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2018-08-11 01:44:33 UTC

Obligatory Paradigm Shift link

2018-08-11 01:45:24 UTC
2018-08-11 01:47:33 UTC

The Streisand effect will have to be re-named the InfoWars Effect after all this.

2018-08-11 01:47:39 UTC

The Gay Frogs Effect

2018-08-11 01:49:18 UTC

Google was deified.

2018-08-11 01:49:23 UTC

The clans tell tales of him.

2018-08-11 01:49:26 UTC

Few know the truth.

2018-08-11 01:49:31 UTC

He was mortal once, as were we all.

2018-08-11 01:52:45 UTC

Soul Reaver nicu

2018-08-11 02:00:36 UTC

idk if anyone is interested but i'll just leave this heree

2018-08-11 02:01:05 UTC


2018-08-11 02:03:01 UTC

:O how did this happen?!

2018-08-11 02:03:23 UTC

oh i cant post anything here yet

2018-08-11 02:03:39 UTC

according to youtube im the first viewer on a timcast video somehow XD

2018-08-11 02:06:07 UTC

so am i

2018-08-11 02:06:08 UTC

2018-08-11 02:10:05 UTC

my comment really is first though :D somehow

2018-08-11 02:10:17 UTC

wooo, internet points +1

2018-08-11 02:10:27 UTC

cause you know... everyone cares right? >.>

2018-08-11 02:20:51 UTC

Banned from where?

2018-08-11 02:21:42 UTC

In all seriousness, Tim's comment earlier today about not fitting in with any extreme really struck home with me. I'm bi and I never felt accepted by the local gay community except in a very shallow way. But to many straight people, I was either pretending or someone's sexy birthday present idea.

2018-08-11 02:22:05 UTC

So when he talks about being mixed race and getting shit from both sides, it resonates

2018-08-11 02:22:47 UTC

Whats worse than being in the extremes, being alone on the fence.

2018-08-11 02:23:32 UTC

boggie2988 lel

2018-08-11 02:24:02 UTC

It's not even on the fence. Being mixed race carries more issues than being bi obviously, but it's an disallowing of me to be able to acknowledge my whole self. I have to "pick a side."

2018-08-11 02:24:06 UTC

also @Tits McGee Bi's seem to get a lot of shit from the lgbt people, or just get ignored

2018-08-11 02:24:19 UTC

Oh, I could rant for hours about it, but I'll spare you all

2018-08-11 02:24:28 UTC

where do you live being mixed race is an issue?

2018-08-11 02:24:34 UTC

gays are also getting axed if they're men

2018-08-11 02:24:45 UTC

especially white men

2018-08-11 02:24:57 UTC

and lesbians if they terfs or even remotely associated

2018-08-11 02:25:11 UTC

Ive lived in arizona, alabama, florida, pennsylvania, maine, and newfoundland... nowehere did anyone care at all about mixed race :P

2018-08-11 02:25:32 UTC

Ive never been anywhere where people care

2018-08-11 02:25:35 UTC

make LGBTQIA `G` again

2018-08-11 02:25:42 UTC

i think its more the political aspect

2018-08-11 02:25:45 UTC


2018-08-11 02:25:50 UTC

is what Tims talking about at least

2018-08-11 02:25:51 UTC

Yeah, that's what I was getting at

2018-08-11 02:25:51 UTC

Probably the few that do care about it are smart enough to hide it around others

2018-08-11 02:26:05 UTC

Anybody not give a fuck about infowars? Like dude you spout retarded shit all day and night begging for me to buy some fucking gay milk shake shit. Youre clearly trying to make money and dont believe the shit youre spewing. Infowars was just retarded conspiracy store. Never once watched them unironically

2018-08-11 02:26:27 UTC

Not the white nationalist kind of issues, but the, "you're white when it's convenient and you're Asian when it's not" when it comes to discussing certain political topics

2018-08-11 02:26:36 UTC
2018-08-11 02:26:45 UTC

Those discussions tend to get more heated or carry further across social media platforms than the discussions around bisexuality

2018-08-11 02:27:06 UTC

But my point is just that I feel like I don't belong and should belong to both groups

2018-08-11 02:27:21 UTC

@AnthonyLaCosaNostra idk if you spend 10 years talking about how theres a global media conspiracy to silence truth speakers like yourself, then get unpersoned from every platform on the entire internet all at once.... at this point even Im convinced they are turning the frogs gay D:

