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2018-05-24 06:18:52 UTC

So, what I think we've been arguing this whole time

2018-05-24 06:18:54 UTC

it was only if it was valid

2018-05-24 06:19:11 UTC

are the two perspectives, both of which would crack this decision open

2018-05-24 06:19:39 UTC

Because in the example I gave before....

2018-05-24 06:19:58 UTC

1. Any action taken by the president is an action of the government
2. Donald Trump's personal twitter account is to be considered an open public forum
3. Twitter, as a whole, as a privately owned company, may remain a private forum```

2018-05-24 06:20:06 UTC

2 and 3 can't coexist.

2018-05-24 06:20:19 UTC

I mean, I guess technically, they can

2018-05-24 06:20:35 UTC

But unless we get activist decisions up through the supreme court

2018-05-24 06:20:38 UTC

it's going to give.

2018-05-24 06:20:47 UTC

ok I get it now

2018-05-24 06:20:51 UTC

Either Everyone gets Twitter

2018-05-24 06:21:01 UTC

the life of the President belong to the govt while he is in office, something like that

2018-05-24 06:21:01 UTC

or Trump gets to block people.

2018-05-24 06:21:20 UTC

Either way, they've got a bad day ahead of themselves for even trying.

2018-05-24 06:22:10 UTC

The only way, realistically, for Trump's private account to be upheld as a public forum

2018-05-24 06:22:19 UTC

is for all of twitter to be opened

2018-05-24 06:22:25 UTC

or at least for a pathway rule to be opened

2018-05-24 06:22:37 UTC

where on certain accounts, everyone has free unfettered access.

2018-05-24 06:22:40 UTC

ok now Im confused af

2018-05-24 06:22:44 UTC

possibly banned from other communications

2018-05-24 06:22:51 UTC

Oh, they are too. don't worry.

2018-05-24 06:22:52 UTC

we'll see how things play out. i think there is too many levels to this for use to really know.

2018-05-24 06:23:14 UTC

unless we get in some speech lawyers in here

2018-05-24 06:23:25 UTC

If it expands to the point where Twitter becomes a public forum

2018-05-24 06:23:42 UTC

the entire internet might be in danger of rampant free speech everywhere...

2018-05-24 06:24:03 UTC

this seems to be something that is not an official law, but a legal precedent. which means we need to know all the relevant cases and their outcomes

2018-05-24 06:24:13 UTC

Just imagine the conflict. Europe says ban this or you get fined. US says don't ban this or you get fined....

2018-05-24 06:24:35 UTC

Like they said, it's Pandora's box.

2018-05-24 06:24:46 UTC

And I don't think the people behind the lawsuit here are willing to close it.

2018-05-24 06:24:51 UTC

i have a feeling the goal is just to make it so trump cannot block political enemies.

2018-05-24 06:25:01 UTC

That's the goal

2018-05-24 06:25:02 UTC

so we shall see if that is all this ruling really does

2018-05-24 06:25:16 UTC

But as they teach you on the gun range

2018-05-24 06:25:21 UTC

always know what's beyond your target.

2018-05-24 06:25:35 UTC

but already, by making his twitter a public forum, that means the government cannot use that new trafficking law against twitter.

2018-05-24 06:25:49 UTC

because then they would be blocking people from a public forum

2018-05-24 06:25:58 UTC

if they took down twitter

2018-05-24 06:26:18 UTC

dude this is to confusing

2018-05-24 06:26:21 UTC

and Ive been drinking

2018-05-24 06:26:32 UTC

This fucking paradox is amusing.

2018-05-24 06:26:38 UTC

He is not preventing anyone from using the public forum

2018-05-24 06:26:39 UTC

I'm literally laughing at it all.

2018-05-24 06:26:43 UTC

he is just ignoring what they say

2018-05-24 06:26:54 UTC

Ivan, they're saying the comments on his post are the public forum.

2018-05-24 06:26:55 UTC

actually, if twitter isn't run by complete SJWs and instead just bends to whoever is loudest, they could fire all their moderation team, unban everyone, and just the thing go wild and see what money they can make

2018-05-24 06:27:12 UTC


2018-05-24 06:27:20 UTC

a comment on his post is literally a message directed at him

2018-05-24 06:27:24 UTC

with his twitter handle

2018-05-24 06:27:24 UTC

they can just tell people "sorry, legally not allowed anymore"

2018-05-24 06:27:32 UTC

ppl can still talk about it between themselves

2018-05-24 06:27:52 UTC

If you really think about it

2018-05-24 06:27:54 UTC

what they've defined

2018-05-24 06:28:03 UTC

is that the word @realdonaldtrump is a public forum.

