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2018-08-18 07:34:41 UTC

chrono trigger is the shit.

2018-08-18 07:34:44 UTC

Because he's a dumb man singing about GETTIN PAPURZ and KEEPIN HOES IN LINE

2018-08-18 07:34:48 UTC

luckly you can just go back in time then

2018-08-18 07:34:48 UTC

Not everybody knows as much about various things as you do, Miss Scribblehatch

2018-08-18 07:35:03 UTC


2018-08-18 07:35:07 UTC


2018-08-18 07:35:14 UTC

Call him a thief

2018-08-18 07:35:21 UTC

He is one.

2018-08-18 07:35:52 UTC

He's straight up just using Schala's theme and I can guarantee he never got permission beforehand.

2018-08-18 07:36:01 UTC

It happens all the fucking time.

2018-08-18 07:36:04 UTC

And people defend it.

2018-08-18 07:36:06 UTC


2018-08-18 07:36:08 UTC

By your argument, most of the software we use couldn't exist

2018-08-18 07:36:13 UTC

I think it's a really sad thing for our culture that in a time where we have more ability to create and share art than ever before that we're restricted by law in doing so in ways we never were before

2018-08-18 07:36:15 UTC

He's using.

2018-08-18 07:36:16 UTC

The entire theme.

2018-08-18 07:36:17 UTC

Because the code to write them was stolen verbatim from something else

2018-08-18 07:36:18 UTC


2018-08-18 07:36:21 UTC

without permission

2018-08-18 07:36:24 UTC

The entire.

2018-08-18 07:36:26 UTC

Fucking. Theme.

2018-08-18 07:36:30 UTC

And he's creating something new with it.

2018-08-18 07:36:34 UTC

No he isn't.

2018-08-18 07:36:37 UTC

He's singing over it.

2018-08-18 07:36:44 UTC

Technically, that is creating something new

2018-08-18 07:36:44 UTC

You can't just listen to his song and get the same experience as listening to the OST can you?

2018-08-18 07:36:53 UTC

It's not Bittersweet Symphony.

2018-08-18 07:36:55 UTC

So if that's not the case what is wrong with using the entire thing?

2018-08-18 07:37:28 UTC

Holy shit.

2018-08-18 07:37:33 UTC

This happens every time by the way.

2018-08-18 07:37:45 UTC

No matter the crowd, there will always be a majority siding with the thief.

2018-08-18 07:37:54 UTC

People are allowed to disagree with you.

2018-08-18 07:37:56 UTC

It's not a democracy.

2018-08-18 07:38:00 UTC

Your definition of thief in this case is rather broad

2018-08-18 07:38:00 UTC

I'm right and you're wrong.

2018-08-18 07:38:32 UTC

Can we sue Disney for totally STEALING the idea for all of their most popular movies?

2018-08-18 07:38:41 UTC

This level of exhaustion from me comes from seeing this SAME SHIT several times

2018-08-18 07:38:44 UTC

Fucking thieves the lot of them

2018-08-18 07:38:45 UTC

Sorry, Miss Scribblehatch, but I believe you'll find that you just stole "I'm right and you're wrong" from somebody else. The fact that you're paraphrasing doesn't matter, because the basic premise was the same.

2018-08-18 07:38:49 UTC

Same song. "Gettin papurz. And I slapped a hoe"

2018-08-18 07:38:51 UTC

But it was over this

2018-08-18 07:38:53 UTC

Is your problem that itโ€™s not creative, or that the original artist isnโ€™t getting royalties and recognition?

2018-08-18 07:38:55 UTC

Do you see how hypocritical your argument is?

2018-08-18 07:39:07 UTC

Someone did the same exact song about Papurz and Hoez over that

2018-08-18 07:39:16 UTC

Creative my ass.

2018-08-18 07:39:32 UTC

Hey scribble you said he 'stole it' but the creators still have the original so it's not stealing I'm right you're wrong :^)

2018-08-18 07:39:38 UTC

These rappers are no Grandmaster Flash. Not by a country mile.

2018-08-18 07:39:47 UTC

These are the most overpaid hacks that have ever graced this earth

2018-08-18 07:40:03 UTC

They're overpaid hacks, yes. But they are technically creating new works.

2018-08-18 07:40:10 UTC

with a bare minimum of effort

2018-08-18 07:40:20 UTC

If I take a shit on a table I'm technically creating a new work.

