
Discord ID: 482333758931075072

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2018-08-31 07:01:32 UTC

Malcolm is the closest to Hitler I've seen

2018-08-31 07:02:24 UTC

That woman did some great things for England

2018-08-31 07:04:49 UTC


2018-08-31 07:07:23 UTC

DiSsOLvE ThE UNioNS!!!

2018-08-31 07:08:15 UTC

Lets start with NUMSA

2018-08-31 07:18:35 UTC

I dont get the different terms

2018-08-31 07:18:48 UTC

Like liberal/conservative

2018-08-31 07:18:53 UTC

what do these means

2018-08-31 07:19:00 UTC

whats the narrative between the 2

2018-08-31 07:26:08 UTC

@Mikeyโ„ข liberal is defined as willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own.

Conservative is defined as conserving and holding traditional values, and remain consistent with their ways.

2018-08-31 07:29:08 UTC

Good Morning all

2018-08-31 07:29:08 UTC

GG @Stefan, you just advanced to level 2!

2018-08-31 07:30:29 UTC

I suppose the difference in narrative is, leberalism is to change your mind to whatever is considered politically correct at the time. And conservatism would be to not change your mind but to keep straight and remain consistent with your reasoning regardless of what's considered politically correct lol.

I'm sure others will throw in their 2c as well.

2018-08-31 21:15:21 UTC


2018-09-01 02:10:15 UTC

@Sheamus what if the conservatism like is now the liberalism, like blue dog democrates for me, not sure what term for southies

2018-09-01 02:30:17 UTC


2018-09-01 06:18:42 UTC


2018-09-01 06:53:49 UTC

@midwest i had to search that up lol, so if i understand correctly, blue dogs are democrats with conservative views yeah?

2018-09-01 12:56:34 UTC

@Sheamus yeah basically old guard dems, southern baptist usually

2018-09-01 13:02:26 UTC

@midwest will have to see more about them, but sounds to me like conservatives playing the other side, by trying to maintain balance within the in group of democrats. I can't really say, because the term is new to me and I've yet to come across a Democrat that has conservative values and would align themselves with politics to the glory of man instead God as the conservatives do.

2018-09-01 13:17:45 UTC

Democratic party became corrupted with socialism

2018-09-01 13:24:18 UTC

To my knowledge the rule of the people inevitably leads to socialism. Democracy in my opinion isn't intended for making choices of what's right and wrong, it's stupid rely on people's emotions for that, it even opens the way to exoloit people that way. Democracy can be better used to gauge interest and priority instead.

2018-09-01 21:18:47 UTC

I am close to the centre, slightly towards authoritarian economic right.

2018-09-01 21:19:34 UTC

Post your score so we can see lol

2018-09-01 21:19:47 UTC

@Sheamus you kan keep bashing that mole with the same approach oblivious to the distraction and illusion that you are "helping". Stop playing Me cards and oppressing people. Socialism/Grants/Reparations Robbing peope of the dignity to discover Purpose, passion and self motivations driven by dreams and desires. Accomplishing these lead to self worth and indipendence unlike that you can regulate with any policy. Community Unity is the Key to eliminating poverty. Stand Together help each other work together and the success with overflow. These are simple rules all in the Bible. Honour and Respect lead to excelence and God loves excelence.

2018-09-01 21:23:09 UTC

@MrE911 you are welcome to disagree all you want, but I'm not obliged to agree with you.

2018-09-01 21:23:14 UTC

New rules are here time to addapt Fam

2018-09-01 21:25:51 UTC

@Sheamus lol i say what i say. Use it, dont, be offended, dont but think at least. Not about you but everything else. There is truth hidden in front of you dangled in such obviousness that it a meme/joke.

2018-09-01 21:27:05 UTC

@MrE911 I'm not offended lol, where is my emotional outrage that would make you think i am offended? Lol

2018-09-01 21:27:48 UTC

Tell me what does goverent do that we cant? Even with a app i can design more transparency and accountability.

2018-09-01 21:28:35 UTC

Uphold a common rule of law for one.

2018-09-01 21:28:58 UTC

@Sheamus i allow everyone the right to be offended as long as your offence doesnt intrude my boundries.

2018-09-01 21:28:58 UTC

GG @MrE911, you just advanced to level 1!

