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2018-07-20 04:06:18 UTC

Instacast is supposed to become a big one

2018-07-20 04:06:31 UTC

so get ready to choose between Google and the Zucc

2018-07-20 04:07:21 UTC

I'm not sure I like the idea of trading one master for another...

2018-07-20 04:07:31 UTC

welcome to reality

2018-07-20 04:07:46 UTC

But when I think of mainstreaming BitChute, I mean, could we get Pew De Pie to post there?

2018-07-20 04:08:01 UTC

Just start putting gameplay videos on there and link there on gaming forums?

2018-07-20 04:08:17 UTC

upload the stuff that people actually go to Youtube for beyond politics?

2018-07-20 04:09:40 UTC

Should tell anyone that will listen to post mirror

2018-07-20 04:09:53 UTC

Then people who care can use it when watching and sharing

2018-07-20 04:10:03 UTC

I feel like it would be a start.

2018-07-20 04:10:22 UTC

It's kinda like Voat. If it's just a bunch of guys who no one really wanted to see anyway, it'll only ever languish.

2018-07-20 04:11:02 UTC

It really is the content makers that make the platform

2018-07-20 04:11:11 UTC


2018-07-20 04:11:18 UTC

And the Content.

2018-07-20 04:14:39 UTC

Looks like Bitchute doesn;t have ads though

2018-07-20 04:15:51 UTC

It does have a few paid options

2018-07-20 04:16:09 UTC

Totally optional but still

2018-07-20 04:17:13 UTC

@pratel the site doesn't support it. What I do is I just boot up the video I want to load up on to bitchute with vlc and take a snapshot from there to upload.

2018-07-20 04:17:52 UTC

It's not something we could do on our end. It would be one of those "1 day" changes on the developer end.

2018-07-20 04:18:01 UTC

Something to message the developers as a feature request.

2018-07-20 04:18:21 UTC

When you develop this stuff it's easy to miss those minor inconveniences.

2018-07-20 04:18:56 UTC

You get really worried about things just working so you avoid extra special cases. But at some point you hit a point where you can send an intern after a minor thing and it makes a big difference to the user experience.

2018-07-20 04:21:20 UTC

one way to help populate bitchute with content is to advertise it to streamers, who all use one of those multistream services like restream. they could use it to safely archive their content maybe.

2018-07-20 04:21:36 UTC

partner with one of those services

2018-07-20 04:21:43 UTC

I kinda like that. Just drop hints to streamers.

2018-07-20 04:24:43 UTC

the main thing is that it would need to be seamless

2018-07-20 04:24:55 UTC

What would be the cost benefit of content creators switching though?

2018-07-20 04:25:12 UTC


2018-07-20 04:25:22 UTC

That seems like a good question for Tim actually.

2018-07-20 04:25:43 UTC

BitChute promises not to do adpocalypse.

2018-07-20 04:26:58 UTC

Content creators like ads, otherwise they would turn monetization off

2018-07-20 04:28:09 UTC

Yeah, that's going to ultimately be the challenge.

2018-07-20 04:28:17 UTC

I guess I see an ad on this video though

2018-07-20 04:28:41 UTC

When the big ad services decide to get picky.

2018-07-20 04:29:33 UTC

Bitchute would have to figure out ads beyond adsense

2018-07-20 04:30:17 UTC

I think YT can give a bigger chunk to YTrs because it doesn't have to share ad revenue with anyone else

2018-07-20 04:30:43 UTC

Google is always going to take things off the top.

2018-07-20 04:30:50 UTC

Google's main advantage is connections.

2018-07-20 04:30:57 UTC

And they will always skim.

2018-07-20 04:31:25 UTC

YT is Google though so they are the only ones taking any beyond YTrs

2018-07-20 04:31:56 UTC

Course idk if Bitchute takes any cut on ad revenue on their platform

2018-07-20 04:32:19 UTC

So could still be just Google and CC

2018-07-20 04:36:57 UTC

I've been thinking

2018-07-20 04:37:19 UTC

You know there's all this talk about boys being told to repress their emotions

2018-07-20 04:37:39 UTC

And how they shouldn't cry and be sentimental

2018-07-20 04:37:47 UTC

I thought so too

2018-07-20 04:37:55 UTC

But, I think I was wrong

2018-07-20 04:38:25 UTC

Men aren't told to hide and repress their emotions, they're told to channel it

2018-07-20 04:38:43 UTC

Always have to be careful about extremes

2018-07-20 04:39:03 UTC

Feed off their emotions to become better

2018-07-20 04:39:22 UTC

It's not that they're not crying because they aren't allowed to

2018-07-20 04:39:37 UTC

They simply use channel that emotion, do something else with it

2018-07-20 04:39:47 UTC

Actualy work with it

2018-07-20 04:40:39 UTC

That's what I've learned from being around my guy-friends

2018-07-20 04:41:11 UTC

Am I wrong?