2018-05-24 06:28:38 UTC

which hardly makes sense when you think of it in deconstructed form like that.

2018-05-24 06:29:29 UTC

regardless this will be amusing. I'm surprised trump blocked people at all. seems like he enjoys yelling at them too much.

2018-05-24 06:29:53 UTC

i'd laugh if the salty person has been blocked since between he became POTUS

2018-05-24 06:29:58 UTC

Did you ever actually check his twitter in the early days, before he started blocking?

2018-05-24 06:30:43 UTC

Another way of looking at this is that they're legally instituting the right of the American people to commit harassment against a sitting president.

2018-05-24 06:31:11 UTC


2018-05-24 06:31:19 UTC

they could talk about it in a hashtag

2018-05-24 06:31:20 UTC

but no

2018-05-24 06:31:25 UTC

they want to direct it at him

2018-05-24 06:31:36 UTC

because they want the sweet traffic that comes from his tweets

2018-05-24 06:31:45 UTC

I'm fine with that.

2018-05-24 06:31:58 UTC

I'm about to link some shit in Shitposting.

2018-05-24 06:32:26 UTC

There really is no down side to this.

2018-05-24 06:32:55 UTC

We all should be using a decentralyzed twitter anyway

2018-05-24 06:33:06 UTC

its just text, it should be easy

2018-05-24 06:33:16 UTC

Amazing spelling.

2018-05-24 06:33:22 UTC


2018-05-24 06:33:25 UTC

Im not english

2018-05-24 06:33:35 UTC

and Ive had 2 bottles of wine

2018-05-24 06:33:39 UTC

Actually, I was going to go with drunk

2018-05-24 06:34:05 UTC


2018-05-24 06:34:24 UTC

That is more what I was making fun of. Since you said you were drunk before.

2018-05-24 06:34:43 UTC

Im not that drunk rly, is more the sleep deprivation

2018-05-24 06:35:02 UTC

I've drink the two bottles over a period of like 8 hours

2018-05-24 06:35:37 UTC

Alcohol + lack of sleep =/= good ability to communicate

2018-05-24 06:35:57 UTC

my english sucks anyway

2018-05-24 06:41:29 UTC

It's been fine minus spelling decentralized. And really it was only the y in place of an i. Which is a pretty easy mistake to make

2018-05-24 07:26:37 UTC

But yeah, I can see this possibly expanding Free Speech beyond it's limits, which could be interesting

2018-05-24 07:27:12 UTC

Combined with supreme court rulings against limiting hate speech... yeah...

2018-05-24 07:27:44 UTC

Although this also seems to establish a right to be heard, which is not part of the right to free speech.

2018-05-24 07:28:31 UTC

All in all though, it'll be fun to watch a chaotic backfire at the expense of purveyors of chaos.

2018-05-24 07:39:30 UTC

I don't know what I want more. For Trump (and all other politicians) to not be allowed to block people and trolls just spamming the crap out of the Democrats or for the ruling to be thrown out and Dems can't use Trumps Twitter as a springboard.

2018-05-24 07:40:28 UTC

I mean, yeah. They've created a hillarious trap of high expectations for themselves.

2018-05-24 07:40:33 UTC

The winning move was to not play.

2018-05-24 07:41:23 UTC

They don't know how to win.

2018-05-24 08:18:02 UTC

Putting those adds into mobile games is an ingenious move lol

2018-05-24 08:20:04 UTC

"Kiloo, the Danish developer behind the popular Subway Surfers mobile game, said it was baffled by how Irish players were seeing anti-abortion adverts and insisted: โ€œIn no way do we want anything political like this in our game.โ€

2018-05-24 08:21:16 UTC

Shows that even the game devs have no real influence what adds show in their games

2018-05-24 08:21:42 UTC

Its all automated targeting done by add bots

2018-05-24 08:24:16 UTC

It ends pretty ominously

2018-05-24 08:24:31 UTC

"Anti-abortion groups claim Googleโ€™s decision to unilaterally ban all adverts relating to the Irish referendum shows โ€œdirect foreign interference in a referendum campaignโ€ but Dwyer said the company had set a global precedent, which it would now come under pressure to replicate in future elections around the world. โ€œIt shouldnโ€™t be these companies that are self-regulating, it should be our government that is setting the rules that they then have to follow.โ€

2018-05-24 10:09:41 UTC

Bearing's YouTube channel has been terminated, it seems

2018-05-24 10:50:55 UTC

I like the commenters are telling her she is stupid

2018-05-24 10:51:01 UTC


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