2018-09-01 21:29:44 UTC

You can take offense all you want and i won't stop you lol i don't care about your feelings, i care about reason.

2018-09-01 21:29:47 UTC

Weak. Private security will be farore effective and laws are morality based or lack of it.

2018-09-01 21:31:14 UTC
2018-09-01 21:31:15 UTC

Yeah and private security is dependent on who funds them, so what if whoever funds them doesn't agree on common rule of law and make their own and pay private security to enforce their law? Do you know what that leads to?

2018-09-01 21:31:30 UTC

Hahaha what offence i am supposing the alternatives to this abomination of society.

2018-09-01 21:32:02 UTC

Yes corruption happens in corrupt societies. Next truth?

2018-09-01 21:33:13 UTC

When we take responsability for our own lives and demand the value that we contribute then only Will this cannadian experiment end.

2018-09-01 21:36:23 UTC

This society is the way it is because it doesn't have common shared values and ideals. It's multiculturism, multi value and ideals, leads to conflict of interest, leads to conflict, leads to instability over all... Unless we segregate and go about our ways peacefully, there will be no end to this clash of culture.

2018-09-01 21:36:56 UTC

If the Private security as all service providers are from the community then who will be dishonest. Rigjt to bear arms

2018-09-01 21:38:33 UTC

It's not within the community that's the problem, it's different communities, it's tribal conflict. It's a little backwards really. Instead of being tribal, we ought to be national.

2018-09-01 21:39:21 UTC

@Sheamus you are right. But not legeslated seperatipn but a mutual respect for their indipendant rigjt to live in peace, stability and prosperity. The globalist system is the world controlling apparture that manipulates global control.

2018-09-01 21:41:18 UTC

Yeah i despise this global interference. The way the whole world gets involved in your business. People must keep to their own business within their own nations and communities

2018-09-01 21:47:17 UTC

Genuflecting? The people must take control and atpp Governent from getting involved in your business and communities. Lile i said a App can run the Cointry Better and more democratically from local to regional to national. No corruption public access for accountability review. No political idealogies just goodwill. No more indoctrinated youth organisations. Just free critical throught. Through difference of opinions do you achieve universal solutions.

2018-09-01 21:50:14 UTC


2018-09-01 21:51:13 UTC

I was wrong. With time I became more libertarian. From blue to purple. But near the centre anyway.

2018-09-01 21:52:42 UTC

That is hogwash. Why restrict yourselve to prescribed dimensions of opinion. I will not be labeled, categorises and filed for futher notice.

2018-09-01 21:54:33 UTC

Lol I'm not even sure where this conversation is going...

2018-09-01 21:55:34 UTC

@OlenkaWagner how much time you spent on that?

2018-09-01 22:01:48 UTC

Sorry, I been on a rant as there is this incentived aggression to create a race war between Afrikaners and The Ruling Coalitions incl EFF. There are false flag instigators on both sides while the Silent Majority just want to get on and have a fruitfull live. There is a global reinterpretation of Governments and their roles. Personally I believe Politicians are a unrequired skillset and not productive profession. Proffesional ass kissers and manipulators all following the Parties Agenda. ๐Ÿค”

2018-09-01 22:01:49 UTC

GG @MrE911, you just advanced to level 2!

2018-09-01 22:07:28 UTC

@MrE911 yes agreed, politics of this sort are just a means to justify sin and inequity. Politicians indeed are unnecessary, you have a rule of law, and it shouldn't change, consistency is logical. You can't go changing what's considered right and wrong, that's where selfishness corrupts. It's the commies that are the problem creating all this kak and exploiting the people.

2018-09-01 22:08:16 UTC

Welcome to the server @OlenkaWagner ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-09-01 22:10:20 UTC

Its the corrupt politicians with specific agendas amending laws and policies to benefeit political funders to ensure political control. At all cost. ZanuPF 2000's and anc 2018's.

