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2018-07-14 05:46:14 UTC

Terrorists wernt targeting the UK were they?

2018-07-14 05:46:18 UTC

That is so sexist to say.

2018-07-14 05:46:19 UTC

Before then?

2018-07-14 05:46:33 UTC

Cause I thought their focus were on the US

2018-07-14 05:46:46 UTC

some other scapegoat

2018-07-14 05:47:18 UTC

i mean dont get me wrong terrorism is a legit threat but not an excuse to fuck over your own without rule of law

2018-07-14 05:48:53 UTC

And well, could have solved it with some proper border controll

2018-07-14 05:49:25 UTC

They have borders. Just not with France. Scotland, Wales, and N.I. would like their borders back. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-07-14 05:50:18 UTC

That wont work if they dont handle their borders too

2018-07-14 06:31:19 UTC

2018-07-14 06:45:15 UTC

2018-07-14 06:51:28 UTC

This is how you get trump

2018-07-14 06:52:46 UTC


2018-07-14 06:55:51 UTC

Remind me why people don't think that's a mental illness?

2018-07-14 07:01:21 UTC

People do. The just dont wanna get fired for saying it out loud

2018-07-14 07:03:00 UTC

I'd say it's partly those people's fault for not calling it out earlier when it wasn't as accepted.

2018-07-14 07:03:05 UTC

Or now even.

2018-07-14 07:03:19 UTC

It will just get worse if no one speaks up.

2018-07-14 07:04:13 UTC

2018-07-14 07:15:07 UTC

I want someone to put a circlip on their penis

2018-07-14 12:10:53 UTC

2018-07-14 12:11:16 UTC

This is what I get when serching for random storys

2018-07-14 12:11:29 UTC

I feel like im in north korea now

2018-07-14 12:14:22 UTC

for random stories?

2018-07-14 12:15:39 UTC

No longer asking for noods, now asking for vagina selfies

2018-07-14 12:43:49 UTC

@CHRIS yes

2018-07-14 12:44:02 UTC

from different sorces

2018-07-14 12:44:38 UTC

cant accses randome sites from google front and second pages

2018-07-14 12:51:49 UTC

ahhh that's what you mean

2018-07-14 12:51:59 UTC

well, do you live in north korea?

2018-07-14 13:19:24 UTC

He just needs to live in Europe for that

2018-07-14 13:19:27 UTC


2018-07-14 14:10:24 UTC

fuck EU

2018-07-14 14:45:38 UTC

Thats... A rather interesting reaction.

2018-07-14 14:46:57 UTC

That pisses me off to no end.

2018-07-14 14:46:58 UTC

2018-07-14 14:47:17 UTC

And people didnt believe me when I told them that cops visit you for antimuslim posts in london

2018-07-14 14:49:44 UTC


2018-07-14 14:49:56 UTC

That last one caught me offguard

2018-07-14 14:57:00 UTC

>you are have

2018-07-14 14:58:42 UTC

That looks sanitary

2018-07-14 15:05:27 UTC


2018-07-14 16:49:38 UTC


2018-07-14 16:49:48 UTC

Is that real?

2018-07-14 16:50:31 UTC

*jowl shaking intensifies*

2018-07-14 17:52:43 UTC

2018-07-14 17:52:46 UTC

thats'a me

2018-07-14 18:07:15 UTC


2018-07-14 18:11:33 UTC

*snaps fingers, half internet fades to ash*

2018-07-14 18:12:09 UTC


2018-07-14 18:14:51 UTC

But I guess there is a difference in finding all children (because they're children) attractive and finding a specific gender of child you're attracted to because they represent certain charactaristics of maturity. Loli, general weeb shit, oversexualization of teenagers in tv/films and all that.

2018-07-14 18:18:38 UTC

As a culture we can all rally together to hate them and have that stigma of shame so it's not a valued element. but i'm sure theres a psychological difference between the variations of that "illness." hell, autism is on a spectrum.

2018-07-14 18:27:22 UTC

if you have a half hour of free time

2018-07-14 19:15:54 UTC

I got a pride flag.

2018-07-14 19:16:13 UTC

2018-07-14 19:21:01 UTC

2018-07-14 19:21:13 UTC

y'all can enjoy that that i fixed

2018-07-14 19:21:52 UTC

God damn commie!

2018-07-14 19:23:44 UTC

its the pedo flag lol

2018-07-14 19:24:07 UTC

NAMBLA are comies, confirmed.

2018-07-14 19:24:48 UTC

Are they?

2018-07-14 19:24:54 UTC

they sure aren't capitalists as they don't believe in merit. if they did, they'd target people who can defend themselves

2018-07-14 19:24:55 UTC

I thought it was just pedos

2018-07-14 19:25:24 UTC

maybe all pedos are comies?

2018-07-14 19:25:36 UTC

Pretty sure muslims are not commies

2018-07-14 19:25:41 UTC

and all commies are pedos, gotcha

2018-07-14 19:25:55 UTC

Wow you're basically a fascist.

2018-07-14 19:26:25 UTC

Oh he deleted it.

2018-07-14 19:26:29 UTC

Sounds about right

2018-07-14 19:26:37 UTC

Deleted cos I wanted the picture not the link

2018-07-14 19:26:57 UTC

And not exactly. The whole "liberty" part is far from fascism

2018-07-14 19:27:18 UTC

Also equal punitive/rehabilitative

2018-07-14 19:27:21 UTC

I was joking.

2018-07-14 19:27:34 UTC

mine isnt far from that, tho you have 5% more commie than me comrade commisar

2018-07-14 19:27:45 UTC

No I don't

2018-07-14 19:27:51 UTC


2018-07-14 19:27:59 UTC

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