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2018-08-02 23:19:39 UTC


2018-08-02 23:19:56 UTC

no sure how the hell it can determine some are multiple and some arent then

2018-08-02 23:20:01 UTC

unless hidden characters

2018-08-02 23:20:02 UTC

Wait... WAIT

2018-08-02 23:20:17 UTC


2018-08-02 23:20:30 UTC

Also, Excel should let you specify delimiters.

2018-08-02 23:20:35 UTC

``08/01/2018 01:03:23,0,268956,MUS,Dick LeMasters,"One Bird, Two Stones","One Bird, Two Stones",Claude Richard LeMasters,USZZ51401511,Small Stone Records,,Longneck Road,,2003,,,False,False

2018-08-02 23:20:40 UTC


2018-08-02 23:20:44 UTC

use quotes

2018-08-02 23:20:46 UTC


2018-08-02 23:20:54 UTC

But why did it get quotes...? o_o

2018-08-02 23:21:03 UTC

That's not in the metadata...

2018-08-02 23:21:30 UTC

how are you generating the csv?

2018-08-02 23:21:38 UTC

a program or ?

2018-08-02 23:21:46 UTC

Imported from SAM Broadcaster.

2018-08-02 23:21:58 UTC

I dunno what that is

2018-08-02 23:22:04 UTC

Does Libre ask anything on the import into the Excel variant?

2018-08-02 23:22:05 UTC

but whatevers scanning the files and the mp3 tags

2018-08-02 23:22:16 UTC

It does. Let's see...

2018-08-02 23:22:17 UTC

is probably adding the quotes around lines with , in the field

2018-08-02 23:22:24 UTC

So in CS quotes are usually used to specify an entire string. So until the quote closes it'll ignore all special characters like comma.

2018-08-02 23:22:30 UTC


2018-08-02 23:22:32 UTC

It's a sorta standard.

2018-08-02 23:22:35 UTC

and generally any programming language

2018-08-02 23:22:44 UTC

strings only

2018-08-02 23:22:55 UTC

don't quote other value types, like date, int, float, bool, etc

2018-08-02 23:23:12 UTC

or else they usually just get converted to strings...

2018-08-02 23:23:36 UTC

2018-08-02 23:23:55 UTC

unceck everything but comma

2018-08-02 23:23:56 UTC

for one

2018-08-02 23:24:20 UTC

Format quoted field as text?

2018-08-02 23:24:26 UTC

and mayne "format quoted field as text"

2018-08-02 23:24:33 UTC

That just absolutely fixed everything.

2018-08-02 23:24:36 UTC

but string delimiter is already set as ""

2018-08-02 23:24:48 UTC

what did?

2018-08-02 23:24:54 UTC

Looks right.

2018-08-02 23:24:55 UTC

unchecking the other delimeters?

2018-08-02 23:25:00 UTC

Removing Semicolon

2018-08-02 23:25:20 UTC

uh, yeah, you only want the comma

2018-08-02 23:25:31 UTC

Yeah. It looks like your exporting program uses semicolon as an alterantive to comma.

2018-08-02 23:25:41 UTC

the semicolon was to separate things in the same field

2018-08-02 23:25:45 UTC

as long as the importing program isn't trying to use semicolon you're golden.

2018-08-02 23:25:45 UTC


2018-08-02 23:25:49 UTC

The semicolon is my fault.

2018-08-02 23:26:08 UTC

This was 100% user error

2018-08-02 23:26:18 UTC

usually is ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-08-02 23:26:29 UTC

The exporter will actually put quotes around things that have a comma in it.

2018-08-02 23:26:48 UTC

It does not, however, put quotes around semicolons.

2018-08-02 23:26:53 UTC

I see the system now.

2018-08-02 23:28:15 UTC

Thanks for helping save this idiot *hours*.

2018-08-02 23:28:25 UTC

np. anytime.

