47 UTC

2019-05-14 16:51:49 UTC

2019-05-14 16:51:50 UTC

2019-05-14 16:51:52 UTC

2019-05-14 16:52:38 UTC

Loved this place.

It's Mountain Sanctuary Park.

2019-05-14 16:52:53 UTC

Shame such a beautiful country is run by people like that. I'm glad we have some nice parks here in the US.

2019-05-14 16:55:03 UTC

Yea there are some parks in the US I really wanna visit

2019-05-14 16:56:03 UTC

Just move here already, I don't see much hope for SA.

2019-05-14 16:57:12 UTC

Well that is the plan for next year but like the job I wanna do is gonna be hard since I need citizenship

2019-05-14 16:57:24 UTC

Which takes 5 years to get

2019-05-14 16:57:44 UTC

I don't know, these illegals don't seem to need citizenship. They just waltz right in

2019-05-14 16:58:22 UTC

Well I wanna join the FD so

2019-05-14 16:58:29 UTC


2019-05-14 16:58:34 UTC

The South African museum of military history in Joburg is quite interesting.

It has military hardware from all eras from the Boer War to World War I and II to modern day.

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