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2018-06-06 13:24:57 UTC

But overall the investment is almost nothing lads

2018-06-06 13:25:18 UTC

Everyone is waiting for the negotiations to end first

2018-06-06 13:25:23 UTC

Before committing

2018-06-06 13:25:27 UTC

also the dropping pound due to everlasting low rates is also spurring more investment

2018-06-06 13:25:42 UTC

Wacka are you listening

2018-06-06 13:25:53 UTC

The investment is way down since brexit

2018-06-06 13:26:11 UTC

Why do you think your gdp growth is 1% ?

2018-06-06 13:26:28 UTC

Yes, coz of the back and forth of half in, half out. You wait.

2018-06-06 13:26:30 UTC

Or was it 0.1 ?

2018-06-06 13:26:35 UTC


2018-06-06 13:26:42 UTC

incorrect tho

2018-06-06 13:26:42 UTC

Most investors w8

2018-06-06 13:26:54 UTC

At least they are not selling

2018-06-06 13:27:03 UTC

So i would count that as win

2018-06-06 13:27:09 UTC

UK investment was down 3.3 in 2015 .. in 2016 it was up 0.7 and 2017 up 1.3

2018-06-06 13:27:34 UTC

I get your logic .. but the data shows otherwise

2018-06-06 13:27:53 UTC

Yeah and the data for 2018 ?

2018-06-06 13:28:11 UTC

Fiscal year has only just started.

2018-06-06 13:28:12 UTC

up 0.3 then down 0.2

2018-06-06 13:29:19 UTC

the quarters from jan 2017 to jan 2018

2018-06-06 13:29:36 UTC

that -0.2 ... thats what remainers look at and say OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH

2018-06-06 13:34:01 UTC

Well we will see which way it will go soon enough

2018-06-06 13:34:36 UTC

Isnt the final date somewhere in october ?

2018-06-06 13:35:09 UTC

I doubt it... I imagine all we will hear is .. when any little thing isnt quite as expected it will be "thats all down to brexit.. if we didnt brexit every UK citizen would be a mutli millionaire by now"

2018-06-06 13:35:38 UTC

should be june 19th or something

2018-06-06 13:35:56 UTC

Well i suspect lots of ppl voting brexit should feel disappointed by now

2018-06-06 13:35:59 UTC


2018-06-06 13:36:32 UTC

Honestly would not surprise me if they make you remain in customs union in the end

2018-06-06 13:36:38 UTC

Just rename it

2018-06-06 13:36:44 UTC

every fellow leave voter I speak to is only disappointed that we haven't left yet

2018-06-06 13:36:59 UTC

Thats what i mean

2018-06-06 13:37:26 UTC

what I like to do in those BBC articles... is go straight to the comments and order by highest voted ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-06-06 13:37:50 UTC

the constant anti brexit default position on the BBC.. is clearly getting to people

2018-06-06 13:38:12 UTC

My bet is corbyn pm by 2019

2018-06-06 13:38:16 UTC


2018-06-06 13:38:51 UTC

thats actually a possibility ... if someone like UKIP splits the vote of the tories

2018-06-06 13:39:13 UTC

I think the tories need to help out the lib dems more ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-06-06 13:39:26 UTC

Ukip will not be needed tbh

2018-06-06 13:39:35 UTC

They are split right now

2018-06-06 13:39:45 UTC

And public hates that

2018-06-06 13:40:02 UTC

Next election they will get murdered

2018-06-06 13:40:16 UTC

its not needed... but if people start doing it as a protest vote... or just to point out the frustration over freedoms being stomped on... it could split the vote and labour might get in

2018-06-06 13:40:38 UTC

which is a shame cos I just bought a property... and dont really want the gov to take it from me ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-06-06 13:40:48 UTC

its going to take the rest of my life to pay it off ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-06-06 13:40:55 UTC

and then some

2018-06-06 13:50:53 UTC

the property is only 10m from Heathrow... Ive read some reports that said , although rental value might go up, they figure the price might not necessarily go up much, after this new announcement of a heathrow expansion of an extra runway

2018-06-06 14:29:07 UTC

What's the point of this

2018-06-06 14:39:10 UTC

some people just need something to rebel to so they feel fancy

2018-06-06 15:04:09 UTC

given his size, maybe he just got tired

2018-06-06 15:05:10 UTC

"i've been standing for hours" *kneels. short time later anthem starts* "i should probably stand but fuck i'm still tired." *some time later* "...why am i on the news for being lazy?"