2018-08-11 02:27:47 UTC

Hes lucky nobody shot him for disgracing families

2018-08-11 02:27:49 UTC

@AnthonyLaCosaNostra I mean i dont like InfoWars and only look for/use the memes but its a precedent thing

2018-08-11 02:28:01 UTC

but seriously its not about how credible infowars is, its about the principal

2018-08-11 02:28:09 UTC


2018-08-11 02:28:15 UTC

If my sister was killed in a shooting id probably lose my shit and attack them

2018-08-11 02:28:33 UTC

And then we'd all be sympathetic as you were justly hauled off to a jail cell

2018-08-11 02:28:40 UTC

Child actors... get fucked. Id off myself

2018-08-11 02:29:02 UTC

@Tits McGee Just be you, be an individual, you dont have to associate with either "group"

2018-08-11 02:29:02 UTC

Murder suicide

2018-08-11 02:29:43 UTC

Cant stand internet trolls who are just stirring shit up to make abuck like infowars

2018-08-11 02:29:51 UTC

but you see eros people could say your being hyperbolic and indirectly preaching violence through your opinion

2018-08-11 02:29:52 UTC

but what if i want to associate with a group of individualists

2018-08-11 02:30:02 UTC

@Lagomaster24 Oh I'm well over being anything more than mildly annoyed by it now, but when I was a teenager and was looking for support from people who claimed to be sympathetic and understanding, it really shook me up.

2018-08-11 02:30:05 UTC

then find people you can trust

2018-08-11 02:30:26 UTC

Buy my caveman tittymilk shake. Itll suck your incel dick by ghost nazi brides

2018-08-11 02:30:33 UTC

im more responding to @Tohob with that lol

2018-08-11 02:30:48 UTC

But I grew up and threw a thicker skin and learned that life involves more than that one facet of my identity. Hard lesson, but a valuable one

2018-08-11 02:30:51 UTC

All at limited supply but we sell it everyday

2018-08-11 02:31:03 UTC

Please watch this, whomever is able, and if you agree with it, please share it as well:

2018-08-11 02:31:12 UTC

yep such is life tbh

2018-08-11 02:31:51 UTC

We need a good scat bomb raid in here lol ban links ffs tim lol

2018-08-11 02:32:25 UTC

It isn't spam, if that's what you're thinking.

2018-08-11 02:32:34 UTC

He's already disabled thumbnails, from what I can tell.

2018-08-11 02:32:50 UTC

If youre not on pc its cancer to scroll through lol

2018-08-11 02:32:50 UTC

It's a video I created in support of Alex Jones and free speech, in lieu of his recent banning.

2018-08-11 02:33:02 UTC

There's a clip from Tim in there as well, actually.

2018-08-11 02:33:06 UTC

Fuck his speech wasnt free

2018-08-11 02:33:24 UTC

You had to hear a god damn ad every two minutes dafug u on about?

2018-08-11 02:33:25 UTC

it dosnt seem to be spam actually

2018-08-11 02:33:28 UTC

i didnt watch the whole thing

2018-08-11 02:33:30 UTC

but it is on topic

2018-08-11 02:33:38 UTC

It's worth watching in full.

2018-08-11 02:33:44 UTC

i m ight later i just cant right now

2018-08-11 02:33:56 UTC

Buy my patriot infowars stickers to stop the globalists

2018-08-11 02:34:02 UTC

Handpicked the best clips from PJW, Stefan Molyneux, Tim, Jordan Peterson, and others on the subject of the banning.

2018-08-11 02:34:35 UTC

i have a lovehate relationship with steph

2018-08-11 02:35:16 UTC

the day politics invaded jewtube

2018-08-11 02:35:26 UTC

Pjw is weird. Seen a video or two of his. Not a fan

2018-08-11 02:35:31 UTC

Alex Jone's business model was brilliant, frankly.

2018-08-11 02:35:38 UTC

There's a reason they called InfoWars an empire.

2018-08-11 02:35:46 UTC

And there's a reason other conservative outlets are now imitating his model.

2018-08-11 02:35:47 UTC

supplements are a no go for me

2018-08-11 02:35:53 UTC

shits unregulated

2018-08-11 02:35:59 UTC

Scare the fucking loonies into buying your shit. Yeah brilliant. Never been done before lol

2018-08-11 02:35:59 UTC

It's FDA regulated.

2018-08-11 02:36:09 UTC

not last i checked

2018-08-11 02:36:17 UTC

Idk if you saw fox news in the early 2000s

2018-08-11 02:36:37 UTC

he is a snake oil salesmen ya i think most here know that

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