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2018-09-28 21:46:42 UTC

soutpiel for englishman rockspider/dutchman for afrikaner

2018-09-28 21:46:43 UTC

@SebVet It being used as an insult has its roots during apartheid afaik

2018-09-28 21:46:59 UTC

Itโ€™s shouldnโ€™t be considered an insult

2018-09-28 21:47:08 UTC

Maybe it is

2018-09-28 21:47:17 UTC

2018-09-28 21:47:40 UTC

how does it look

2018-09-28 21:47:56 UTC

Is it yellow?

2018-09-28 21:48:13 UTC


2018-09-28 21:48:31 UTC

Light shade of purple

2018-09-28 21:48:57 UTC

no that is the preview

2018-09-28 21:48:58 UTC

GG @bloob16, you just advanced to level 9!

2018-09-28 21:49:02 UTC

Have you seen Michael Jackson?

2018-09-28 21:49:14 UTC

He was black

2018-09-28 21:49:18 UTC


2018-09-28 21:49:32 UTC

theresa may levelled up bad white dancing

2018-09-28 21:49:38 UTC

i can choose any coulor @Meerkat_RSA

2018-09-28 21:49:54 UTC

cape town psytrance girls god damn

2018-09-28 21:50:43 UTC

If you want your penis to fall of

2018-09-28 21:50:47 UTC

@bloob16 make the outline Orange. And then print the black inside textured apart and the connect

2018-09-28 21:50:49 UTC


2018-09-28 21:51:27 UTC

@Meerkat_RSA i can only do 1 coulor at a time

2018-09-28 21:52:03 UTC

MORE2MUCH is dropping some redpills here

2018-09-28 21:52:30 UTC

2018-09-28 21:53:02 UTC

@SeizeTheMeans ya cuz he is dead

2018-09-28 21:53:14 UTC

too many red pills here

2018-09-28 21:53:14 UTC

GG @rob, you just advanced to level 9!

2018-09-28 21:53:22 UTC

we gonna get shut down

2018-09-28 21:53:22 UTC

GG @SeizeTheMeans, you just advanced to level 2!

2018-09-28 21:53:55 UTC

@MORE2MUCH good guy Jacob Zuma

2018-09-28 21:53:56 UTC

@rob "and that's a good thing"

2018-09-28 21:54:46 UTC


2018-09-28 21:55:17 UTC

This is the most anti intellectual conversation I've ever heard in my life

2018-09-28 21:55:23 UTC

Going from racism to PMS

2018-09-28 21:55:30 UTC

Bloody hell

2018-09-28 21:55:51 UTC

@SeizeTheMeans then talk to him and give your opinion

2018-09-28 21:55:58 UTC

I wonder what kind of trash Willems pets are discussing right now

2018-09-28 21:56:07 UTC
2018-09-28 21:56:18 UTC

Old ass pc

2018-09-28 21:56:41 UTC

@SeizeTheMeans Sell your pc and buy a mic smh

2018-09-28 21:56:47 UTC

using too much CPU logging the channel

2018-09-28 21:57:11 UTC

@rob logging the channel?

2018-09-28 21:57:47 UTC

There are plenty other places where I can listen to guys discuss vaginal diseases

2018-09-28 21:57:50 UTC

Hi guys

2018-09-28 21:58:05 UTC

hi stalin

2018-09-28 21:58:12 UTC

Hi rob

2018-09-28 21:58:24 UTC

where you from my man?

2018-09-28 21:58:29 UTC

You spelled satan wrong

2018-09-28 21:58:37 UTC


2018-09-28 21:58:44 UTC

Seriously guys there's absolutely nothing wrong with your convo

2018-09-28 21:58:45 UTC

Man of State

2018-09-28 21:59:05 UTC

@SeizeTheMeans i know you have a mic

2018-09-28 21:59:09 UTC

Nobody would bother reporting this stuff

2018-09-28 21:59:44 UTC

what's your vibe ?

2018-09-28 22:00:09 UTC

@MORE2MUCH let him speak my man

2018-09-28 22:00:50 UTC

I just like listening to what other people talk about.

2018-09-28 22:00:51 UTC

@SeizeTheMeans introduce yourself and stop trying to aggravate people

2018-09-28 22:01:05 UTC

Ok I'll leave voice lol

2018-09-28 22:01:33 UTC

Ok I understand.

