
Discord ID: 398858182455459853

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2018-01-14 01:07:35 UTC

Alot of lives

2018-01-14 01:07:37 UTC

Maybe we could get more anime if we bombed NK. ๐Ÿค”

2018-01-14 01:07:48 UTC

more would have died fanaticly defending the emperor (which i support)

2018-01-14 01:07:50 UTC

And well, they were horrible cunts

2018-01-14 01:08:19 UTC

If you can, always die for the emepror it is better then living for yourself.

2018-01-14 01:08:21 UTC


2018-01-14 01:08:41 UTC

if we nuke NK we will get more horrifying fetishes like used school girl panty vending machines

2018-01-14 01:08:51 UTC


2018-01-14 01:08:59 UTC

Bad idea then.

2018-01-14 01:09:17 UTC

yeah what we need to do, is carpet bomb the middle east

2018-01-14 01:09:25 UTC

we should just send in the entirety of our navy seals

2018-01-14 01:09:27 UTC

Don't we already do that?

2018-01-14 01:09:33 UTC

evac israel, then pave it all over make it a massive parking lot

2018-01-14 01:09:38 UTC

charge 20 bucks for parking

2018-01-14 01:09:40 UTC

Well... mattis is doing amazing

2018-01-14 01:09:42 UTC

world peace achived.

2018-01-14 01:09:52 UTC

you forgot africa

2018-01-14 01:09:59 UTC

Africia is self contained

2018-01-14 01:09:59 UTC

*Looks to the hate-speech-room chat.*

2018-01-14 01:10:03 UTC

kony 2012

2018-01-14 01:10:18 UTC

Still back to the topic

2018-01-14 01:10:19 UTC

I mean, I don't care myself, I'm just saying. lol

2018-01-14 01:10:31 UTC

Ive just seen too many emotional arguments

2018-01-14 01:10:43 UTC

Like how peace is having no weapons

2018-01-14 01:10:56 UTC


2018-01-14 01:10:57 UTC

Or how nobodys illegal

2018-01-14 01:11:06 UTC

the second you ban all weapons

2018-01-14 01:11:13 UTC

I will rise up with a baseball bat

2018-01-14 01:11:16 UTC

and rule you all.

2018-01-14 01:11:19 UTC

Alot of the leftist arguments are simply phrases that make you feel good

2018-01-14 01:11:35 UTC


2018-01-14 01:11:35 UTC

Make love not war for example

2018-01-14 01:11:42 UTC

"Love Trump's hate."

2018-01-14 01:11:55 UTC

Nothing intellectual about that. Just stubbord disregard for the reality

2018-01-14 01:11:56 UTC

They say while hating Trump.

2018-01-14 01:12:01 UTC

GG no re.

2018-01-14 01:12:05 UTC

Love Trumps hate by attacking Trump supporters.

2018-01-14 01:12:07 UTC

That never made sense to me

2018-01-14 01:12:11 UTC

are the loving his hate?

2018-01-14 01:12:31 UTC

While I could go on and on as to why guns are nessessary

2018-01-14 01:12:34 UTC

Are they advocating for them to adore Man-emperor Trumps discontent with them?

2018-01-14 01:12:42 UTC

yes they love his hate they let it flow though them

2018-01-14 01:13:00 UTC

Also they can't meme because humor is not allowed.

2018-01-14 01:13:33 UTC

like the feminists getting mad that the pussy hats are pink

2018-01-14 01:13:58 UTC

Oh yeah. How have they not torn themselves apart from inner bickering yet?

2018-01-14 01:14:01 UTC

they got made becuase it is a vagania and it discriminates against women whom have penises

2018-01-14 01:14:11 UTC

Well humor is easier when you have no standards.

2018-01-14 01:14:17 UTC

Are they mad that its pink now too?

2018-01-14 01:14:17 UTC

Well rules

2018-01-14 01:15:02 UTC

Well I am a woman with a penis and I demand rights to not have part of it cut off!

2018-01-14 01:15:38 UTC

They added brown and black to the LGBT flag which annoyed a bunch of LGBT people.

