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2018-08-02 18:42:38 UTC

But I also don't care

2018-08-02 18:43:00 UTC

They aren't actively preventing people from getting married

2018-08-02 18:43:05 UTC

They backed away (along with just about everyone else) after the Sumpreme Court decision

2018-08-02 18:43:27 UTC

And the groups they were actually funding did more than petition against gay marriage. They did charity work too.

2018-08-02 18:43:35 UTC

But they backed away from that too under pressure.

2018-08-02 18:43:41 UTC

"It accommodates 141 students including a section of our All Gender Student Housing Community." So one of the dorms at my college has gender neutral living. fucking lunatics

2018-08-02 18:44:23 UTC

Have you gotten one of the surveys where it's a full page to identify your gender yet?

2018-08-02 18:44:30 UTC

I still remember the first time I saw one of those.

2018-08-02 18:44:35 UTC

Yes, Otherkin was an option.

2018-08-02 18:45:07 UTC

I took a bullshit diversity survey at work. I labelled myself Polygender

2018-08-02 18:45:13 UTC

@Dan V tbh i think these corporations need to step the fuck away from politics

2018-08-02 18:45:18 UTC

Why has "other" become awful?

2018-08-02 18:45:23 UTC

And choosing sides

2018-08-02 18:45:37 UTC

@Rabbi Shekels agreed. It's not good business. It's only a liability

2018-08-02 18:45:39 UTC

I chose bisexual but said I don't identify with LGBTQ...

2018-08-02 18:45:47 UTC

Which is the truth

2018-08-02 18:46:06 UTC

@Rabbi Shekels FWIW, In Chic-Fil-a's case it wasn't even the company. It was just the CEO.

2018-08-02 18:46:10 UTC

Im not anti gay or anything but a business taking a stance on something can only hurt business

2018-08-02 18:46:20 UTC

Unlike Burger King recently.

2018-08-02 18:46:22 UTC

Disproportionate power.

2018-08-02 18:46:29 UTC

@pratel yes i do memba it being the ceo and not the company

2018-08-02 18:46:41 UTC

But still even the ceo should stfu

2018-08-02 18:46:46 UTC

Here's the thing. Burger King is getting good press.

2018-08-02 18:46:54 UTC

Burger King...maybe you should focus on product quality instead of pushing myths

2018-08-02 18:47:08 UTC

Hes there to make profits not hurt profits even though profits need to be abolished like cortez sed lel

2018-08-02 18:47:14 UTC

There's only more reason for Burger King to continue.

2018-08-02 18:47:19 UTC

And they will.

2018-08-02 18:47:34 UTC

Apple made a trillion bucks btw

2018-08-02 18:47:35 UTC

This isn't the first time they've played politics. They entered the homosexual debate in 2014 on the other side.

2018-08-02 18:47:40 UTC


2018-08-02 18:48:01 UTC

The corporations will continue to play politics as long as they get away with it.

2018-08-02 18:48:26 UTC

Chic Fil A backed down because the left is relentless and doesn't forget.

2018-08-02 18:48:33 UTC

But not even backing down is enough.

2018-08-02 18:48:59 UTC

As I understand, when the news broke of the CEO's donations, Chic Fil A actually saw a sales surge.

2018-08-02 18:49:06 UTC

And profits went up.

2018-08-02 18:49:13 UTC

Playing politics can be beneficial.

2018-08-02 18:49:22 UTC

But pressure can force the truce.

2018-08-02 18:50:06 UTC

It's a high risk/high reward scenario

2018-08-02 18:50:18 UTC

Which is a statement that contradicts my earlier statement lmao

2018-08-02 18:50:28 UTC

well, it's correct.

2018-08-02 18:50:41 UTC

And unless the risk is great enough, the corporations will continue to run unabated.

2018-08-02 18:50:46 UTC

And the press is providing cover.

2018-08-02 18:56:27 UTC

make everything political and then nothing will be

2018-08-02 18:56:52 UTC

indeed. Which is a strategy the left has been pursuing for some time.

2018-08-02 19:01:48 UTC

It also highlights a risk of fighting back.