2018-09-01 22:10:53 UTC

Corrupt = commies

2018-09-01 22:12:01 UTC

They don't believe in rule of law that's applied equal... They don't really believe people are equal, hence why there always should be some enemy, some oppressor, some bourgeois

2018-09-01 23:36:52 UTC

Corruption is a two way street. Without the greedy enabling and temptation that would be a difficult practice. With my app that only requires a smart device biometrics and a registration via Home Affairs/SAPO. Will make nomitaing and elections free and fair. Apply for the position not the party. Have multiples candidates run campaign with platforms provided equally to campaign, debate and deliver Mission Statement. All targets will be public record all accountability can be civilian if qualified or civil. No more political Krone appointments. Decentralise, incentivise and unbiased. Everything the ancient democracy isnt.

2018-09-02 10:45:51 UTC

@Sheamus Purple > Blue๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-09-02 10:50:43 UTC

@Darkseid lol not as long opfor and dildos exist, need the appropriate authorities to keep them in check lol

2018-09-02 10:53:09 UTC

@Sheamus The Left spends more time fighting itself anyway. They're their own worst enemy...The right disagrees with each other but we never try to silence each other...They do that๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-09-02 10:57:46 UTC

@Darkseid yes yes, but larger in number because of deceptions. Need people to wake up, all those dildos need to move over to the bb gun shooters lol

2018-09-02 19:37:24 UTC

2018-09-03 19:39:28 UTC

#furriesunite โœŠ

2018-09-03 19:41:11 UTC

le cafard

2018-09-03 19:51:29 UTC

โ˜ ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-09-03 19:55:43 UTC

@dorito_queef ๐Ÿ’• dat picachu thumbnail

2018-09-04 07:47:01 UTC

I'm a simple guy, I see a furry, I shoot

2018-09-04 08:20:46 UTC


2018-09-04 14:49:04 UTC

Furries are people too

2018-09-04 14:49:37 UTC

Ah who am I kidding, safeties off bois

2018-09-05 06:09:43 UTC

@Kuzon Embers ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜Ž

2018-09-05 07:16:34 UTC

๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-09-06 13:02:34 UTC


2018-09-06 15:02:11 UTC


2018-09-06 15:02:11 UTC

GG @Eddiemaster91, you just advanced to level 4!

2018-09-06 15:03:06 UTC

I would probably say that I'm on the right side hey? The blue collar side?

2018-09-06 15:28:02 UTC


2018-09-06 15:32:56 UTC

๐Ÿ˜ that's a little bit "Truthiness" meaning not exactly true

2018-09-06 15:33:50 UTC

Then I would be half and half leaning towards blue from the purple side

2018-09-06 15:34:12 UTC

Depends on what's right.

2018-09-06 15:35:00 UTC

In this age I'd say economic right

2018-09-06 15:35:05 UTC

Yeah no it's just a broad assumption but the purple definitely defines me...consider myself libertarian

2018-09-06 15:35:19 UTC


2018-09-06 15:35:25 UTC

But if there is good law and order then blue

2018-09-06 15:36:04 UTC

Yeah no I don't like the state, they're the reason things are so messed up in the first place๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-09-06 15:36:21 UTC


2018-09-06 15:36:36 UTC

Messed up

2018-09-06 15:37:05 UTC

-People should be treated equally in the sense they are provided with equal opportunity to make their way in life. They shouldn't be given equality of outcome.
-People should have the freedom to say almost whatever they wish, no matter how offensive. This excludes death threats and defamation.
-People should be allowed to own private and personal property.
-People should be able to love who they want, regardless of gender, so long as it's consensual and so long sexual activities don't happen until over the age of 18 years old.

2018-09-06 15:37:13 UTC

Basically my view point

2018-09-06 15:38:07 UTC

Would also add, don't expect free stuff and get rid of as much taxes as possible

2018-09-06 15:38:21 UTC

Ok sure

2018-09-06 15:38:36 UTC


2018-09-06 15:39:00 UTC


2018-09-06 15:39:12 UTC

But according to leftists that makes me a nazi<:kek:482910570211966986>

2018-09-06 15:39:44 UTC

Haha hey you're Right๐Ÿ˜

2018-09-07 14:53:31 UTC

( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)

2018-09-11 15:13:55 UTC

@Darkseid isn't that "so long as" just as good as a but? ๐Ÿค” making a rule is one thing, making exceptions to a rule only opens up the possibility to exploit the exception for more exceptions using the same reasons.

2018-09-11 15:36:36 UTC

@Sheamus it is a but, "But it has to be consensual, and legal age" there really isn't much to work with there not really much that can be exploited

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