2018-08-18 07:40:31 UTC

I don't really care how good they are or not I care about people being able to create music

2018-08-18 07:40:36 UTC

But if the original artist is credited and/or compensated, is there still a problem?

2018-08-18 07:40:40 UTC


2018-08-18 07:40:41 UTC

And an art museum would most likely pay you for your shit on a table, Miss Scribblehatch

2018-08-18 07:41:15 UTC

Because they didn't ask for permission. You know they didn't.

2018-08-18 07:41:25 UTC

Do we know this? I didn't look it up

2018-08-18 07:41:37 UTC

Oh, did Wiz Khalifa call Square Enix?

2018-08-18 07:41:40 UTC

Did he

2018-08-18 07:41:45 UTC

I really don't know

2018-08-18 07:41:51 UTC

No he did not.

2018-08-18 07:41:52 UTC

You didnโ€™t answer my question

2018-08-18 07:41:53 UTC

i get annoyed when people ask me for permission to use my work, i just want them to steal it, because i dont believe in ip

2018-08-18 07:42:02 UTC

These days sampling is very heavily regulated

2018-08-18 07:42:06 UTC

No it isn't.

2018-08-18 07:42:10 UTC

Lots of the music from the past could never be made

2018-08-18 07:42:11 UTC

i get annoyed when people ask me for permission to use my work, i just want them to steal it, because i dont believe in ip

2018-08-18 07:42:14 UTC

@Scribblehatch Did you ask for permission from the developers of the games you're basing your mechanics off of to make sure they were okay with you taking the basic idea?

2018-08-18 07:42:18 UTC


2018-08-18 07:42:19 UTC

You don't know what you're talking about and just want to be angry.

2018-08-18 07:42:31 UTC

you're welcome

2018-08-18 07:42:40 UTC

you're welcome

2018-08-18 07:42:40 UTC

There's a legal term for what's absolutely necessary in design for something to function.

2018-08-18 07:42:46 UTC


2018-08-18 07:43:03 UTC

That's why there can be Megablocks and lego

2018-08-18 07:43:08 UTC

Why there can be Hydrox and Oreo.

2018-08-18 07:43:21 UTC

But what Wiz Khalifa has done, is just take the **entire fucking song**

2018-08-18 07:43:38 UTC

Your argument is "The artist didn't call the original creators to ask if he could use their song in his new creation"

2018-08-18 07:43:39 UTC

Do you not understand the fucking difference.

2018-08-18 07:43:50 UTC

No, not really

2018-08-18 07:43:51 UTC

I'm saying you're being a bit hypocritical

2018-08-18 07:44:00 UTC

Why is stealing a small amount ok for you?

2018-08-18 07:44:02 UTC

i find it funny that they can't sing happy birthday in movies anymore, so they have to use like odd alternatives

2018-08-18 07:44:23 UTC

That song should be public domain, no question

2018-08-18 07:44:29 UTC

why though?

2018-08-18 07:44:41 UTC

Because people have been singing it at birthday parties for over 50 years.

2018-08-18 07:45:01 UTC

Letโ€™s say he did ask, the original copyright holder said yes and use of the work was cleared. Whatโ€™s the problem then?

2018-08-18 07:45:05 UTC

Stop fighting me on absolutely everything. I'm right and it's not up for a vote.

2018-08-18 07:45:06 UTC

well wix khalifa is trying to start a trend to make something else public domain

2018-08-18 07:45:08 UTC

Scribble, can you get the same experience listening to that Wiz Khalifa song as you can listening to the original track from CT?

2018-08-18 07:45:11 UTC

And this huffing guy is dumb.

2018-08-18 07:45:31 UTC

how rude

2018-08-18 07:45:31 UTC

If not, then why is it worse that he took the whole song rather than a small part?

2018-08-18 07:45:40 UTC


2018-08-18 07:45:46 UTC

What a great genre.

2018-08-18 07:45:53 UTC

Y'all are having the pettiest argument I've ever seen... :L

2018-08-18 07:45:58 UTC

Just because you personally do not like it does not mean it shouldnโ€™t exist.

2018-08-18 07:45:58 UTC

I wonder why you don't answer that question ๐Ÿค”

2018-08-18 07:46:04 UTC

ip doesn't real

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