2018-08-02 23:28:30 UTC


2018-08-02 23:28:46 UTC

@Zuihou I have no idea. does anyone have a list of the Bully Hunters?

I'm not sure it really changes anything.

2018-08-02 23:30:57 UTC

Nm she was tian tran

2018-08-02 23:31:39 UTC

The Jew Rule: if youre making statements about white people negatively, and want to know if youre being racist. Simply, substitute the term 'white people' with Jews. If it sounds antisemitic then what youre saying about white people is racist.

2018-08-02 23:32:47 UTC


2018-08-02 23:34:58 UTC

And befor the power and prejudice equation becomes a defense. Um look at prewar germany before ww2 and look how jews were in power. Those germans technically couldnt be racist bc they were just factory workers and jews were bankers and doctors with all the money. Gimme a break

2018-08-02 23:44:28 UTC

2018-08-02 23:54:17 UTC

@Atkins lol ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-08-02 23:57:19 UTC

If anyone has any progressive friends

2018-08-02 23:57:26 UTC

Sneak onto their computer

2018-08-02 23:57:28 UTC

(wear gloves)

2018-08-02 23:57:30 UTC

and do this.

2018-08-02 23:57:32 UTC

Hey all, glad I found Tim's channel. It's been refreshing to see some good reporting for a change

2018-08-02 23:57:36 UTC

Happy to be here

2018-08-02 23:58:00 UTC


2018-08-02 23:59:20 UTC

@Atkins @RyeNorth OMG yes. What is this plugin?

2018-08-03 00:00:35 UTC

I'm not sure.

2018-08-03 00:00:47 UTC

But just imagine, if you pick something about your friend

2018-08-03 00:00:50 UTC

Used to be on but I think the site is down

2018-08-03 00:00:57 UTC this is the guy who made it

2018-08-03 00:00:57 UTC

and replace 'White People' with an identifier that will affect them

2018-08-03 00:02:02 UTC

7 oy vey's/10 too much swastikas

2018-08-03 00:02:23 UTC


2018-08-03 00:04:01 UTC

nah its 7 oy vey's/10 to much Milk

2018-08-03 00:04:12 UTC

u rite

2018-08-03 00:04:40 UTC

The milk meme is so stupid its funny

2018-08-03 00:04:52 UTC

wow its real

2018-08-03 00:05:17 UTC

is it ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป for my ๐Ÿธ to drink ๐Ÿฅ› ?

2018-08-03 00:05:37 UTC

~~Is it white power for my pepe to drink semen?~~

2018-08-03 00:05:39 UTC


2018-08-03 00:07:41 UTC


2018-08-03 00:08:55 UTC

yes, because the testosterone in the semen would help protect the frog from chemicals that would turn it gay

2018-08-03 00:12:09 UTC

what if the frog can change sex?

2018-08-03 00:12:29 UTC

Jurassic Park intensifies

2018-08-03 00:12:46 UTC

By that logic, wouldn't that make women who puff peter more likely to be lesbian?

2018-08-03 00:17:24 UTC

shhh don't inject logic into the conspiracy like chemicals being injected into a frog

2018-08-03 00:17:48 UTC


2018-08-03 00:17:54 UTC


2018-08-03 00:18:08 UTC


2018-08-03 00:18:23 UTC


2018-08-03 00:18:55 UTC

"Anyone I dont like is a Russian Bot" MSM

2018-08-03 00:19:34 UTC

"Anyone I dont like is a Nazi" SJWs

2018-08-03 00:20:06 UTC

"Anyone I dont like is a Jew" Alt-Right

2018-08-03 00:20:20 UTC

Prove me wrong that thats the narrative

2018-08-03 00:20:30 UTC

everyone i don't like is a russian jewish nazi bot

2018-08-03 00:20:47 UTC

Whoa thats like a whole new lvl

2018-08-03 00:20:51 UTC

Oh wait

2018-08-03 00:21:36 UTC

"Anyone I dont like is a Reptilian" Conspiracy People

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