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2018-09-08 23:15:19 UTC

Well I always took Nationalism as the patriotism of your country and the distaste for other countries

2018-09-08 23:15:34 UTC

Would it not serve much better to have a party with a different perspective?

2018-09-08 23:15:44 UTC

Nationalism doesn't mean you hate other countries.

2018-09-08 23:16:03 UTC

Left is pretty popular here

2018-09-08 23:16:24 UTC

I'm a nationalist and not only do I love my country but it makes me sad when other countries don't love themselves.

2018-09-08 23:16:38 UTC

What happens, though, if you break through the left/right spectrum, and advocate a party focused on individual rights first and foremost?

2018-09-08 23:17:00 UTC

Yeah I get what you mean

2018-09-08 23:17:02 UTC

Again i donโ€™t think there is a clear definition for nationalist

2018-09-08 23:17:25 UTC

If you played it carefully, you could probably draw from all but the most authoritarian of the group.

2018-09-08 23:17:27 UTC

In Ireland people tend to vote for whoever will increase their wages

2018-09-08 23:17:33 UTC

Emphasize exceptionalism.

2018-09-08 23:17:40 UTC

So choosing left would not be necessary

2018-09-08 23:18:14 UTC

A campaign could be based on appealing to them through less unemployment and better pay

2018-09-08 23:18:35 UTC

An cutting ties with the EU

2018-09-08 23:19:39 UTC

Though cutting ties with the EU is not very popular. Even though they take our fish

2018-09-08 23:20:02 UTC

Cuz their trade laws help a lot when we trade with Britain

2018-09-08 23:22:47 UTC

Only good thing Ireland might get from Brexit is the north. Because of the trade between the republic and the north.

2018-09-08 23:28:22 UTC

Britain just needs to control something everyone needs

2018-09-08 23:28:28 UTC

Then they canโ€™t deny trade with the brits

2018-09-09 00:01:31 UTC

:shirt: Check out **Tim Pool's TeeSpring Merch**:

2018-09-09 00:01:32 UTC

:dollar: Support **Tim Pool** on Patreon (exclusive rewards available):

2018-09-09 00:49:10 UTC

huh when did season 2 of iron fist come on netflix... didnt get any notifications or anything.. wasnt even on the front screen

2018-09-09 00:49:27 UTC

really? huh.

2018-09-09 00:49:35 UTC

lol wonder if they half want it to fail...

2018-09-09 00:50:25 UTC

First the quattering is living twitter and now tim is

2018-09-09 00:50:41 UTC


2018-09-09 00:52:27 UTC

Was Iron Fist good? I've been watching the marvel shows, and I'm almost done with punisher

2018-09-09 00:52:51 UTC

i thought it was alright... seemed to have mixed reviews

2018-09-09 00:53:12 UTC

Worse or better than Luke Cage?

2018-09-09 00:53:35 UTC

Is he officially leaving?

2018-09-09 00:53:47 UTC

hmmm different.. not sure if better or worse tbh

2018-09-09 00:53:59 UTC

Tim said he'll be posting less and less until he just stops using it

2018-09-09 00:54:12 UTC

He's not even posting his videos there

2018-09-09 00:54:24 UTC

Yeah, I saw that.

2018-09-09 00:54:57 UTC

That wasn't a hard line stance or anything, though.

2018-09-09 00:55:29 UTC

A whole thread saying twitter is garbage is a pretty hard stance

2018-09-09 00:55:52 UTC

he is not wrong though ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-09-09 00:56:00 UTC

I can say I don't like McDonalds, that McDonalds is trash, and people who eat there should do better

2018-09-09 00:56:12 UTC

But if I finish that tirade, and go get a Big Mac

2018-09-09 00:56:21 UTC

I've been twitter for over an year now, and I've come to this conclusion. The only people who think twitter is good are idiots, or people who barely use it.

2018-09-09 00:56:21 UTC

You see what I'm saying?

2018-09-09 00:56:27 UTC

Yea, yea

2018-09-09 00:56:31 UTC

McDs fries are better than BKs

2018-09-09 00:56:36 UTC

Fuck both.

