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2017-03-20 21:16:19 UTC

i hardly use spotify anymore

2017-03-20 21:16:28 UTC

maybe i should again....maybe i shouldnt.....

2017-03-20 21:16:43 UTC

music has gotten boring in general for me the past year

2017-03-20 21:17:07 UTC

me too

2017-03-20 21:18:21 UTC

oh fuck

2017-03-20 21:18:26 UTC

I forgot about Chet Baker

2017-03-20 21:18:27 UTC

god damn

2017-03-20 21:18:37 UTC

I always used to say that Frank Sinatra was good but not great

2017-03-20 21:18:41 UTC

Chet baker was great

2017-03-20 21:18:46 UTC

still true

2017-03-20 21:20:09 UTC

Chet baker: the king
Frank Sinatra: okay, only good at happy songs, not a great singer
Bobby Darin: Has one or two of the undisputably best songs ever made, no one else on this list can claim the same
Natt King Nog: Comfiest voice by far
Perry Como: Get the fuck out
Bing Crosby: I hope you like three christmas songs on repeat bitch

2017-03-20 21:21:24 UTC

Vaughn Monroe: You're a hipster but you're a good hipster. Pretty great, coolest voice

2017-03-20 21:21:32 UTC

happy holidays white christmas what's the third

2017-03-20 21:22:01 UTC

Do you fucking hear what I fucking hear

2017-03-20 21:22:05 UTC

god I hate that song

2017-03-20 21:22:08 UTC


2017-03-20 21:22:11 UTC

that's him?

2017-03-20 21:22:13 UTC

I hear autism

2017-03-20 21:22:14 UTC


2017-03-20 21:22:27 UTC

@northern_confederate how does it feel to prefer dubstep to authentic european cultural history

2017-03-20 21:22:38 UTC

lol btfo

2017-03-20 21:22:41 UTC


2017-03-20 21:22:48 UTC

thats not what btfo means

2017-03-20 21:23:06 UTC

you btfo'd confed about his robot noise infatuation

2017-03-20 21:23:23 UTC

but he never says he liked robot noise

2017-03-20 21:23:25 UTC

it was a meme he doesnt actually like dubstep

2017-03-20 21:23:31 UTC

lol I like some shit but none of it is dubstep wtf m8

2017-03-20 21:23:42 UTC

I like pretending people are dumb and then making fun of the fake dumbness that i myself invented

2017-03-20 21:23:43 UTC

oh I see

2017-03-20 21:23:48 UTC


2017-03-20 21:24:02 UTC

oh didn't know it was meme

2017-03-20 21:24:12 UTC

yea dubstep is aids

2017-03-20 21:24:26 UTC

@northern_confederate seriously though start listening to good old music and you will start thinking like a father

2017-03-20 21:24:55 UTC

I might

2017-03-20 21:25:34 UTC

dont start with chet baker

2017-03-20 21:25:39 UTC

he's too jazzy for intro stuff

2017-03-20 21:25:55 UTC

start with

2017-03-20 21:25:56 UTC


2017-03-20 21:25:58 UTC

oh geez

2017-03-20 21:26:04 UTC

none of these guys have good albums all the way through

2017-03-20 21:26:19 UTC

if it wasnt recorded in a basement confed isnt interested

2017-03-20 21:26:43 UTC

lies damn lies and portuguese

2017-03-20 21:26:44 UTC

@Convo do you know Arne Domnรฉrus?

2017-03-20 21:26:58 UTC

never heard of her

2017-03-20 21:27:13 UTC

you disrespecting the portuguese?

2017-03-20 21:27:41 UTC

@D'Marcus Liebowitz my african-oriental american of semetic descent

2017-03-20 21:27:52 UTC

my chonggike

2017-03-20 21:27:57 UTC

my man

2017-03-20 21:28:01 UTC

my number one dude

2017-03-20 21:28:14 UTC

it's a him

2017-03-20 21:28:24 UTC

@YUGE this is pretty good, no singing so far though

2017-03-20 21:28:42 UTC

what, someone else besides me randomly makes comments about the portuguese

2017-03-20 21:28:45 UTC
2017-03-20 21:28:49 UTC

@YUGE you know he didnt write take five, right

2017-03-20 21:28:54 UTC

I'm aware

2017-03-20 21:29:19 UTC

anyone watch that 5 hour hearing in full?

2017-03-20 21:29:30 UTC

it's brubeck

2017-03-20 21:29:37 UTC

2017-03-20 21:30:18 UTC

@badtanman redpill me on when they invented the pocketdimension

2017-03-20 21:30:29 UTC

@D'Marcus Liebowitz this is great

2017-03-20 21:30:33 UTC

thanks for sharing man

2017-03-20 21:30:39 UTC

redpill me on what that is

2017-03-20 21:30:41 UTC

I've been dying because I hate everything i listen to

2017-03-20 21:31:13 UTC

@D'Marcus Liebowitz can you please make a wkkk

2017-03-20 21:31:48 UTC
2017-03-20 21:32:00 UTC

darn keys

2017-03-20 21:32:20 UTC

@badtanman pocketdimension was a stupid thing from SCP

2017-03-20 21:32:42 UTC

if you got touched by a free radical you'd shift into a pocket dimension

2017-03-20 21:33:02 UTC

which was governed by the radical that touched you

2017-03-20 21:33:02 UTC

@Convo do you like his Take Five album?

2017-03-20 21:33:08 UTC

larry made it a maze

2017-03-20 21:33:10 UTC

or are you against oddball time signatures?

2017-03-20 21:33:13 UTC

did you guys know discord tracks all running processes and is a subcompany of fb

2017-03-20 21:33:19 UTC

@YUGE I think brubeck did it better

2017-03-20 21:33:20 UTC

t. paranoia central

2017-03-20 21:33:31 UTC

well of course, he wrote it

2017-03-20 21:33:41 UTC

that album is good though, i just linked the song you'd probably know

2017-03-20 21:34:08 UTC

@D'Marcus Liebowitz I love how the next song in spotify if the same song but done by Sinatra

and it fucking sucks

2017-03-20 21:34:16 UTC

Sinatra is so overrated

2017-03-20 21:34:28 UTC

love him though

2017-03-20 21:34:34 UTC

good actor

2017-03-20 21:37:57 UTC

you know who ISNT overrated

2017-03-20 21:37:59 UTC

Slim Whitman

2017-03-20 21:38:54 UTC

@wyatt when you're 60 you'll look at images of your fat 20 year old body and think "why didn't i put down the bacon"

2017-03-20 21:39:13 UTC


2017-03-20 21:39:48 UTC

๐Ÿจ +๐Ÿฅ = ๐Ÿน ๐Ÿ’ฏ

2017-03-20 21:41:31 UTC

>being obese and living that long

2017-03-20 21:41:32 UTC


2017-03-20 21:44:57 UTC

@badtanman dude watch out man

2017-03-20 21:44:59 UTC


2017-03-20 21:45:12 UTC

one of those frikkin stones might accidentally you know

2017-03-20 21:45:14 UTC


2017-03-20 21:45:17 UTC

chip one of those panes

2017-03-20 21:45:26 UTC

and those panes are structural you know

2017-03-20 21:45:30 UTC

the whole house might fall down ify ou do that

2017-03-20 21:46:11 UTC

>implying i dont know that im going to die young if i dont turn it around so i have

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