
Discord ID: 276935978369810432

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2017-02-15 15:47:24 UTC

Is it already that time?

2017-02-15 15:47:45 UTC

Yes, and expect to riot today

2017-02-15 15:49:03 UTC

2017-02-15 15:50:02 UTC

Ooh, where's the next antifa hotspot gonna be? Is misery shaping up that fast?

2017-02-15 15:50:45 UTC

Still looking, but these are rumors

2017-02-15 15:50:49 UTC

Some are saying KT

2017-02-15 15:50:54 UTC

But maybe sooner

2017-02-15 15:51:52 UTC

I was about to say KT too, word around here is ohio is also getting attention from the collective.

2017-02-15 15:52:27 UTC

Early mobliztion?

2017-02-15 15:53:48 UTC

All my data's dried up, MI is completely dark, all the anons but me and odalist seem to be gone, no militia movement, nothing but a few antifag tweets in grand rapids. I'm slowly freaking out.

2017-02-15 15:54:56 UTC

You need a Tablet. ASAP

2017-02-15 15:55:16 UTC

Tablets can have Discord where ever you go withou the use of Data

2017-02-15 15:55:46 UTC

Ah, I'd rather get a plate carrier tbh

2017-02-15 15:56:01 UTC


2017-02-15 15:56:07 UTC

Granted a cheap tab is barely a hundred bux now

2017-02-15 15:56:26 UTC

Because PCs make me feel cozy

2017-02-15 15:56:53 UTC

Armor is comfy tier gear

2017-02-15 15:57:36 UTC

Comfy? Well have fun in dark

2017-02-15 15:57:40 UTC

Anyway why is it scary?

2017-02-15 15:59:01 UTC

It's like being in the woods and you realize the birds and small game all went quiet and you turn around to head back and realize the sun is going down faster than you expected.

2017-02-15 16:00:04 UTC

A riot around here would actually make me feel more at ease.

2017-02-15 16:00:17 UTC

Prepare for the happeing

2017-02-15 16:00:44 UTC

It'd be something I could react to and gather info from

2017-02-15 16:01:21 UTC

Just being isolated out here as fires spring up everywhere else is downright unnerving.

2017-02-15 16:01:49 UTC


2017-02-15 16:02:20 UTC


2017-02-15 16:02:41 UTC

Prepared, road atlases just came in the mail, i need to make the time to fill all my jerry cans again after rotating the last five gallons out

2017-02-15 16:03:13 UTC

I can be longhaul ready in under an hour.

2017-02-15 16:04:09 UTC

My boots are kinda fucked though since i lost weight they got way too roomy

2017-02-15 16:04:48 UTC

Only 13 pounds and the fit is all kinds of off

2017-02-15 16:05:07 UTC

Mna you are /inthewoods/

2017-02-15 16:05:38 UTC

Am I? Am I really?

2017-02-15 16:06:32 UTC

Like you are ready

2017-02-15 16:07:31 UTC

oh god, I don't even feel ready, got supplies, but iunno, if i have to use them it'll be a struggle

2017-02-15 16:07:54 UTC

You will use them when you are ready

2017-02-15 16:09:55 UTC

why have a bugout bag when you can undergo training to be your own bugout bag?

2017-02-15 16:12:52 UTC

I dunno

2017-02-15 16:15:32 UTC

the answer is because why the fuck would you not make things easier for yourself
always prepare for the comfiest situation

2017-02-15 16:18:21 UTC

Actually getting out to practice comfy fieldcraft is a bitch tho

2017-02-15 16:18:39 UTC

Wish i were a neet on neat neetbux

2017-02-15 16:18:53 UTC

Work takes away too much time

2017-02-15 16:20:20 UTC

Family likes to eat the weekends

2017-02-15 16:21:07 UTC

Now i know why the suburban salaryman ends up looking like a tub of pudding at 32

2017-02-15 16:21:27 UTC

>Have ADHD

2017-02-15 16:21:31 UTC

>Dont have NEETBUX

2017-02-15 16:21:34 UTC


2017-02-15 16:21:35 UTC

2017-02-15 16:22:50 UTC

@Burnside Same, and to boot I dont even live anywhere close to outdoorsey stuff besides fishing and kayaking