2018-07-20 04:41:34 UTC

I would agree with that assessment, yeah

2018-07-20 04:41:48 UTC

Trying to think of specific examples

2018-07-20 04:42:11 UTC

I can give an anecdote that inspired this recently

2018-07-20 04:42:28 UTC

I always think the same thing whenever I hear that men aren't allowed to have emotions. I know I was never told that growing up and never even heard that from anyone else.

2018-07-20 04:42:35 UTC

well, I can only speak for myself but you aren't wrong.. not always..sometimes it's too much to just 'channel' it

2018-07-20 04:42:36 UTC

I'd say this isn't just a 'male' thing. It's a traditional masculine trait, but it the kind of thing that would be good to be mastered by everyone.

2018-07-20 04:42:48 UTC

but yeah I was never told I can't cry or what

2018-07-20 04:42:57 UTC

I have a friend, her name's joanna

2018-07-20 04:43:07 UTC

She was dumped a month ago

2018-07-20 04:43:17 UTC

She'd spend hours crying

2018-07-20 04:43:24 UTC

Even tried cutting herself

2018-07-20 04:43:40 UTC

She eventually resumed smoking

2018-07-20 04:44:17 UTC

Now I have another friend, he was dumped a week ago

2018-07-20 04:44:24 UTC

I think you're partly right in that sometimes that's the case, but men are also just plain expected to be stoic, told to toughen up, not be a baby, etc

2018-07-20 04:44:41 UTC

He started spending hours in the gym

2018-07-20 04:45:03 UTC

He started powerlifting

2018-07-20 04:45:11 UTC

that is true so in a sense it is implied

2018-07-20 04:45:14 UTC

Sometimes he'd talk to me

2018-07-20 04:45:17 UTC

what Schedrevka said

2018-07-20 04:45:30 UTC

I know he's sad

2018-07-20 04:45:45 UTC

But he actually works through it

2018-07-20 04:46:06 UTC

But if it's only ever implied to 'toughen up to use that as fuel to better yourself' and never outright stated then people won't know why it is they're expected to toughen up.

2018-07-20 04:46:16 UTC


2018-07-20 04:46:38 UTC

So I think originally yeah it wasn't just expected of men for no reason, but expected of men because others depended on them to be tough

2018-07-20 04:46:50 UTC

But those lessons get forgotten over time as they're taken for granted

2018-07-20 04:46:55 UTC

well..who wants to have fee fees talk, am I right bois

2018-07-20 04:46:57 UTC

Think of it as similar to learning styles. Some people learn sequentially, others by grouping. We teach as if everyone is a sequential learner because it's easier for grouping learners to adapt to sequential teaching styles. We've just been treating emotional recovery the same way, but it's causing issues because the two ways don't have the same way where we can ignore one.

2018-07-20 04:47:32 UTC

I honestly wish I could be like that sometimes lol

2018-07-20 04:47:36 UTC

Yeah I think most guys really just don't want to talk about feelings to the same extent as most girls do, but how much of that is nature vs nurture is hard to say

2018-07-20 04:48:10 UTC

As far as I can remember, Male's are less prone to emotions

2018-07-20 04:48:47 UTC

Men tend to bottle more, which also means exploding more

2018-07-20 04:48:55 UTC

I think men might be more prone to emotions

2018-07-20 04:48:56 UTC

or maybe not more, but more violently

2018-07-20 04:49:10 UTC

But learn to become numb to them because they can take control

2018-07-20 04:49:12 UTC

Not prone to less, just expressing it less often in a way interpreted as emotional

2018-07-20 04:49:15 UTC

Ultimately though, bottling and channeling are an individual response.

2018-07-20 04:49:34 UTC

It's seems to be almost entirely common amongst men

2018-07-20 04:49:49 UTC

I've seen very few women like that

2018-07-20 04:50:22 UTC

When there is the rare guy who doesn't act that way though his school mates will make sure he learns or he won't ever fit in

2018-07-20 04:50:37 UTC

so it's definitely not purely nature as far as I can tell

2018-07-20 04:50:49 UTC

Could have to do with men could be dangerous when anger takes control

2018-07-20 04:50:49 UTC

It's not purely nature, sure

2018-07-20 04:50:58 UTC

But it seems common even among animals

2018-07-20 04:51:30 UTC

Personally I started containing my emotions when I once became enraged and lost control of my body

2018-07-20 04:51:37 UTC

The bulls of most species engage in dueling, fighting, conditioning each other to get strong or get lost

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