2018-06-06 15:06:25 UTC

I think its the border between imobbility and extreme obesity

2018-06-06 15:06:26 UTC

Unlikely. Patriotism stirs the loins and adrenaline glands.

2018-06-06 15:37:39 UTC

fat absorbs and stores hormones like adrenaline

2018-06-06 15:41:05 UTC

what patriotism? and that dudes loins haven't been seen nor heard of since birth.

2018-06-06 16:16:28 UTC

Well you only really do research work when funding is involved, which allows for more contributors, so I see that as true.

2018-06-06 16:25:57 UTC

given that google is heavily leftist, and leftists have abandoned science, this is not a surprise.

2018-06-06 16:32:19 UTC


2018-06-06 16:32:30 UTC

B stands for B-watch Tim Pool every day at 4.

2018-06-06 16:32:44 UTC

oh shit.. huge fire in knightsbridge london

2018-06-06 16:32:52 UTC

litereally the most expensive place in the UK

2018-06-06 16:33:11 UTC

costs around 1million for a 200sq ft room

2018-06-06 16:33:31 UTC

100 firefighters trying to put it out

2018-06-06 16:42:04 UTC

Then they should be able to pay for it.

2018-06-06 16:42:22 UTC

Or that area will quickly become much cheaper to live in.

2018-06-06 16:43:27 UTC

I doubt it... people will probably pay millions just for whatever rubble is left over

2018-06-06 16:44:18 UTC

apparently the 5star hotel that caught fire has just had a multi million pound renovation

2018-06-06 16:44:50 UTC

the insurance payout will be massive

2018-06-06 16:46:37 UTC

So then it will fix itself before a month as gone by.

2018-06-06 16:46:49 UTC

Unlike poor areas that will just remain burned.

2018-06-06 16:48:04 UTC

as long as their insurance premiums are paid up

2018-06-06 17:29:31 UTC theres an interesting juxtiposition within this article and the video playing in it

2018-06-06 19:19:44 UTC

@Grenade123 You're from the US aren't you? I want to start a fight. I think the US should have a NHS. Fight me.

2018-06-06 19:20:49 UTC

im also american

2018-06-06 19:22:16 UTC

i think the argument for the united states having nhs would be better if the nhs didint have so many problems its been a joke for 20 years

2018-06-06 19:22:51 UTC

How's the doctor shortage?

2018-06-06 19:23:38 UTC

The NHS has been taken a bit for a ride as of late. I wouldn't go back as far as 20 years.

2018-06-06 19:23:47 UTC

No one is going with out a Dr

2018-06-06 19:25:07 UTC

It is a sign that a comunity has decided breaking a leg will not crush your life. Everyone has everyone elses back.

2018-06-06 19:26:21 UTC

your news media seems to think otherwise

2018-06-06 19:26:37 UTC

i really dont hear any storys of people breaking a leg here in the united states being the end of their lives

2018-06-06 19:27:55 UTC

I'm not going to read the BBC and esp the guardian. The NHS is a stick to beat who ever is in power with.

2018-06-06 19:28:17 UTC

truth be told, i haven't really heard of any good system. You have affordable, available, and quality. You can only have 2.

2018-06-06 19:28:40 UTC

one of the main reasons shit costs so much over here is insurance companies inflating prices to something stupid

2018-06-06 19:29:04 UTC

The broken leg thing is more of a metaphor. Having something happen to you that was not your fault should not put you in massive debt.

2018-06-06 19:29:40 UTC

You have a profit based system and no other choice. What do you expect to happen.

2018-06-06 19:29:48 UTC

almost everyone here has insurence

2018-06-06 19:30:00 UTC

within the workforce atleast

2018-06-06 19:30:08 UTC

they demand "discounts" for the people they send over. So the hospital lists the price at some random cost, charges the insurance company the real cost, then the insurance company uses the listed price to charge you, and the hospital charges the uninsured the list price

2018-06-06 19:30:27 UTC

of course, if its life threatening, you don't have to pay, and a hospital cannot refuse you.

2018-06-06 19:32:26 UTC

so you have a bunch of fat cats milking ppl when they are most in need. Pushing everyones insurance cost ups up.

2018-06-06 19:33:15 UTC

are we talking about the government or insurance companies? oh, which the government all but forces people to use over here.

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