2018-08-02 19:07:08 UTC

if its the ceo

2018-08-02 19:07:17 UTC

then im not sure it should matter as much

2018-08-02 19:07:32 UTC

if its an actual corporate donation then it definetly should matter

2018-08-02 19:13:43 UTC

That's not how the game is played though.

2018-08-02 19:13:51 UTC

Attack, attack, attack is the idea.

2018-08-02 19:13:51 UTC

Regarding Tim's tweet

2018-08-02 19:13:53 UTC

is it media

2018-08-02 19:13:59 UTC

or is it propaganda

2018-08-02 19:17:51 UTC

Jack dorsey went off thebreservation but they forgave him

2018-08-02 19:19:06 UTC


2018-08-02 19:20:29 UTC

Dude lol

2018-08-02 19:20:48 UTC

who' sarah jeong?

2018-08-02 19:20:53 UTC

2018-08-02 19:20:56 UTC

2018-08-02 19:20:58 UTC

first I've hear dof her today

2018-08-02 19:21:08 UTC

She a racist asian tht the nytimes hired

2018-08-02 19:21:15 UTC

short answer: a racist hired by the nyt

2018-08-02 19:21:19 UTC


2018-08-02 19:21:24 UTC

and they're still ok with it

2018-08-02 19:21:34 UTC

because hoenstly

2018-08-02 19:21:41 UTC

I really do think many of the left is closet racist

2018-08-02 19:21:49 UTC

Yeah racism is ok with the nytimes just not against black people ok ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-08-02 19:21:50 UTC

they adressed it while announcing the hire

2018-08-02 19:22:59 UTC

apple hit $1 Trillion today

2018-08-02 19:23:22 UTC

in what? fantasy stock money? or actual in the bank money?

2018-08-02 19:23:30 UTC

in valuation

2018-08-02 19:23:39 UTC

so fantasy stock money it is

2018-08-02 19:23:41 UTC

how much stock is available times value

2018-08-02 19:23:42 UTC

call it fake if you want, but that's what it is lol

2018-08-02 19:23:52 UTC

then how much stock company owns times value

2018-08-02 19:24:01 UTC

not fake. fantasy.

2018-08-02 19:24:12 UTC

Pretend money is good money

2018-08-02 19:24:14 UTC

fake would include all money ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-08-02 19:24:20 UTC

technically everything is fantasy

2018-08-02 19:24:33 UTC

matter of perspective

2018-08-02 19:25:05 UTC

your perspective is fantasy ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-08-02 19:25:11 UTC


2018-08-02 19:26:41 UTC

but more serious: the concept of stock markets is stupid. just be honest and bet on horses.

2018-08-02 19:26:59 UTC

its better than the alternative

2018-08-02 19:27:17 UTC

The judge in the manafort case is shitting all over mueller

2018-08-02 19:27:26 UTC

you mean companies being owned by the person that founded them?

2018-08-02 19:28:15 UTC

Conspiracy lovers are going to love this judgment: " But Joel and Mary Rich were not defamed in the article, and in order to prove infliction of emotional distress, they had to meet a higher burden, namely that the networkโ€™s conduct was โ€œextreme and outrageous.โ€ Daniels ruled that the networkโ€™s behavior did not rise to that level."

2018-08-02 19:30:49 UTC

Seth richard was assasinated by hilldogโ€™s assasin

2018-08-02 19:31:14 UTC

Fucking jim acosta again this mother fucker

2018-08-02 19:31:40 UTC

Sanderโ€™s threw some shade at him today

2018-08-02 19:31:56 UTC

She ripped him apart

2018-08-02 19:32:15 UTC


2018-08-02 19:32:20 UTC

posted that earlier

2018-08-02 19:32:50 UTC

@LotheronPrime im watching it now

2018-08-02 19:33:11 UTC

Shes got some balls on her im telling you all the shit she gets

2018-08-02 19:33:20 UTC

which is exactly her point

2018-08-02 19:33:28 UTC

she doens't whime or bitch and he does

2018-08-02 19:34:30 UTC

Im not a fan of sarah sanders but man all the shit she has to deal with she handles herself well

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