2018-01-14 01:15:42 UTC

Request denied.

2018-01-14 01:16:09 UTC

BLM in Toronto (yes, Toronto) shut down a LGBT pride parade or two.

2018-01-14 01:16:09 UTC

Okay before we derail it any further.

2018-01-14 01:16:57 UTC

they were mad because the flag was a representation of all races and colors and blm was being self centered for being like "us too"

2018-01-14 01:17:56 UTC

I remember an argument for guns. My argument is that when my property and family is threatened, ill shoot to kill.

2018-01-14 01:18:10 UTC

They they went on a tirade abouut non lethal options

2018-01-14 01:18:58 UTC


2018-01-14 01:18:58 UTC

It would help if civilians were actually allowed to have a lot of the non-lethal weapons the police have access to, and if it weren't virtually illegal for civilians to use non-lethal weaponry.

2018-01-14 01:19:29 UTC

Or if it were more effective.

2018-01-14 01:20:16 UTC

I heard something about how somewhere in Europe a woman got in trouble for using pepper spray on someone who was raping here.

2018-01-14 01:20:24 UTC

I agree I have an extendable baton its like 150$ fine the first time I use it in self defense

2018-01-14 01:20:47 UTC

The issue is, if you attack someone breaking into your home with a non-lethal weapon, you can get in a lot of trouble for it, because it's a lot harder to use the 'I feared for my life' argument. In the US fearing for your life is cause for deadly force, and if you use a non-lethal weapon, that can be used against you that you did not indeed fear for your life.

2018-01-14 01:21:05 UTC

Thus, you get sued for assaulting and maiming whoever broke into your house.

2018-01-14 01:21:13 UTC

I dont have the money for a gun

2018-01-14 01:21:19 UTC

It's completely ass-backwards.

2018-01-14 01:21:23 UTC

This is why castle doctrine is best doctrine

2018-01-14 01:21:38 UTC

Make it look like you own one.

2018-01-14 01:21:47 UTC


2018-01-14 01:21:55 UTC

have a rifle that is inoperable

2018-01-14 01:22:02 UTC

and beat the fucker with it and say it jammed

2018-01-14 01:22:06 UTC

The sound of someone racking a slider is scary as fuck.

2018-01-14 01:22:29 UTC

shotgun slide, the single loudest "stop" known to man.

2018-01-14 01:22:41 UTC

my stepdad only owns a mossberg for that reason he only has to rack a shell

2018-01-14 01:22:45 UTC

clack clack "I SURRENDER"

2018-01-14 01:22:57 UTC

Are they cheap?

2018-01-14 01:23:02 UTC

Oh yeah

2018-01-14 01:23:10 UTC

I assumed shotguns are not difficult to aquire.

2018-01-14 01:23:22 UTC

Shotguns are cheap to get, I got a break action single tube shotgun

2018-01-14 01:23:24 UTC

Well for you guys.

2018-01-14 01:23:28 UTC

I doubt i paided more then 200

2018-01-14 01:23:46 UTC

How bout those pumpactions like the missberg he mentioned

2018-01-14 01:23:57 UTC

How much would that set you back?

2018-01-14 01:24:22 UTC


2018-01-14 01:24:31 UTC

Ah im on mobile so

2018-01-14 01:24:50 UTC

Id get one but I am disabled and so I cant rack and fire with one hand kinda useless

2018-01-14 01:25:17 UTC

Ahh fair. And handguns are a bitch to aquire last I heard.

2018-01-14 01:25:44 UTC

And well, cant make a sawn off

2018-01-14 01:25:56 UTC

Im gonna buy a 1911 once I have enough disposeable income though

2018-01-14 01:26:24 UTC

mossberg mav 88

2018-01-14 01:26:25 UTC


2018-01-14 01:26:31 UTC


2018-01-14 01:26:52 UTC

it makes sense when you realize barely any lgbt are sjws

2018-01-14 01:27:19 UTC

Arnt those on the pricier ends?

2018-01-14 01:27:19 UTC

not the black lesbian that is my wifes best friend

2018-01-14 01:27:34 UTC

Brownings are pricey last I heard.

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