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2018-07-24 01:46:53 UTC

Nah nah, look at the views

2018-07-24 01:46:55 UTC

Your youtube is werid man, mine was full of pepes at some point so I hit the reset button. Now everything has nice ponies again

2018-07-24 01:47:19 UTC

btw bois and gals

2018-07-24 01:47:33 UTC

Does he argue definitions for an hour this time?

2018-07-24 01:47:39 UTC

nut sure

2018-07-24 01:47:42 UTC

watching ,eow

2018-07-24 01:47:45 UTC

Julian assange about to lose asylum> 28k
Some black guy hates a white guy over dumb drama> 370k

2018-07-24 01:47:48 UTC

meow ๐Ÿฑ

2018-07-24 01:47:51 UTC

No he doesnt

2018-07-24 01:47:53 UTC


2018-07-24 01:48:08 UTC

He talks calmly and explains his positions

2018-07-24 01:48:13 UTC

It was a decent conversation in case you haven't heard it already for the 100th time

2018-07-24 01:48:16 UTC

Decent job actually

2018-07-24 01:48:40 UTC

I was taking a jab. I'm in kind of a memey mood today.

2018-07-24 01:48:54 UTC

@Deleted User i prefer my women shaved not furry

2018-07-24 01:48:59 UTC

but i cant be picky

2018-07-24 01:49:00 UTC

But to be fair, this time he's in an interview with people that DON'T hate him... so...

2018-07-24 01:49:29 UTC

Think we can hold him to his word on the UK citizenship if we join UKIP?

2018-07-24 01:49:32 UTC

Cuz I would do it

2018-07-24 01:49:48 UTC

Can non-uk citizens join Ukip?

2018-07-24 01:49:50 UTC

I will send him a very angry letter if I don't get my benefits

2018-07-24 01:49:55 UTC

I think so, yeah

2018-07-24 01:50:01 UTC

@RyeNorth I joined ukip

2018-07-24 01:50:14 UTC

srsly i wouldn't go to the uk until the solve thier (((muslim))) problem and free speech problems

2018-07-24 01:50:18 UTC

Cos I love farrage man

2018-07-24 01:50:20 UTC

I mean, I won't renounce my citizenship in the great state of Texas, but being Texan and British might be cool.

2018-07-24 01:50:38 UTC

I always wanted to go to the UK

2018-07-24 01:50:47 UTC

If they piss you off you can always dump their tea in the water and take off

2018-07-24 01:50:52 UTC

It's such a interesting country with a rich history

2018-07-24 01:51:00 UTC


2018-07-24 01:51:03 UTC

Rule Britannia

2018-07-24 01:51:04 UTC

they say London is shot though

2018-07-24 01:51:10 UTC

I don't want it going to shit

2018-07-24 01:51:31 UTC

And anyone who doesn't want it to go down the route it's own had my support

2018-07-24 01:51:37 UTC

If I have a bad time, I'll just go to the Thames and yell 'Fuck England', and throw a box of Bigelow in.

2018-07-24 01:51:43 UTC

im part british from my papa's side

2018-07-24 01:51:45 UTC

Oh jeez

2018-07-24 01:51:48 UTC

They'll get the messsage.

2018-07-24 01:52:01 UTC

You'll make them have seizures man

2018-07-24 01:52:07 UTC

My first interest in politics was when I heard the grooming gang stuff coming out of the UK. Really hit a spot for me back than.

2018-07-24 01:52:22 UTC

Yeah, rotherdam and telford

2018-07-24 01:52:28 UTC

And now several cities

2018-07-24 01:52:39 UTC

Several years now, and I think the guy was outed as proper Nazi, but it was true

2018-07-24 01:52:51 UTC


2018-07-24 01:52:56 UTC

Tommy Robinson?

2018-07-24 01:53:01 UTC

Thorium if you knew

2018-07-24 01:53:08 UTC

Had a really nice voice

2018-07-24 01:53:10 UTC


2018-07-24 01:53:11 UTC

And good content

2018-07-24 01:53:13 UTC


2018-07-24 01:53:24 UTC

@RussianHackerBot my red pill moment for politics came when trump won and all these sjw and democrats started bitching

2018-07-24 01:53:25 UTC


2018-07-24 01:53:27 UTC

Was he outed as a Nazi or painted as a nazi?

2018-07-24 01:53:31 UTC

Randomercam recommended his channel

2018-07-24 01:53:36 UTC

Oh shit man

2018-07-24 01:53:46 UTC

He's an actual nazi?

2018-07-24 01:53:48 UTC

He pretty much came out as very hard on the identiterian stuff

2018-07-24 01:53:56 UTC

Hate the Jews nazi?

2018-07-24 01:54:01 UTC

So a right wing identiy politic guy

2018-07-24 01:54:08 UTC

Well, I should be more careful. He doesn't like the Jews now.

2018-07-24 01:54:15 UTC

@RussianHackerBot glad the russian hacker bots support trump

2018-07-24 01:54:16 UTC

And like Nazi Jokes.

2018-07-24 01:54:26 UTC

Nazi Jokes are a gas.

2018-07-24 01:54:32 UTC

Dunno, I dont think liking dark humor makes you a nazi

2018-07-24 01:54:41 UTC

Thats what got dankula in hot water

2018-07-24 01:54:57 UTC

No no no, I don't mean just joking

2018-07-24 01:55:09 UTC

He came out as white identiterian

2018-07-24 01:55:27 UTC

I get what you mean

2018-07-24 01:55:31 UTC

The thing was that he wasn't joking all along

2018-07-24 01:55:48 UTC

This is amazing

2018-07-24 01:56:06 UTC

Youtube is already running on fumes

2018-07-24 01:56:12 UTC

You know funny story, my dad met amir khan once.

2018-07-24 01:56:16 UTC


2018-07-24 01:56:18 UTC

@Deleted User no they aint\

2018-07-24 01:56:22 UTC

I love amir khan

2018-07-24 01:56:25 UTC

They are, actually.

2018-07-24 01:56:29 UTC

Youtube isn't profitable.

2018-07-24 01:56:33 UTC

It's a loss leader.

2018-07-24 01:56:33 UTC

they are paying msm 95 milllion $$ to be thier allies

2018-07-24 01:56:36 UTC

@Rabbi Shekels They're not.making a profit

2018-07-24 01:56:45 UTC

never made a buck

2018-07-24 01:56:48 UTC

4billion spent, 4billion earned

2018-07-24 01:56:48 UTC

He has a recording somewhere on his phone of their convo.

2018-07-24 01:56:55 UTC

@Deleted User so is what your saying is google supporting them

2018-07-24 01:56:56 UTC

Apparently they were in thailand filming at the time.

2018-07-24 01:57:00 UTC

but all that sweet data tho

2018-07-24 01:57:02 UTC


2018-07-24 01:57:03 UTC

gotta worth something

2018-07-24 01:57:15 UTC

The Data is always the product with social media.

2018-07-24 01:57:15 UTC


2018-07-24 01:57:16 UTC

Even here

2018-07-24 01:57:20 UTC

Yeah, that's how they make money for the most part

2018-07-24 01:57:22 UTC

they're probably collecting data.

2018-07-24 01:57:26 UTC

fuck y the chat gotta b active during my gaming hours

2018-07-24 01:57:31 UTC

You are the product

2018-07-24 01:57:33 UTC

@RyeNorth amazon is alos losing money or no ?

2018-07-24 01:57:36 UTC

Your data the commodity

2018-07-24 01:57:44 UTC

Wot game?

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