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<:lul:484994724118134784> EVIL-ution..



2019-03-17 08:53:33 UTC

@Citizen Z no I wasn't there when those fossils were found but that doesn't mean its a forgery. If you want observable proof for evolution, I think you should study genetics (however I'm more interested in fossils) and even with fossils you can see how organisms transition to form different organisms.

2019-03-17 08:54:14 UTC

Idk what your definition of observable is but if you expect to see a species evolving to form a new species in your lifetime you have not understood evolution

2019-03-17 14:58:38 UTC

@Yoda k show me the evidence of apes turning into humans

2019-03-17 15:33:42 UTC

Alright let's start with australopithecus Africanus

2019-03-17 15:33:59 UTC

We know they are closely related to hominids because of the skull structure

2019-03-17 15:34:17 UTC

Their remains have been found in these locations:

2019-03-17 15:34:42 UTC

Alright, @Yoda has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.

2019-03-17 15:34:53 UTC

I can't effing send pics

2019-03-17 15:35:33 UTC

So I'll send you links

2019-03-17 15:37:26 UTC

Now the skeletons have been dated to roughly 2.9 to 2 million years ago

2019-03-17 15:37:49 UTC

And I know you disagree with the dates but Im sure you can agree that they existed

2019-03-17 15:38:01 UTC

Do you? @Citizen Z

2019-03-17 15:38:56 UTC

Anyway, it was from this species that we get the first hominids

2019-03-17 15:39:17 UTC

We know that because of the limb structure but I won't go into those details now

2019-03-17 15:40:00 UTC

This species was the common ancestor of all hominids and I'll send a link to show them

2019-03-17 15:41:54 UTC

The similarity is pretty obvious and this species is called homo habilis which did not coexist along the aforementioned australopithecus Africanus and we know this because of relative dating

2019-03-17 15:43:39 UTC

And we also know they made stone tools because we have found stone tools and hand crafted materials in homo habilis sites and in their graves

2019-03-17 15:44:00 UTC

Not yet homo sapiens, but they made stone tools... Pretty impressive right

2019-03-17 15:45:02 UTC

Anyway, these guys had a "cousin", homo rudolfenses

2019-03-17 15:46:22 UTC

I don't expect you to read it so just look at the picture of the skull

2019-03-17 15:46:57 UTC

Now homo rudolfensis was the ancestor of homo erectus

2019-03-17 15:47:25 UTC

I'm sure you've heard of that

2019-03-17 15:47:53 UTC

So like, they were the ones who were confirmed to walk upright because of their hip bone structure

2019-03-17 15:48:21 UTC

Anyone with any knowledge in forensics can confirm that so there is little doubt that homo erectus walked upright

2019-03-17 15:50:14 UTC

Again, you don't have to read it but if you saw the picture you can see how the skull is similar to the skull of homo rudolfenses and also how much more similar it is to a modern humans skull

2019-03-17 15:51:14 UTC

*side note there are other hominids who lived at the same time but we're not interested in them right now because I'm talking about the origin of "humans"*

2019-03-17 15:51:39 UTC

And then we have homo hiedelbergenesis

2019-03-17 15:52:44 UTC

The similarity to a human skull is increasing and it is becoming less and less like an "ape"

2019-03-17 15:53:16 UTC

This guy then evolved to form homo sapiens!!!! Which is us!!!!

2019-03-17 15:53:17 UTC


2019-03-17 15:53:57 UTC

Now if you want more "evidence" of the transformation read from the links I sent you and see how the tooth cavities and hip bones all suggest common ancestry

2019-03-17 15:54:13 UTC

Aannnd most importantly we have genetics

2019-03-17 15:56:00 UTC

We were able to extract nuclear DNA (yes nuclear DNA and not mitochondria DNA) from a sample of homo Neanderthal fossil (oh btw the common ancestor of homo sapiens and homo Neanderthal was homo hiedelbergenesis) and confirmed that we share their DNA suggesting, rather confirming that we interbred with them at some point

2019-03-17 15:56:44 UTC

@Citizen Z *dab* if you actually read that and still have problems feel free to ask

2019-03-17 15:56:49 UTC


2019-03-17 17:22:20 UTC

Not verifiable

2019-03-17 17:22:34 UTC

Show me the data

2019-03-17 17:24:21 UTC

Museum have fake bones in them and claim to have the real fossils hidden away for protection

2019-03-17 17:25:11 UTC

Plus they recreate most the fossils. They interpret

2019-03-17 17:25:18 UTC

They make shit up

2019-03-17 17:34:06 UTC

๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

2019-03-17 17:34:10 UTC

Alright, @Yoda has been warned for '**Bad word usage**'.