2017-02-15 16:23:27 UTC

I literally run on about 1400-2000 calories a day in the form of two protein bars, a handful of walnuts, and a gallon of soy milk

2017-02-15 16:23:51 UTC

I live on Ramen

2017-02-15 16:23:52 UTC

Kill me

2017-02-15 16:24:30 UTC

1800 is a diet for me, had surgery a few months ago and went from scrawny to skinnyfat
no time to go running

2017-02-15 16:25:36 UTC

the occasional binge seems like it fills out whatever i miss in my diet since i tend to glom cheeses, meats, and veggies in whatever variety strikes me

2017-02-15 16:25:37 UTC

I weigh 152

2017-02-15 16:25:44 UTC

So. Am I bad?

2017-02-15 16:26:02 UTC

need muscle mass prob

2017-02-15 16:26:33 UTC

cant punchout an antifa faggot if you dont lift

2017-02-15 16:26:43 UTC

I would cut my diet by a lot, but I always get fuzzy in the head and have trouble with school work because of it

2017-02-15 16:26:49 UTC

>Not using bad

2017-02-15 16:26:50 UTC

you're a sack of starched flesh, at least you don't have to cut weight, but building any muscle or endurance will make you want to die

2017-02-15 16:26:52 UTC


2017-02-15 16:27:04 UTC

bat is assault with a weapon

2017-02-15 16:27:15 UTC


2017-02-15 16:27:15 UTC

I can literally shred out a 6 pack and look like the hulk in 3 months but Im too lazy to do it ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2017-02-15 16:27:19 UTC

and cant hold a shield while swinging if you arent swole

2017-02-15 16:27:40 UTC

Six packs are useless

2017-02-15 16:27:45 UTC

2017-02-15 16:28:04 UTC

good for aesthetics though

2017-02-15 16:28:05 UTC

does your daddy give you cummies?

2017-02-15 16:28:06 UTC

tbh I wanna be pure lean efficient muscle

2017-02-15 16:28:06 UTC

Why are we /fit/ all the sudden?

2017-02-15 16:28:12 UTC

Useless is a bad definition, but your goal in strength building shouldn't be aesthetics

2017-02-15 16:28:16 UTC

You want a thin layer of fatty tissue over the major muscle groups and core organs

2017-02-15 16:28:25 UTC

I'm not overweight though so I don't need to lose weight. It's just doing so would make me look better

2017-02-15 16:28:31 UTC

Both as fuel and toxin sinks

2017-02-15 16:28:40 UTC

Who's the anticom owner?

2017-02-15 16:28:41 UTC

>toxin sinks

2017-02-15 16:28:48 UTC


2017-02-15 16:29:03 UTC

Like started the whole movement etc

2017-02-15 16:29:11 UTC

"Toxin" often comes across as a nonsense buzzword

2017-02-15 16:29:29 UTC

would it be a bad advice to get people into calisthenics as a primary source of exercise routine? only to leave weightlifting for the severely scrawny?

2017-02-15 16:29:30 UTC
2017-02-15 16:29:48 UTC

Fatty tissue near kidneys and liver will store stress hormones and leech toxins both from food intake and your own metabolic processes

2017-02-15 16:30:26 UTC

My understanding is the opposite direction, that cortisol from stress forces you to store fat near the waistline

2017-02-15 16:30:37 UTC

@Poland pepe

2017-02-15 16:30:57 UTC

What's the mi minimum level of fat that you can have and be healthy

2017-02-15 16:31:03 UTC


2017-02-15 16:31:07 UTC

Someone call me?

2017-02-15 16:31:09 UTC


2017-02-15 16:31:19 UTC

it goes both ways, stress hormone promotes fat production and fatty tissue mitigates the effects of stress hormone

2017-02-15 16:31:23 UTC

I had discord in the background, what's up?

2017-02-15 16:31:29 UTC

saw I was tagged

2017-02-15 16:31:36 UTC

oh nvm my bad

2017-02-15 16:31:43 UTC

Someone wanted to know who runs the place

2017-02-15 16:31:45 UTC


2017-02-15 16:31:47 UTC


2017-02-15 16:32:27 UTC

Is that website up?

2017-02-15 16:32:38 UTC

Waiting for word from D3VNT.

188,296 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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