2018-09-28 22:01:52 UTC

Unfortunately not so I just left chat

2018-09-28 22:02:44 UTC

I don't see how they could link Renaldo to anything though. Seems like a good guy

2018-09-28 22:04:10 UTC

dude, we're happy to chat with you in text if you are interested in chatting

2018-09-28 22:04:30 UTC

Yeah that's what I've been doing for the last few minutes now lol.

2018-09-28 22:04:40 UTC

I was trying to understand the whole hit piece thing

2018-09-28 22:04:57 UTC

Then the vagina convo started up. Sorry if I came off as a but aggressive though

2018-09-28 22:05:57 UTC

what is your feeling on the opinion piece?

2018-09-28 22:06:44 UTC

I think it's wrong to link Renaldo on it but I do believe Willem has said some things that would cause a reasonable person to believe that he is a racist

2018-09-28 22:08:06 UTC

The IQ thing, while interesting has nothing to do with farm murders or right wing economic systems so Willem had zero reason to bring it up unless he was trying to inflame racial tension

2018-09-28 22:08:36 UTC

I argued the IQ thing on that discord with lots of people

2018-09-28 22:08:56 UTC

arminius mostly

2018-09-28 22:10:05 UTC

first point is that most of the people coming with that angle on the channel and pushing things were not south african

2018-09-28 22:10:16 UTC

I'm not familiar with Willems discord. I usually only come hear for Renaldos post video discussions

2018-09-28 22:10:16 UTC

GG @SeizeTheMeans, you just advanced to level 3!

2018-09-28 22:10:25 UTC


2018-09-28 22:10:36 UTC

what is your opinion on it?

2018-09-28 22:11:15 UTC

I have my own ideas, but I feel like if we aren't allowed to talk about it - that is a problem in itself

2018-09-28 22:11:28 UTC

I think there may be a difference in average IQs across races however this should not be a reason for racial discrimination or segregation

2018-09-28 22:11:39 UTC

agree 200%

2018-09-28 22:12:06 UTC

IQ is easy to test, therefore test for it (certainly 5 million times easier to ascertain than race)\

2018-09-28 22:12:36 UTC

Even if blacks were less intelligent than whites (theoretically, I have not done research to be able to claim so) there would still be millions of above average blacks and millions of below average whites in SA

2018-09-28 22:12:48 UTC

absolutely true

2018-09-28 22:13:05 UTC

And you would have to remove rights for whites too. And then Willems whole white nation shit falls apart

2018-09-28 22:13:40 UTC

in a population of 50 million with an average of 75IQ means 4.5million have > 125IQ

2018-09-28 22:14:04 UTC

Exactly, that's the whole population of Cape town for example

2018-09-28 22:14:57 UTC

but still we should be allowed to discuss ideas, like I can say dutch people are hella tall without raising any eyebrows

2018-09-28 22:15:18 UTC

And if those with higher IQs work in the suburbs and cities and those with lower IQs do rural work you may never need to meet a low IQ person in your life

2018-09-28 22:16:03 UTC

IQ is such a small part of the picture, not wanting to meet 'low IQ' individuals is in itself questionable

2018-09-28 22:16:11 UTC

The Dutch example is interesting but nobody has ever used their height as a reason to deny them rights like IQ has for black people

2018-09-28 22:16:35 UTC

the US military discriminates on IQ

2018-09-28 22:16:43 UTC

because it's life and death

2018-09-28 22:17:52 UTC

discriminating on race instead of IQ makes no sense, because IQ is easy to test for and race is impossible to test for

2018-09-28 22:17:53 UTC

The US military hasn't flat out denied certain races based on their average IQ though. They test individuals. Systems like American segregation and Apartheid flat out took away black people's rights based on their supposed intelligence

2018-09-28 22:18:41 UTC

I don't think intelligence was the ultimate motivation for grand apartheid

2018-09-28 22:18:56 UTC

it was about cultural differences

2018-09-28 22:19:15 UTC

but I'm going to get shat on here if I even talk about this stuff

2018-09-28 22:19:22 UTC

It was certainly one of them. It's why blacks were given a dumbed down education system and used for hard labor

2018-09-28 22:21:07 UTC

are you from south africa? have you seen the school system here? Nelson Mandela and Oliver Thambo were practicing lawyers in the 60s

2018-09-28 22:21:18 UTC

If the stereotypical "black cultural traits" of laziness and looking for handouts were true, why would the Apartheid government make them do additional work? Wouldn't you want supposedly highly motivated whites doing the work because they have a better cultural work ethic?

2018-09-28 22:21:48 UTC

@rob you know Mandela was educated in a missionary school right

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