2019-03-17 17:34:21 UTC

Ah "poop"

2019-03-17 17:34:33 UTC


2019-03-17 17:34:36 UTC

bad word

2019-03-17 17:34:46 UTC

STOP profanity now!

2019-03-17 17:34:55 UTC

I LITERALLY sent him the images from the excavation site

2019-03-17 17:35:18 UTC

But no he can't accept it! Cuz that would mean he's wrong

2019-03-17 17:35:55 UTC

@Citizen Z side note, IF they were "real" and not made up would you change your mind about evolution?

2019-03-17 17:40:40 UTC


2019-03-17 18:05:02 UTC

No because carbon dating isn't verifiable and neither is DNA

2019-03-17 18:05:50 UTC

if you modify DNA in a species, and further stop modifying it. That species will later on grow back gradually

2019-03-17 18:06:11 UTC

which indicates that there is something other than DNA that determines the organism

2019-03-17 18:14:25 UTC

god is dead guys sorry we were at the hospital last night and he was on his last breath

2019-03-17 18:14:51 UTC

he wanted me to tell you guys that being gay is not a sin and also that you can flick your pickle so long as you don't do it to anime

2019-03-17 18:22:20 UTC

Nietsche is dead

2019-03-17 18:22:34 UTC

the reason god is dead is that western civilisation killed God

2019-03-17 18:22:49 UTC

as a karmatic consequence, the west is about to fall

2019-03-17 18:23:12 UTC

god is fat

2019-03-18 00:08:43 UTC

>>ban @Souls threats

2019-03-18 00:08:43 UTC

<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully banned @Souls

2019-03-18 00:26:53 UTC

God is never dead... He is very alive and right in front of you... hopefully one day inside and part of you

2019-03-18 00:34:44 UTC

i'm really sorry to disappoint you but those were god's last words to me

2019-03-18 01:06:44 UTC

@red if you wish to troll and have nothing serious to say I can find a different place for you here

2019-03-18 01:48:54 UTC

im sorry mr z

2019-03-18 04:58:14 UTC

Dude, I never brought up Carbon dating. Even the paleontologists digging up these fossilsa didn't use carbon dating

2019-03-18 04:58:36 UTC

And what do you mean DNA isn't verifiable?

2019-03-18 04:58:51 UTC

We use DNA evidence for forensics!

2019-03-18 04:59:28 UTC

Its used to solve crimes and is accepted by the court, Id say thats pretty "verifiable"

2019-03-18 04:59:52 UTC

Look dude you're just shoving off every piece of evidence

2019-03-18 05:45:25 UTC

sure you do.

2019-03-18 05:45:30 UTC


2019-03-18 05:45:41 UTC

you say we like you found this stuff and dated it

2019-03-18 05:53:49 UTC

Try to understand this:
Carbon dating is not used to date these fossils, different radioactive isotopes are used.

2019-03-18 05:54:42 UTC

And the only thing funny here is how you avoid answering me or avoid to recute what i say

2019-03-18 06:07:46 UTC

try to understand this:

2019-03-18 06:08:21 UTC

you dont know shit. its all lies. evolutution is a crock of shit and i have proof your theory cant be true. ill post it tomorrow.

2019-03-18 06:08:29 UTC


2019-03-18 06:13:57 UTC

Gnite mate

2019-03-18 06:14:12 UTC

And hopefully maybe tomorrow you might be able to refute the stuff I said too

2019-03-18 06:16:41 UTC


2019-03-18 06:16:48 UTC

There are direct proofs of evolution

2019-03-18 06:16:50 UTC

But okay

2019-03-18 06:17:27 UTC

And yes, we know DNA is real

2019-03-18 06:17:39 UTC

It's funny how I worked with DNA once

2019-03-18 06:18:04 UTC

We multiplied the DNA with the PCR method

2019-03-18 06:18:19 UTC

Which is also used in forensics to have more DNA material

2019-03-18 06:19:38 UTC

Also, carbon dating IS a reliable way to determine the age of organic material

2019-03-18 06:20:06 UTC

Because we KNOW that things that breathe have a constant C-14 in and outtake

2019-03-18 06:20:54 UTC

And since we know that c-14 is falling apart because it is slightly radioactive and we know the rate it in which it is falling apart we can calculate the age of something

these numbskulls missed the Lloyd Pye video, and..everything else (scroll up, kiddies) <:lul:484994724118134784> _smh_ ..

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