2018-09-09 00:56:53 UTC

He hasn't officially announces like the quartering guy that he's going to delete his twityer

2018-09-09 00:56:55 UTC

BKs Milkshakes are better

2018-09-09 00:57:06 UTC

yeah but the burgers in BK are better

2018-09-09 00:57:11 UTC

2018-09-09 00:57:15 UTC

that too

2018-09-09 00:57:21 UTC

not that Ive had any in years

2018-09-09 00:57:28 UTC

probably over a decade even

2018-09-09 00:57:37 UTC

You know this is going to happen from both sides as more and more people get thanos'd, and eventually only normies will be on twitter

2018-09-09 00:57:43 UTC

Burger King went SJW.

2018-09-09 00:57:56 UTC

i use twitter to read stuff and get enraged if i have to stay awake ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-09-09 00:58:04 UTC

Yeah, I had a milkshake at BK about a month ago and it had an all gender bathroom

2018-09-09 00:58:11 UTC

Burger King sucks, McD sucks, do better westerners

2018-09-09 00:58:18 UTC

I linked better.

2018-09-09 00:58:25 UTC


2018-09-09 00:58:30 UTC


2018-09-09 00:58:32 UTC


2018-09-09 00:58:33 UTC

I don't usually eat out at all

2018-09-09 00:58:46 UTC


2018-09-09 00:58:48 UTC

If I have to, usually I get sushi not fast food

2018-09-09 00:58:49 UTC

I cook a meal every day

2018-09-09 00:58:50 UTC

Analytical Chick, haven't heard from you in a while.

2018-09-09 00:59:04 UTC

I've been busy

2018-09-09 00:59:21 UTC

except days when i throw a pizza in the oven... bout once a month

2018-09-09 00:59:28 UTC

I work a 60 hour work week. i still find time to shitpost a bit. :/

2018-09-09 00:59:28 UTC

isn't sushi fast food? i mean they don't even cook it.

2018-09-09 00:59:29 UTC

I didn't cook much the last month because of the heat and me not having the AC in this year

2018-09-09 00:59:41 UTC

Sushi is soul food man

2018-09-09 00:59:47 UTC

Can't tell if sarcastic or serious, Falko.

2018-09-09 00:59:56 UTC

both ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-09-09 01:00:00 UTC

yeah but it's ShitDonalds type ff

2018-09-09 01:00:08 UTC

Chicken sushi ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-09-09 01:00:16 UTC

I'm also kosher

2018-09-09 01:00:19 UTC

Sushi refers to the rice, not the fish

2018-09-09 01:00:27 UTC

But they do have kosher burger places

2018-09-09 01:00:49 UTC

they don't cook the rice?! ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-09-09 01:00:59 UTC

They cook the rice

2018-09-09 01:01:06 UTC

Japanese Lesson of the Day

2018-09-09 01:01:09 UTC

Sushi does not mean raw fish.

2018-09-09 01:01:19 UTC

Sushi means Vinegared Rice.

2018-09-09 01:01:35 UTC

I saw something beautiful the other day. A mosque and a synagogue a few metres from each other. Everyone praying peacefully.

2018-09-09 01:01:37 UTC

Sushi doesnt need raw fish if i remember properly

2018-09-09 01:01:46 UTC

It absolutely does not.

2018-09-09 01:01:52 UTC

I've made fruit sushi before.

2018-09-09 01:02:05 UTC

wew lad

2018-09-09 01:02:08 UTC

and I just saw that, a plea for Muslims to hate Jews

2018-09-09 01:02:12 UTC

I think it was strawberry, kiwi, a little cream cheese, and turbinado sugar sprinked on top

2018-09-09 01:02:13 UTC

Fuck Linda sarsour

2018-09-09 01:02:19 UTC

Be like Kerala

2018-09-09 01:02:37 UTC

We have Muslims, Jews, Christians

2018-09-09 01:02:38 UTC

The vinegar was sweetened about twice as much as it normally is

2018-09-09 01:02:43 UTC

sarsour would fit right in with a few people from chemnitz.

2018-09-09 01:02:46 UTC

And it was absolutely delicious.

2018-09-09 01:03:45 UTC

I'm a pleb

2018-09-09 01:03:48 UTC


2018-09-09 01:05:20 UTC

I have found, the most underrated queen song of all time.

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